Claire is not Here. - Comments

  • Lady of Bats

    Lady of Bats (100)

    I'm here because of the comment swap:
    The story seems quite interesting. As the previous comment said, I'm not too sure if it's meant to be humourous or not. So I'm not sure if it's bad that I found it a little funny or if that's what you aimed for. I don't think I liked how large the story area was. I think it'd be better if it didn't take up the whole screen, but that's probably just me. I do like the purple background, though. I sometimes consider purple to be the colour for insanity. (That's because of a song, but I can't remember what the song is right now).
    Anyway, I like the story. Good job.
    June 9th, 2012 at 06:47am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I'll start with the layout; I am not overly fond of making layouts for stories, but I do understand the necessity of having a readable and appealing layout. The colors you chose alongside with the image do not quite relate to the story; the image I can see the way it relates to the story, but it just doesn't pull me in. As a writer, you will want readers and the layouts in this site is a major asset when it comes on having good reviews.

    Now into the story, I like the pure dialogue style that you have in this; it's sort of humorous to an extent, but I'm unsure whether you tried being humorous or you were trying to do something more serious.

    A thing to keep in mind with this form of narration is that you have to pay extra attention to character development and interaction with their environment through the dialogue; there's no other way to paint an image for the audience outside from the actual dialogue, so this will be your tool in developing the characters as well as their backstory and interaction with other people and the environment this takes place in.

    The premise is interesting and you have a good start on it; it's just a matter of developing it.
    June 9th, 2012 at 03:43am
  • dearly.departed

    dearly.departed (100)

    United States
    i came across this through comment swap and i must admit, its very interesting. i like the premise, its very unique. i love the title and the layout and i agree with Ponyess. Keep up the good work, its great so far
    June 9th, 2012 at 03:04am
  • Ponyess

    Ponyess (155)

    I'm commenting, for the "Comment Swap".
    I hope my comment will help you with the story.

    You may consider putting in, who's talking? even as pure dialogue, this should be permitted?
    Next thing, the colour, purple seems to come in nicely, and the image looks as the male in the pair?

    How a man, who had just been deprived of the center of his world would react? that's how it feels, as if he tried to say. If you are going to continue, I hope to see, how he is coping, is she going to come back, making appearenses?

    Finally, the name of the chapter, as it was, doesn't add enough to carry its weight, I'd love to see a name, that gave something more. if you stick with it, some comment on what it means may be very good, in my view.

    By the looks, am I still the first to comment, thus 'taking the comment vergianity" of the story?
    June 9th, 2012 at 02:34am