ANYONE: If you're looking for the "Collection of Andley Stories" I advise you to read the parentheses in the summary. Something's happened and I had to change it. That's all.
@ FallenCreature I know it was, things happened and I was really tired when I wrote it. Also, now I've got to move all my stories to separate things because they're not supposed to be in a collection like this. It's just been a long day for me.
@ XXTragic-MagicXX okay now I've got some songs you can pick between you can either pick Believe, or Lovestruck by Blood On The Dance Floor. if you don't like them then you can pick this one by a band from my own country which means alot to me I'll send you a link I'm sorry I can't find the lyrics but you can listen to the song and see if you like it and try to find the lyrics yourself