A Thief's Kiss - Comments

  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Wow. I rarely stumble upon stories like these, and when I do, I’m often left in tears. I actually come from a family that consists of mostly Holocaust survivors, so reading this story and almost feeling their pain again breaks my heart. I’m sitting here with tears in my eyes as I read about these two boys and what they have to go through in the ghettos on Europe and I remember what my family went through as well.

    I’m amazed by the way you describe everything; how Janek was missing his tooth, Luca and his want for food, their hope, their survival, how they on with their daily lives in squalor, the competition of actually getting their meager rations of meals and actually surviving long enough to eat it. I’m…speechless and I don’t think I can describe my love of this masterpiece any further than I’ve already tried.

    I’m amazed. Really. Everything about this, even down to the descriptions of the ghetto itself, oozes with morbid beauty. Even though it pained me to read this, I couldn’t stop. Though sad, it speaks volumes with its message and content. I already love Luca and Janek, how they became friends in a desperate attempt to survive. I really hope that you continue writing this, as I’m completely and utterly in love with this amazing story. Brilliant job, my friend. <3
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:59am
  • moxie;

    moxie; (100)

    This was such an amazing piece bb. I'm glad you're continuing it. You have a serious knack for poetic writing like this. The way you write every single little detail it makes my body cringe (in a good way). I can picture Janek perfectly, and that breaks my heart. I just want to embrace him and tell him it will be okay even when I know it will not.

    "He tried to swallow, but he couldn’t really because of his tongue so saliva and blood dribbled down his chin and stained his collar."

    True and horrible sorrow throughout this short chapter. I almost want to kill you for making such a torturous life for a little boy like Janek. But in a way, bringing that emotion out of me should let you know just how amazing of a writer you are. Truly heartbreaking and beautiful.
    June 17th, 2012 at 05:01am