Sweet Lies, Violent Whispers - Comments

  • I absolutely love Harry Potter, so when comment swap sent me here I was really happy ;) Okay, on to the actual story. I’m interested to see where you go with this and how it will be different from some of the other girl-hates-Draco fics I’ve read. My one critique is that there are some minor spelling/grammatical errors, but that can be fixed with a spellchecker.
    June 30th, 2012 at 07:03pm
  • Confusion is a fantastic tool, at times of course. I cleared it up a bit for you.

    And I found the layout and then messed with it a little bit, so... yeah I kinda sorta made it?
    June 30th, 2012 at 10:15am
  • Comment Swap.

    Nice story! I don't really read Harry Potter fanfics but this seems pretty good. and did you make the layout yourself? it looks really cool. I want see were you take this story!
    June 29th, 2012 at 10:02pm
  • I'm actually really confused on who's lying and who isn't...but I guess that's the whole point XD
    I like it so far, I hope you update soon C:
    June 27th, 2012 at 09:40am
  • I'm glad you joined mibba. :)
    A few things though... remember to space paragraphs. You can get reported for that, so be careful.


    The rest of the week went by rather uneventful, by the time Saturday came around, Nira was dreading her not-date-date.

    On that horrid Saturday morning, Nira got up and ready to go to Hogsmeade. She told Viviana what had happened, of course, and blammed her for not being in her group.

    Nira walked out of the girl's dorm to see Draco waiting there for her. He looked kind of dressed up. he was wearing a nice black shirt, along with some nice jeans. Draco was neither casual nor formal. Nira hadn't thought to even look nice. Nira had thrown a pair of black leggings on with a purple shirt, the shirt hung from one arm. Nira looked cute, but not too dressed up. She threw her curly red hair in a side braid and threw some makeup on. Nira wore a pair of black boots.

    Draco smirked when he saw her.

    It makes it easier for people to read. :)
    If you need any help or if you're confused about anything let me know!
    June 9th, 2012 at 05:42pm