Beyond All Time - Comments

  • Laviro

    Laviro (100)

    United States
    The first paragraph has “it” too many times and feels repetitive to me.

    Maybe try something like, “Sunrise, or what was left of it, tiptoed across the ash sky and paused for a few seconds in the center, shining magenta beams across the world.”
    Or, “Sunrise, or what was left of it, tiptoed across the ash sky, pausing for a few seconds in the center and shining magenta beams across the world.”

    Oh, I like how the tower remains seem cheerful, this is cool. :)

    A voice can’t whisper. A person has to. Try, “Are you sure that’s the right sun?” The words were whispered or “someone whispered” or “The words came as a whisper” or “The voice was hushed.”

    “A girl was leant against it…” consider changing to, “A girl leant against it.” (Was is unnecessary. Also is leant normal where you’re from? It’s weird to me. “leaned” is much more common here.)

    “…who was sat a few meters ahead” consider change to “who sat a few meters ahead.” (Get rid of was, it is a “too be verb” and should be used as little as possible.)

    Instead of one girl and the other how about go ahead and describe something about the first one speaking? Maybe like “A girl with (whatever color hair or eyes or something distinctive) leant against it.) I know nothing about these girls and they are interchangeable, give me something to get to know them.

    Okay you mention one being slightly older, this is good, but maybe do it sooner. :)

    “The two girls watched on in silence. Watched the pink sun shake slightly in the sky, and gradually fall back again. They watched the hard empty buildings become shapes of horror rather than the powdered pink decorations they momentarily were.”

    You’re sentences are so short it causes some words to feel repetitive to me. Consider combining them more. (delete “in the sky” unless specified, we will assume the sun is in the sky,) (Drop “back again” It feels unnecessary.) (Add a coma after “hard”) Consider morph vs become. It gives more a sense of something from a nightmare.

    Consider something like, “The girls watched in silence, noting the pink sun shake slightly and gradually fall. They watched the hard, empty buildings morph into shapes of horror, contrasting the momentary powdered pink decorations.”

    Consider changing “All around them were hills…” to “Hills sloped all around them, rough like everything else.”

    A good rule is to avoid starting a sentence with “There was…” (you need a comma after “foggy.”) (Leftover is one word.)

    Consider changing “There was a foggy green lake, caked in left over bones, and that was pretty much it” to “Leftover bones remained caked in a foggy, green lake, and that was pretty much it.”

    “Mostly monochrome, and mainly minimalistic.” Is a sentence fragment. Consider changing to, “The scenery appeared mostly monochromatic and mainly minimalistic.” (you don’t need a comma unless there is an independent clause after and.)

    I like the tears explanation! Cool! :)

    “…carding a hand through her own short black hair.” You are either the same author as the last chapter I read, or you are from the same country because I’ve never heard of “carding a hand through hair.” I love it! You also used “leant” vs “leaned” which must be common where you’re from; it’s unusual to hear here.

    Drop “own” it’s redundant. We know her hair is her own hair! :)
    Why are you doing single quotations instead of double?

    “She nodded in agreement.” Drop “in agreement.” It’s redundant. Nodding is agreeing. :)

    I like the “curtain of pale blonde fringe.” Nice! :)

    “grew around each other like vines” <-- Nice! :)

    I encourage you to look up “words to delete from my writing” on google. You have a lot of words that are unnecessary/redundant and should be cut. :)

    Oh, the virus is so cool and unique! :)

    I like that you end the chapter with Immy finally deciding they would leave, but maybe you could word it more dramatically?

    You have an interesting concept, and I like the weird relationship between the girls who don’t really know each other. The world you’ve created and the virus are intriguing, but the pace is too slow, and I find myself wanting some action.

    I understand there’s probably some exciting things to come, but there needs to be more of it in this first chapter to really grab your readers. It’s like these girls are kind of just lounging around, feeling doom and gloomy, staring at the horrible shape of the world. There’s no excitement for them and none for the readers. It’s totally cool if you disagree with me. Writing is subjective, and my opinions aren’t facts, but just how I felt, and what I thought reading this first chapter.

    Depending on what happens next, you may consider rearranging your work to where there is some action in the first chapter, then maybe sprinkle in some of the details as you go. When I went back to edit my book, I realized I needed to cut the first three chapters… I’m not kidding, and it was painful at first, but you need to start you book with things happening. Nothing happened in the entire first chapter. Start where the first exciting thing happens, then they can “flashback” to this scene where they are thinking of leaving. I hope that makes sense and is helpful! :)

    Feel free to check out my first chapter too! ❤️
    March 4th, 2021 at 05:32pm
  • WeepingWillows

    WeepingWillows (100)

    Wow. Your writing is so detailed and fluent. I felt like I was getting so much information from reading this story, while also not knowing fully what was going on. I haven't read many non-linear story lines so I think it would take me a little longer to get used to, but I'm enjoying it so far. "In a world with no colour, then, everything was lit up." I don't know why, but that line captured my attention and I immediately loved it.

    I also like how in just three chapters you have created so much depth to Jaz and Ally and I can already see the character development beginning to rise. I really hope you continue writing this because it's a really fascinating story and I think lots of people would enjoy it.
    November 15th, 2017 at 03:30am
  • EvilDeadMFM

    EvilDeadMFM (100)

    United Kingdom
    Comment Swap

    This is a fantastic story. Your writing is extremely detailed, the way you describe things makes the story come to life.

    I honestly haven't read a story like this before so it was a refreshing change to and I'm so happy that I came across this.

    I feel like this is very well written (although I did find the occasional sentence that could of been better) but over all I thought this was a fantastic read. well done.
    December 6th, 2016 at 12:12am
  • GuiltyShadows

    GuiltyShadows (100)

    United States
    I just loved your summary. It was vague, yet hooked me into reading more. Continue to write!
    June 4th, 2014 at 12:42pm
  • occulta.

    occulta. (100)

    Comment swap

    I really liked the theme of this short story. It was vague enough to keep us wondering what was happening, yet detailed enough for us to deduce by ourselves what happened. I thought your characters were believable, and the interaction between them was so fluent and natural. The scene at the beach was specially moving, because it reflected the hope and tender part of themselves; a moment they created where the world is okay and everything is alright.

    Yet, as much as I tried to stop myself from thinking over certain details, I could not. I am a bit of a genetic enthusiast and I couldn't help but feel that the 'mutations' described in the story were highly implausible (considering you did not create an alternative universe with different biological laws) and, even if you did warn about the mixed up time sequence, I have yet to know if the apocalypse happened years prior or generations before.

    Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this and I am quite happy I got this as a comment swap. Nicely done.
    March 20th, 2014 at 05:49am
  • meowing

    meowing (100)

    United States
    So first things first: your summary was incredible. It was slightly vague and at first I honestly was worried it would just be another cliche apocalypse story, but as I read on I figured out that it wasn't. Your prologue was perfect and I was definitely hooked immediately.
    Your writing style is near perfection in my eyes. The way you describe things and your diction is truly just incredible. The first paragraph of the first chapter was beautifully written and ahh, I don't even know how to tell you how much I loved it. It was just perfect.
    I also kind of like how you use simple apostrophes rather than quotation marks. I've read works like that before and though I thought it was weird in the beginning, it's unique and gives me an older feel.
    The actually story plot is great so far! Immy and Jaz seem so cute yet so strong with all they must deal with. Their characters are pretty great and they just make me want to love and care for them.
    I think you've got me hooked on your story, one more subscriber c:
    August 20th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • Olivia_Gates

    Olivia_Gates (100)

    United Kingdom
    I'm here from comment swap
    Your layout for the story is fantastic, and your writing skills are aswell. You set the scene of the story well. However, I only read the first chapter because this kind of story is not my thing. It does remind me of a book called Delirium by Lauren Oliver though. If you've never read it, I think you should check it out.
    Good luck with the rest of your writing!
    May 30th, 2013 at 12:23am
  • narutogirl1994

    narutogirl1994 (100)

    United States
    Comment Swap!

    Okay im first going to start off by saying that i only read the first chapter but that was enough to tell me how amazing this is. Your descriptions of the land and how the characters are developing are very note worthy. And i just love some of the wording you use, such as,

    "Company was hard to come by. Good company may as well have been impossible."

    I don't know why i liked that sentence so much but it really spoke to me. And another one i could have smiled at for ages even though it had a sad undertone is,

    "but Immy liked to joke afterwards that it was because the water was so foul, even the radiation didn’t want to swim."

    just amazing work.
    March 1st, 2013 at 01:00am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States
    I'm seriously in love with dystopian post-apocalyptic stories. The summary to this is really lovely and it definitely made me want to continue reading more. I don't feel like the first chapter really matches the flow of your summary however. Some of the sentences are phrased awkwardly and leave it kind of bumpy. But otherwise, lovely description. And great use of dialogue. I'll be subscribing to come back and read more.
    January 3rd, 2013 at 02:36am
  • marshallomnipotence

    marshallomnipotence (100)

    comment swap.

    im glad i found this but i wish the font was larger, i dont think itd hurt to makeit bigger. your writting is brilliant and i loved the way you described things. it not a plotline ive come across before so i was really happy to get this. i found it very interesting and happy to see no spelling or grammar issues. you dhould definitely continue this story.
    December 2nd, 2012 at 12:12am
  • Crazed4Life

    Crazed4Life (100)

    United States
    I've only just found this story, thanks to comment swap and love how original the story is. It's very well written and the plot is easy to follow. I can easily picture the scenes of the story. Keep up the awesome work, I've subscribed and can't wait to read more.
    September 20th, 2012 at 08:59pm
  • MadamnnnMisfortune

    MadamnnnMisfortune (100)

    United States
    I adore the use of imagery in your piece. I think the tone and dialogue are perfect for your characters. My only advice would be to go further into depth in their thoughts on what's going on or add some type of twist to really get this work suspenseful (: The plot is something I haven't already read about which is very refreshing! Keep writing!
    August 21st, 2012 at 03:59am
  • broken-hallelujah.

    broken-hallelujah. (150)

    United States
    Wow. This is amazing! I'm not even finished reading what you have here and I'm so into it already! The imagery is amazing! I'd really like to paint the images that you're describing here! It's so amazing! Like, it's beauty in deformity and in a grey world. Even specs of color have the greatest of beauty, how you've described it. It's so great already. I'm totally subscribing! :D I got this through comment swap and it's the best find it's ever thrown my way. The tone and voice you use in this are amazing and the description is absolutely delicious! I don't think you'd have a problem publishing this if you finish it, in all honesty. It's really wonderful. :D
    August 4th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • broken-hallelujah.

    broken-hallelujah. (150)

    United States
    Wow. This is amazing! I'm not even finished reading what you have here and I'm so into it already! The imagery is amazing! I'd really like to paint the images that you're describing here! It's so amazing! Like, it's beauty in deformity and in a grey world. Even specs of color have the greatest of beauty, how you've described it. It's so great already. I'm totally subscribing! :D I got this through comment swap and it's the best find it's ever thrown my way. The tone and voice you use in this are amazing and the description is absolutely delicious! I don't think you'd have a problem publishing this if you finish it, in all honesty. It's really wonderful. :D
    August 4th, 2012 at 12:06am
  • Schadenfreude.

    Schadenfreude. (100)

    United States
    I came here through the comment swap, and I'm really glad that this is the story I was given. It is such an interesting type of story. I just love how original it is. I subscribed, and I can't wait to read more. :)
    July 14th, 2012 at 10:20am
  • butterflywings16

    butterflywings16 (200)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Comment Prize
    I thought I should title it so you would know that's what it's for xD I really like it. It's just poetic the way the lines and characters mesh so perfectly. I can't tell which character I prefer most; Jaz or Immy? Maybe even Ash. I'm def subbing to this, it's a wonderful story.
    July 14th, 2012 at 03:24am
  • Aly Jones

    Aly Jones (205)

    United States
    I've only read the first chapter, but this is really well written. I'm very impressed. I like how you introduced everything at sunrise, and described everything so perfectly without making it go on and on and on. :) Really great story you've got going so far, and I'm subscribing so I can read more later on.
    July 13th, 2012 at 01:26am
  • LettersToNormandy

    LettersToNormandy (100)

    United States
    Your first chapter set the desolate tone very very well. You also suceeded in giving insight into this new, barren world while managing to make it interesting. Generally post apocalyptic works are far too drab, but the concept of something that resbles a second sun is thorougly intriguing. I don't know enough about your MCs to judge them just yet. But I will say you've got a very good start here. I wish you the best of luck with it!
    July 11th, 2012 at 08:19pm
  • LookingForSophie

    LookingForSophie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really like the concept it's really unique and your writing style is wonderful. So descriptive and beautiful. I love the characters as well :) I didn't spot any errors either and I like the layout, it's simple but pretty.

    The summary really draws your reader in and the story itself doesn't disapoint! :) It's amazing keep it up! :)
    July 10th, 2012 at 05:13am
  • FloatingInThePast

    FloatingInThePast (100)

    United States
    This is an amazing piece. It is a very original concept and it possesses an intriguing storyline. The only thing I would look out for is subject/verb confusion, there were a couple errors in that regard: "She was stood in front of him completely naked" (she was standing?)
    July 9th, 2012 at 12:26am