Two Worlds Collide - Comments

  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    For the first... Half of the chapter? Maybe? I think I was frowning at Gabe just because of the way he kept changing his mind about everything and thinking about Kathy and how bad she messed him up after their relationship. For some reason, I always love it when Gabe thinks about Melanie because he just turns from a complete ass into a total sweetheart with his words and the just the way he describes her and the way she's changed him for the better. One of my favorite parts of this chapter was when he looked in the mirror and realized that he was a different man than he was before he met Melanie. It was just a total realization. I laughed so extremely hard when Gabe started thinking of Melanie naked. I could just about imagine the way his face looked when he was trying not to think about it. He has so many excuses for why him and Melanie couldn't be together. It bothers me... But that last scene where he was naked and Melanie just turned red was extremely extremely adorable! Her face must've been priceless! Oh god... That was funny! And then Gabe knowing that Melanie thinks he's hot... and cursing himself for thinking that. Haha. His thoughts are confusing, but extremely true sometimes, and funny. This was just a really funny chapter to read. Thanks for the update!!! :D
    July 16th, 2012 at 06:41am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    What did Melanie look like naked? This made me laugh out loud. Oh how I love this man. I love his thought process, it's so realistic and perfect and exactly how I imagine a guy would think lol. I also enjoy the fact that he recognizes the way that he's changed since meeting Melanie, but I have to add that every time she cries in this story it breaks my heart. I wanted him to just hug her when he came back in the room, but she obviously didn't want him to see her crying so...oh well. I'm sure he'll be hugging her at some point. Not gonna lie though, their confusion over how they feel about each other is adorable. And I'm secretly hoping that something comes of it. Just a little bit. YAY for not hurrying to get to New York! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter <3
    July 16th, 2012 at 06:08am
  • personalspaceinvader

    personalspaceinvader (100)

    United States
    Just read this all in under half an hour and ugh I love it a lot. I really like how you've written this, how the character development is planned out, hell, just the entire plot of the story is interesting in itself.

    But yeah I really like it, and this is me begging you for an update soon. c:
    July 11th, 2012 at 07:20am
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    I was so extremely surprised at Gabe's actions in this chapter. I seriously did not at all think he was going to just snap at her and make her feel bad for something that she can't help. All I was thinking was "Wow, why the hell is he acting like such a douche?" But I think Melanie handled relatively well, except for dumping the ice water all over him... Haha. I couldn't help but laugh at the picture in my mind of Gabe drenched and speechless. I hope Gabe can sort out his feelings for Kathy. I really really want to know what happened between them. It seems like something really bad, especially when Gabe won't tell Melanie about it. I have this insane love/hate kind of thing going on with Melanie's feelings towards Gabe. I mean, I love that she so obviously has some romantic feelings towards him, but I hate that she always shoots herself down and tries to find ways out of the fact that Gabe likes her too. It's kinda frustrating. But it makes this story super interesting. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want Gabe to straighten out his thoughts and his feelings and get his crap together. Melanie doesn't deserve to get yelled at. Thanks for the update! It was as lovely as always!
    July 10th, 2012 at 10:57pm
  • xorachsauce

    xorachsauce (100)

    United States
    This is so so great! It's extremely well-written, and the story line is really unique. :D Stoked for more!!
    July 10th, 2012 at 09:20pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Our little Melanie found a little more of her backbone! So, so proud of her. I feel bad for Gabe; he's going through a lot too, and we don't even know the half of it. I just wish he would stop taking it out on Melanie, but I guess it's easier to snap at someone else than it is to actually deal with something. I loved their little bug. I believe he's going to miss her just as much as she will him. I hope we get to find out the truth about Kathy soon! And more about Melanie's past. I love this! Sorry my comment isn't as long as usual, I just got home from night shift and I'm so tired I can't think. But I needed to read this before bed so <3
    July 10th, 2012 at 04:50pm
  • reinventheart

    reinventheart (100)

    United States
    Please update! This story is freaking amazing and I need to know what happens next!(:
    July 9th, 2012 at 08:42am
  • Michelle_Creature

    Michelle_Creature (100)

    United States
    I have been reading this since day one and so far have been a "silent reader" but,I have to say..I find this story to be absolutely fucking adorable!
    July 6th, 2012 at 04:21am
  • Stay With Me:-.....

    Stay With Me:-..... (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love this story, just read it all there. It's sweet how innocent Melanie is and also how strong she is even after going through so much. Gabe, although he started off all grumpy and can still be grumpy, has had to put up with his fair share of awful experiences as a child. Update soon please! :)
    July 6th, 2012 at 02:17am
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    This was an awesome chapter. Everything about it was extremely touching and I guess, beautiful. I know that seems like a weird way to describe a chapter like this where there's so many things related to pain and bad memories. But to me, it was beautiful because Melanie and Gabe were extremely real and truthful with each other. They both broke down their walls and said some things that really brought some perspective to both of them. I'll admit it, I got teary-eyed while reading this. I now understand why Melanie holds in a lot of things and why Gabe seems so stand-offish and even self-loathing at times. I love how Melanie was thinking about how Gabe has changed so much and how he makes her feel. That little part of this chapter just makes me wish that I'll be able to feel that same way about someone someday. I really really hope that Gabe and Melanie will have some kind of sympathy towards each other when it comes to their emotions from now on. Thanks for the update! I loved it. Totally loved it.
    July 5th, 2012 at 05:50am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    This chapter made me unbelievably sad. I've been wondering if there was a reason for her dad's agoraphobia and now, thinking of everything that happened, I see why. I can't believe she went through so much at such a young age, and is still as strong as she is. And Gabe, growing up with an abusive father...I can understand why he'd close himself off after that. I'm glad that they opened up to each other but this chapter left me feeling like things are going to get so much worse. Nonetheless, I loved it. I hope you can get your laptop fixed soon <3
    July 4th, 2012 at 02:21am
  • panic!britty

    panic!britty (100)

    United States
    I love this story. It made me legitimately laugh really loudly. It's a good thing I'm alone or my family would have thought i was a freak. Please write more, it would be greatly appreciated. Very Happy
    June 28th, 2012 at 12:42am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    God. One second I'm laughing, grinning like a loon because of the adorableness of this story. Next second I'm choking up. HOW DO YOU DO THIS TO ME?! Well. In either case, another perfect chapter. Melanie is the cutest thing, I just want to bundle her up in a hug. And Gabe is so sweet, holding her hand, dishing out cash so she can have her picture taken with a baby cub, buying her a giraffe. I wish he'd stop with the mood swings, but then I guess he wouldn't be who he is without them. The ending though, just made me want to cry. I wish he would have held her hand but then she would have probably made herself stop crying. Maybe she just needed to let it out. Can't wait for the next! <3
    PS...that is my favorite Hootie and the Blowfish song. I had to put it on as soon as I saw the lyrics in the a/n. Love that song. I'm glad your bunny's doing better, but hopefully her eating habits level out, too.
    June 26th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    I have to say, I loved the first couple paragraphs. I can totally see how they really give you a big picture of Gabe's personality in just a few little actions. When Melanie said that she'd rather hold Gabe's hand rather than the gorilla's hand was awfully cute. I love how Gabe gets so excited about the little things that she does like holding his hand or kissing him on the cheek when they got their picture taken. It just shows that he has a sensitive side even though he doesn't like to show it all that often. The part when he payed the zookeeper like 300 bucks just so she could get her picture taken with a lion cub just seemed like a classic Gabe thing to do. Flash his money around to make a girl happy. Haha. I hate that Gabe always finds a way to make a happy moment extremely awkward though. He seems to always ask the wrong question or say the wrong thing. It's definitely not good, especially when Melanie is so sensitive to certain things and she's been pretty emotional lately. But she has good reason for that. I just wish Gabe could just be an optimist for one day instead of being decent a whole day and then becoming his usual depressed and pessimistic self. Aye yi yi... He has some major problems sometimes.
    Well, thank you lots for the update! It was adorable for the most part! Haha. :D
    June 26th, 2012 at 06:16am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    First of all, I am so sorry to hear about your bunny. I'm not sure what else you could do besides keeping a good eye on her, making sure she's eating a drinking well. I'd probably bring her in if she doesn't get better, or if things get worse. I hope she's alright, keep up posted!
    Now on to this chapter. I love the beginning where Gabe's thinking about what happened/almost happened, and his reaction to it. I feel sorry for him though because he's blaming himself for something that really wasn't his fault. The way that Melanie crawled onto the bed with him and said she wanted her daddy...that broke my heart. I'm not surprised she was acting like nothing happened the next morning - it's what I would do, probably. Best to just move forward and get on with life as best you can, right? Though it will take a while for her to get over it, obviously. AND THE ZOO! So adorable. I love their little bonding moments, and how she's always, always, always holding his hand. I just want to go 'awe' all over this chapter. Gabe's sense of humor is great, and the fact that he was teasing her is perfect. Okay, so I pretty much love this whole chapter. Can't wait for the next! <3
    June 21st, 2012 at 04:52pm
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    I feel like I will never write as long a comment as that last one I wrote to you... Haha. I get waaaaay to into stories for some reason. I really like that Gabe is reflecting on what happened, and that he realizes that it wasn't a good idea for him to be angry at her. He doesn't deserve to think that he caused what happened though. That's just how life is, you never know what's going to happen. I was extremely surprised by Melanie's actions the next morning. I mean, I knew that she was going to act as if everything was fine, but I thought that she would have been just the least bit shaken still. I would have never expected that she would go out and get food for breakfast or wake up so early. Her actions were just inspiring, to go from an emotional experience to being happy and laughing at the zoo. It's insane. Gabe's sense of humor is the best, I couldn't help but laugh when he said that the Komodo dragon was her uncle's at one time. Haha. I love the little cute and funny moments that they have together. They seem like little insignificant pieces of their time together but they just sum up how well Gabe and Melanie can get along. Gabe worrying about Melanie is super cute. I would be really appreciative of him if I were her. He can be so extremely caring. :)
    I'm really sorry for your bunny, Bella. I've never had a pet bunny before, but I suggest that you just keep an eye on her, and if the seizures continue, then you should probably bring her in. I know that my cat was having seizures a couple months ago, and apparently she had some sort of urinary tract infection or something like that.
    I hope that she gets better. Thanks for the update.
    June 21st, 2012 at 05:30am
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    Holy crap! I did not expect Gabe to act like that... I mean, I knew that he would probably act like that sooner or later, but he just freaked out at her for basically nothing. He could have channeled his emotions in a better way. Hmm... I'm starting to think he needs anger management classes or something . I'm guessing his ex probably cheated on him, or something like that... Especially when he blew up like that. I would've cried too. As soon as that guy walked up to Melanie, I was basically yelling at my computer, "GET AWAY FROM HIM! RUN AWAY! GET GABE! NOW!" I understand how she could be so naive and sit there without knowing what the guy wanted. She's lived at home for her whole life, so she's never experienced anything like that before. I would have been really freaked out during that experience, and I think I would have tried to be as strong as Melanie, but I don't think I would be able to last that long without crying or something. I absolutely loved the fact that Melanie took care of Gabe first. It was such a touching moment. I can't imagine the aftermath and the emotional scarring she'll experience from practically being raped. That would be just plain horrible. But, considering that Melanie is such a strong individual, I can understand that she would be somewhat "okay" about what happened. It's like... Don't dwell on the past, just live in the present. Oh... and about Gabe's limelight... Don't tease me and tell me maybe! Urggh.... I will hopefully find out soon enough... If you update. Haha. Anyways, you are an amazing writer, this story rocks my socks, and THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THE UPDATE!!!! :D
    June 18th, 2012 at 07:28am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Oh my God. I don't even know what to say. Well I do but it's kind of all stuck in my head at the moment. That was...intense, to say the least. First Gabe's little outburst and the fact that he made Mel cry. I know he didn't mean to do it, but still, it's not right. I knew things were bad with his ex but I had no idea how bad. I can't even imagine what she must have done, or how things must have ended, to make him so angry and have such a dark side. And then what happened to Mel in the parking's understandable that she wouldn't realize what was happening right away, she doesn't know much about people, considering her background. It was sweet though, how she worried about Gabe first, and not herself. Just another little clue about her character; she's so sweet and selfless. And she's not "okay" with it. She's in shock. Most of the time, people have delayed reactions in these situations and aren't affected right away. It will most certainly affect her in the future, especially if she doesn't talk about it. Hopefully, Gabe will be understanding. I LOVE THIS. Another flawless chapter. <3
    June 18th, 2012 at 04:51am
  • ItWasAlwaysBri

    ItWasAlwaysBri (100)

    United States
    I knew that Gabe was actually a sweetheart! I really loved this chapter. It was just plain adorable.
    Gabe totally has a crush on her! But he keeps shooting it down whenever it pops into his head. :(
    I hate that he keeps dwelling on the fact that they have a 15 year age difference. I mean, hasn't he ever heard of "age is just a number" or "love conquers all?"
    I thought that it was really sweet of Gabe to bring Melanie to Les Mis. That was a super cute scene. I loved the fact that Gabe couldn't keep his eyes off of her.
    They would be super cute together... I wouldn't be surprised if other people or paparazzi start thinking and saying that they're dating or something. Haha.
    Will Melanie ever get a taste of the limelight that Gabe usually lives in?
    Thanks for the update!!! :D
    June 15th, 2012 at 06:37am
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Aaaaa! Gabe's warming up to Melanie. He's so sweet in this chapter, taking her to the theater. The bond between them is becoming stronger, I think, despite his random rages and grumpiness. I'm glad she opened up to him about her dad, though. Maybe he can open up to her soon, too. Love this! So looking forward to the next chapter, though I'm wondering what's going to happen that's so bad <3
    June 15th, 2012 at 04:17am