Two Worlds Collide - Comments

  • I like the Gabilliam bonding time. It was nice to see how Gabe talks with people other than Melanie. I really want to know what happened with Kathy, but I'm going to have to wait... I feel bad that Gabe feels like it's his fault. I guess I'll just have to wait and see whose fault it really is. I absolutely love that William is encouraging Gabe to go for a relationship with Mel. My eyes were watering when Gabe told William everything that Mel and him had gone through together. It made me reminisce about all of their ups and downs, and how they've grown so much since they first met. The way that Gabe talks about her, it just makes me smile. I love that Gabe doesn't really want to tell William about how he really feels about Melanie, but William knows anyways. Oh my god, Gabe explaining how different it was to kiss Melanie than in his dream, it just made me want to start crying tears of happiness. Their banter is always so funny and classic too. I can't help but smile when they mess with each other. I also found it extremely adorable that they fell asleep on the beach together. SUPER CUTE CHAPTER! Uggh... How do you write such great cuteness? I always have troubles writing cuteness/romantic stuff without it being too cheesy. Haha. Oh well. Thanks for the update! It was wonderful, as usual. :)
    September 10th, 2012 at 02:58am
  • They belong together, yup!
    September 10th, 2012 at 01:12am
  • What a perfect ending chapter for a perfect birthday, and in Gabe's point of view makes it even better! I love his heart to heart with William, it's obvious that they're best friends. I can't believe they've done so much already and it's only been 7 days! Makes me excited for what else they have to do, but also sad knowing that not everything is going to turn out the way that they want it to. I've said this a million times though and I'll say it again: Gabe and Melanie are perfect together. They bring out the best in each other, I think. This story just makes me gush! I don't know if I told you this before, but I'd never been a very big fan of Cobra Starship before this I find myself listening to them a lot more. Damn you lol! No no, I love you. And I love this story <3
    September 10th, 2012 at 12:44am
  • What a perfect ending chapter for a perfect birthday, and in Gabe's point of view makes it even better! I love his heart to heart with William, it's obvious that they're best friends. I can't believe they've done so much already and it's only been 7 days! Makes me excited for what else they have to do, but also sad knowing that not everything is going to turn out the way that they want it to. I've said this a million times though and I'll say it again: Gabe and Melanie are perfect together. They bring out the best in each other, I think. This story just makes me gush! I don't know if I told you this before, but I'd never been a very big fan of Cobra Starship before this I find myself listening to them a lot more. Damn you lol! No no, I love you. And I love this story <3
    September 10th, 2012 at 12:44am
  • GABE AND MEL GOT IT ON (sort of) AT THE CLUB! You have no idea how ridiculously happy that makes me. And Gabe was being such a sweetheart, leaving it all up to her. Not that I was expecting him to take advantage of her being drunk, but you know what I mean. And then his teasing her about it was perfect. He totally cares about her as more than a friend, even if he won't admit it. It's so obvious. I laughed so hard at the toasting and volleyball part, then when the cops showed up and everyone just ran. Oh God. What an awesome birthday chapter. I celebrated my birthday this past Friday night and it wasn't as awesome as this chapter, but it was pretty close lol. Love the update! <3
    September 9th, 2012 at 09:36pm
  • Of course, Hayley would come up with something crazy and illegal for them to do. Haha. I love that she picked the stadium with the volleyball court, it was something that I couldn't predict at all. It was something different and fun, but what else can you really expect from Hayley in this story? When Mel was explaining what happened back at the club I couldn't help but think about how I would be feeling in that situation. She's a virgin, so ya, she obviously wouldn't really know a lot about kissing and foreplay and stuff like that. I'm glad that it just seemed natural to her, because usually kissing is something that you don't think about. You just do it. I laughed at the part when Gabe was joking around with her. I liked that he wasn't taking advantage of her or anything, he actually tried to stop them from going too far. It was cute and I like that he actually does care for her. It showed in that moment. I liked the toast that they did, it was funny. When everyone started stripping, I was laughing like crazy! When Tori called Jack a freak when he was holding her, I couldn't help but think that he deserved it. Haha. That volleyball game probably would have been hilarious to watch, because of the guys staring at the girls. When Jack and Pete were fighting about who's sexy and who's not, oh my god, I could totally imagine it. This line: "And who's dating a Playmate? Riddle me that, unsexy one.” That line just seemed so much like something that Jack would say, and it made me laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe. Haha. Them almost getting caught was just a perfect ending for this chapter. I loved it. It was super cute and just a fun chapter to read. :) THANKS FOR UPDATING!
    September 8th, 2012 at 09:21pm
  • This chapter, oh my god...I can't explain how amazing it was...

    The makeout scene was sexy! & just when I didnt think this couldnt get any better after the cheers...Jack took of his pants exposing his tightie whites xD. I cant wait for the next chapter in Gabes POV. You noticed his chapters has more readers? I actually like to go back and reread some of those chapters, they're just so funny!

    Congratulations, I'm addicted to your story. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to read this chapter again!
    September 7th, 2012 at 04:12am
  • I just want them to get it on properly now!
    September 6th, 2012 at 11:52pm
  • THIS is such an amazing story, just found it and got caught up! I love it.
    September 6th, 2012 at 07:48am
  • Best. Party. Chapter. EVER. And you picked awesome songs, too! I don't listen to that kind of music often but I do enjoy those ones. Now on to my actual comment! I am so, so, so happy that Mel enjoyed herself here. And that nothing bad happened. Not that I was expecting it to, but you know what I mean. And the girl seriously has some moves! I love the fact that Gabe was watching her the whole time, and kept close enough that he was ready to cut in when that creepy dude wanted to dance with her. So proud she handled herself though. And then Gabe danced with her, even more perfect! AND THEN THEY KISSED! SHE KISSED HIM AND HE LET HER! But like...the "Just for tonight" thing, oh my Jesus. I don't even know what to say. PLEASE UPDATE SOON! <3<3<3
    September 4th, 2012 at 06:19pm
  • Finally! They're getting it together!
    September 4th, 2012 at 01:22am
  • OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! This chapter may be one of the shorter ones, or one of the chapters that only last for a short amount of time. But-OH MY GOD- it was awesome. Like... EPIC even, for this story. The first part of this chapter just had me laughing and smiling, loving that Mel was having such a good, fun time! And then she danced with Alex, and all I was thinking about was "Gabe is jealous. Gabe is so super jealous right now. He's has to dance with her sooner or later." I was expecting for you to hold out on me, and have them dance in the next chapter, and end this one with Gabe asking her to dance. I actually really love that Tori has a little bit of a secret side to her. It's nice that she's not just some super shy girl who doesn't really like to do anything, which a lot of people use as a "Mary-Jane" type extra/friend in stories. I think I almost strained my face with how big of a smile was on my face when Mel was explaining how she didn't care about anything except for her and Gabe when she was dancing with him. It was just adorable. As they kept dancing, my heartbeat just got faster and faster, and I got more and more excited! You seriously described their dance perfectly! I felt like I was Mel, and I was dancing with Gabe and I could feel all of her emotions and everything! It was incredible! And when the song ended, just- again, OH MY GOD! I thought something was going to interrupt them! BUT NO ONE DID!!! "Just for tonight?" When Mel said that, I just about jumped out of my seat, and then when I read the last sentence, I was literally jumping up and down, shaking my laptop, yelling "OH MY GOD! FINALLY!" But then I really started thinking, and I realized that this could really mess up their relationship... I mean, they could act all couple-y tonight, and then start drinking, and hook up and then feel awkward about it forever! Or they could end up kissing and stuff tonight, and then their feelings would be too much after that and it'll eat both of them up! Uggh... Okay, I'm done ranting. Sorry... Thanks for the update! I love you! (Not in a creepy way, but in a reader/writer type of love... Well, you understand what I mean.)
    September 3rd, 2012 at 05:22am
  • Oh wow, a mutual kiss!!! Finally!!!!! I would be okay with a delayed happy ending, that would mean more time with Gabe and Mel!
    September 3rd, 2012 at 05:19am
  • This chapter was so ridiculously cute omg.
    Ughh I'm having a hard time deciding. Delayed gratification makes things better, though, I suppose. I can put off a perfect ending for more of your lovely characters. :)
    Superrr excited for the next update.
    September 2nd, 2012 at 09:59am
  • Mel learning how to ride a bike was cute, and I love that Alex was basically teaching her about their music and the bands. I could see Mel turning into a major band junkie after meeting all of these guys. Tori just has to say yes to William when he asks her to marry him! It's gonna be super adorable!!! For some reason, Tori seems like she has this really easy-going attitude and she doesn't really care if other people thinks she's weird or anything. She reminds me of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, because she's so carefree and she talks with a sort of dreamy tone sometimes. I like that they're going to a club. It's something new that Mel hasn't done before, so I'm guessing that she has fun. At first, when Mel looked at Gabe for his reaction, I thought that he wasn't going to be paying attention or he was going to act like he didn't care, but I was pleasantly surprised! I absolutely loved the little thing of him even reaching out for her hips when she came near him. It was just the cherry on top of the sundae for me. Haha. Oh! And when Mel was tall enough to really get a look at Gabe's face and she noticed all of his little imperfections and things... But she didn't look at them like imperfection, she looked at them like they enhanced beauty or something. It was just a nice moment. I absolutely love that Gabe gave her diamond earrings, and then he apologized as if she wasn't going to like them. The hug was really cute too, I was hoping for a kiss, but then again, they were in a room with how many other people... So it would've been awkward. I'm excited to see what happens when they really start partying! Maybe Mel will dance with someone? Maybe someone with the name "Gabriel Saporta"? Hmm? Or maybe he'll get jealous of one of Mel's dance partners? Hmm? Ooooh, I'm so excited for the next chapter!!! I CAN'T wait!!! Thanks for the chapter!!! OK... for a sequel, I would be ecstatic to read it. Obviously I would be rather depressed at the end of this one, considering that the ending would be sad, but I would absolute love it if you did a sequel. If you don't want to stretch out the story anymore, then end it with this story if you'd like. I don't want to force you to write a sequel when you don't really want to. So, do whatever you feel is best!
    September 1st, 2012 at 10:08pm
  • I did forget a few things. I love when Gabe calls her Mel. I noticed you didn't have her friends call her that nickname. I like that, it kept it special. I like when she calls him Gabriel & when they talk to each other in spanish. Tis cute. Also, when I was in study hall today I read the bit about sharing porn. I tired to contain my laughter but this guy across from me was hardcore staring at me weird but I didn't care, of course. I kept giggling x). When will Gabe open up to Mel? Whatever Kathy did must have been really bad he hasnt talked about it at all. I'm not sure why but I'll be reading this & randomly remind myself that she won the jackpot. Like, what are the odds & she's incredibly lucky! My day wasnt going aswell as I wanted yesterday & this story made me happy again. So thats all fersure. Update, I'm so addicted to this story!

    Btw, I dont have a laptop anymore or wifi at the moment but I'm going to find a song for this story. I have a few in mind but I'm not entirely sure if theyd fit plus I haven't heard some of them in years so ill have to look at lyric videos on youtbe :3
    August 30th, 2012 at 10:01pm
  • Ermahgerddness, I love this story so much! I just found it yesterday & I've been catching up ever since. I stayed up later (about 1 am even though I had I get up at 5) only getting to chapter 19 but I manage read the rest in bits & pieces throughout my school day. Where to start?

    Well, the plot is absolutely fantastic. The fact that Mel has been inside her house her entire life makes her adventure even more interesting. The contrast between Gabe and herself is so exciting to read. Although Gabes POV is what look most forward to read. My favorite Gabe innuendo was "Bet theres a lot of things you haven't seen" x)lol I'm a bit of a perv myself so when Mel asked what Gabe he did & he replied 'hot chicks' made me laugh. The most touching part thus far for me was probably when Mel first climbed into bed with Gabe & had a bit of a heart to heart. I literally screamed out loud when I read that Gabe wanted to call the trip off I had recollect myself for a few minutes before I could continue!

    My heart sank when I read about Mel's dream she had in the bath before I knew it was just dream. Its all this cutesy-taking-it-slow-in-denial stuff that is killing me but I enjoy it! It's like I want them to admit they love each other but I don't. I was surprised honestly when I figured Pete was going to enjoy Mel's company. Idk why I thought he might be judgemental about the age difference. Speaking of which, I thought I was wrong for making a 18 year old (very innocent and shelterd aswell) & 27 year old fall in love! You've def beat me on that one...what else? Oh! Alex, are you considering putting him in the equation? That'd be interesting. I died when I read who the party guest were. ATL, FOB & Paramore!? I couldn't contain myself, Mel has thee best kind of friends.

    Reguarding the sequel you're in question about. I say go for it! Not every story has to have that happy ending necessarily. Writing a sequel means more room for ideas & chapters while not worrying if the story is to long. I've seen stories on here with 100+ chapters I'm like...haven't you people ever heard of a sequel!?

    Anywaysss, I'm so sorry for this ridiculously long comment. I just had to touch base on everything. Hope I didn't forget anything!(:
    August 30th, 2012 at 09:49pm
  • I have to keep this comment short, I'm on my way out (for a friend's birthday party, ironically enough) but I couldn't leave without reading. The beginning was adorable! I was worried she was going to crash and bang herself up pretty badly, but she did great. I love Gabe's reaction to her when she got all dolled up, and the earrings he gave her for her birthday. So sweet. Mel is going to get absolutely trashed, isn't she? Maybe not, with Gabe watching out for her, but it's going to be epic anyways! Can't wait. Also...a sequel would be lovely. But would Gabe be in the sequel at all, or would it be just about Melanie? I do love a good sequel. And you know how much I love this story. I'll read a sequel for sure, that's a promise, but if Gabe's in it, it will be even more awesome! So much for a short comment. Sheesh. Okay, going now! <3
    August 30th, 2012 at 04:00am
  • Gabe wants to make that good girl go bad really tehe
    August 30th, 2012 at 01:54am
  • Okay, so, at the beginning of this chapter I was yelling at my screen "Please don't be a dream! Please don't be a dream!" and then the freaky stuff started happening and it scared me. I was kinda freaked out. I can imagine why Gabe was yelling at Melanie when he woke up. When he said "I just want to forget." I swear that he was hinting that he wants to forget with Mel, but then she told him that he should go hang out with his friends and it ruined the mood for me. :( Oh well... I really really want to know what Mel was thinking when she heard Pete and Jack talk about porn! I'm surprised she didn't start blushing like crazy and walk out of the room or something. Haha. Oh, and of course, Gabe's thoughts went to the gutter right away, but it was funny. I was laughing like crazy when Mel was hiding under the table. It was super cute when Gabe fell and then Melanie worried about him, and then they hit heads and Gabe worried about Melanie! THEY'RE SO SUPER COUPLE-Y! Haha. I was really hoping for Mel to kiss Gabe on the cheek or something when their foreheads were touching, but Jack ruined it. Because Jack ruins all romantic moments. Because he's Jack Barakat. I've been on a crazy Jack Barakat obsession lately for some reason, so I can't help but just be utterly in-love with his character. Melanie thinking about how she looks naked and what Gabe would think just seems like something that she would do. It's so realistic! I think every girl feels insecure about their body just a little bit, especially if a guy might see her WHOLE body. And when she asked herself if she loves Gabe... SO CUTE! Alex creeped me out a bit in this chapter. He's a really cute guy, but there's something about him that seems off to me. He has bad vibes or something... Their banter was cute and funny, but I'm rooting for Gabe yet. Alex might just come in and sweep her off her feet though. GABE HURRY UP!!! Melanie's relationship with her mom song... Hmm... "Broken" by Seether and Amy Lee maybe? It just reminds me that there's a piece of Mel's life that's broken and that's from her mother not being there. Two songs that I always think of when I'm missing someone would be "Dear God" and "So Far Away" by Avenged Sevenfold. I don't know if Mel is really "missing" her mom, but I think she might be just missing the feeling of having a parent there for her. THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE!!! :D
    August 29th, 2012 at 06:40am