So Long - Comments

  • ParaJoy

    ParaJoy (100)

    This is absolutely amazing,like really it never fails to captivate me and i just cant wait for Gerard's and Frank's happy ending,i think for once they truly need it!
    June 24th, 2013 at 11:15am
  • SquiddyTheMouse

    SquiddyTheMouse (100)

    I love this story so fucking much. <3 please update soon :)
    I love how Frank's come so far since the beginning of the story <3 he can finally trust and love things :3
    June 24th, 2013 at 10:55am
  • Defying Failure

    Defying Failure (100)

    United States
    Noo it can't be over soon! :c
    June 24th, 2013 at 10:09am
  • in-depths

    in-depths (100)

    Frank's father loved him.

    This story is so perf. :')
    Can't wait for the epilogue pleaseeeee.
    June 24th, 2013 at 07:12am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Crying. Crying everywhere. Things are finally perfect and they both deserve it so much. For all that I've said about dragging it on, I think this is the perfect place for this story to come to an end. They finally got their happy ending and I just wanna curl up and rock myself to sleep with all of the warm and fuzzy feelings I'm having right now.
    I can't wait for the epilogue. It's gonna be rough seeing it end, but it'll be so worth it. <3
    June 24th, 2013 at 06:57am


    United States
    The part with Frank's Dad and the guitar that he played when Frank was gone for all those years almost had me crying! I love this story, it's so well written and I'm going to be sad to see the end, but thank you so much for writing it!!!!
    June 24th, 2013 at 06:48am
  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    @ xidontloveyoux
    Thank you, love!! Awww omfg meeting some of you guys there would have been awesome!! I'm glad you got to go, though! Thank you, love, I hope so too :')

    @ SquiddyTheMouse
    Aww thank you so much! Gah I can barely wrap my head around people reading this, much less rereading it! You are lovely, thank you :')

    @ haiitoyz
    Aww mixed feelings about Linda are totally understandable.. and sorry for the tears!!! But thank you! <3

    @ Alanasaurus
    Aw *wipes tears*

    @ deeg83
    Awww omfg *wipes your tears* THANK YOU! Oh man, he'd probably be eaten up with guilt but he's such a prideful man, to be honest, he'd probably still not want to admit it to wronging Frank. Aw you're so sweet :') Thank you <3

    @ XxbasschickxX
    Oh my gosh! Aw! I'm sorry *wipes your tears and comforts you* But thank you! <3

    @ ParaJoy
    Oh my gosh this is the most amazing thing to hear. Like.... to know that my writing can actually make you feel better when you're down, that makes writing feel so much more wonderful than it already does. And just, wow, thank you :') <3 I never will stop, love, I don't think I ever could <3

    @ Tayyyyyy
    Oh he was most definitely tempted that's for sure; the only thing that helped him find self control to tame his anger was the sadness he still felt
    Awww YOU'RE SO SWEET AND OMFG NO CAREFUL WITH YOUR PHONE!! lol but serously thank you, it means a lot to hear stuff like that. Sadly, it can't go on, dragging stuff on will take away from the original quality you know? But don't worry, I'll have a lot of other stories coming out after this one and I hope you'll be able to enjoy them just as much :') <33
    Yes thank you!! That's what I'm telling myself, too... there will be lots of chances and I just gotta hold out for them

    @ sarahcoslol
    Ahhh *wipes all your tears* it will be reviving you near the end, I hope!

    @ Jazzrockedthestage
    Omfg aw I'm sorry you broke down but thank you!! :') Yeah it's like Frank can only handle so much, you know, before it all just comes crumbling down. He hit his breaking point with them. Oh I don't really blame you for not liking his dad to be honest :/
    Yeah exactly! You can't drag things on, you know? And Frank and Gerard have experienced all that they need to experience in this story. There will be no more to tell when it's over.
    Yes I hope I do get another chance AND OF COURSE THERE WILL BE LOTS OF PICTURES! Thank YOU for not only reading but just always being here with a comment and showing your support, and just *sigh* you are lovely <333

    @ Killjoy_beanie
    Thank youuuu!!! <333 Aw I'm sorry, just 2 more to go :/

    @ Alesanaisbest
    Aww THANK YOU SO MUCH OMFG THAT MEANS A LOT!! and ily2 very very much!

    @ NatalieMCR
    Aw I'm sorry *cuddles with you to help with the tears*
    Yeah *sigh* Frank's parents are a real struggle. His dad just has too much pride to admit he wronged his son, and then like you said, Linda is just stuck between pleasing the people she loves
    Oh man Gerard really does deserve an award, for coming a long way himself and for helping Frank
    Yes, there's definitely still things that they'll have to figure out together
    :') thank YOU for reading and just being here every single chapter, and just being your lovely amazing self <3

    @ stallion duck.
    Ahhh I hope it helped with the pain a bit! >.< Yeah, Frank's dad can be a complete asshole. He just has too much pride to even let the love has for his son come through. And Linda definitely does need a mind of her own. AND HELL YEAH to you never letting anything get in between you and your child, that's the mindset parents most definitely should have
    Things will change, things always change, just not completely you know? Oh yes of course Frank wouldn't be able to do any of this without Gerard by his side
    And haha I love your mama bird side, keep letting it show ;)
    Awww there since the beginning :') i can't believe it's been that long either, thanks for always being here <333

    @ shinkyo
    Awww I love every single comment, no worries, they're always sweet :') Ahh they have come a long way, and they've gotten a lot comfortable than they used to be. Thank you love <3

    @ RayToroLeFro

    @ Forgotten Memory.
    Awww that's good to hear, though, cause of course that's what I aim for when writing it BUT I'M SORRY FOR THE TEARS AND HEARTBREAK <3
    Aw yes that is very very true. Life can't be painless, and things always have to be bad before they can start being good <3

    @ MoMo_92
    Oh hell yeah, man, allergies always do that shit to me, I totally feel you.
    Aw I know I think that was the hardest part for him, was to hear that even after he fucking ran away from home, they still don't believe him. Thank you very much, love <333

    @ AshleyC123
    Awww sorry for the tears, but THANK YOU! <333
    June 24th, 2013 at 05:15am
  • AshleyC123

    AshleyC123 (100)

    United States
    Jesus christ, this chapter had me getting closer and closer to the screen with every word. I'm with all these people. Crying and whatnot. The feels man, the feels.
    June 19th, 2013 at 04:25pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    *sniffs* god freaking allergies got me tearing up and shit, fucking A man tht chapter was so emotional like my heart is torn up becuz after all those years Frankie's parents still don't believe him especially tht hardheaded son of a bitch of a father tht fucker, I hate seeing Frankie hurt this much like it's sad to witness but I'm glad tht he let everything out in the open and let his mom and the jackass kno how he felt, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    June 19th, 2013 at 10:39am
  • Forgotten Memory.

    Forgotten Memory. (100)

    United States
    I can't even comprehend the feels that I have right now. That chapter was such an emotional roller coaster, I almost feel as if I was there. My stomach is in knots and tears are pricking my eyes. I've always been empathetic but dang. I'm so bittersweet for Frankie. I know this was good for him, but at the same time, I hate that he has to hurt so much. But, no one ever said life was painless.
    June 19th, 2013 at 02:32am
  • RayToroLeFro

    RayToroLeFro (100)

    United States
    you have succeeded in making me cry yet again... my mom thought i was crazy because i was screaming about franks dad being a "shitty asshole who needs to get his head out of his ass and face the fucking facts that hes wrong and he's a controlling manipulative shit that I want to strangle and rip his vocal cords out to play jump rope with." Embarassed update again soon :)
    June 19th, 2013 at 01:26am
  • shinkyo

    shinkyo (100)

    Ascension Island
    I thought I couldn't love this more than I already do but you prove me wrong every single chapter (and my comments are probably starting to sound repetitive but my sentiments are true). Frank and Gerard has been through SO much, look how intimate they're now, it's so beautiful!
    June 18th, 2013 at 11:53pm
  • stallion duck.

    stallion duck. (100)

    United States
    *deep inhale*
    Oh God, what do I say? And I did what you said ripped off like a bandaid. Albeit, I procrastinated starting it. Duck his dad. Just fuck him up, down, sideways, and down the road. Frankie is his fucking SON. His fucking BLOOD. I can't deal with that asshole. Okay. I just can't. Words can't describe how I want to make him feel what Frankie did. Jesus fucking Christ. Don't get me started on his mother. Linda needs a fucking mind of her own. He don't own her and she should allow him to treat her like he does. I'd kill him before I let a man get between me and my child. Fuck that. Fuck him. I doubt things will change and if it does they have their work cut out for them, lord Jesus. And bless Gerard for being their for him. Just everything. I love him. Things better get better for Frank cause the mama bird is.coming out. Nobody ducks with my babies.
    I can't believe its been a year. Holy Shiet. I remember when you first started this. I knew it would be legendary. Happy Anniversary!!! <3333456789
    June 18th, 2013 at 11:48pm
  • NatalieMCR

    NatalieMCR (100)

    oh holly oh holly
    I JUST
    This chapter was so amazing, I felt everything and you made me cry like a fucking baby (thank you for that). I can't believe it's almost over I'm going to miss it so much, and I don't understand Frank's dad, wow. I know he has the right to feel sad, like, he lost his kid but it was his fault I mean he just had to believe him in the first place and I get Linda I really do, the two people you love the most are against each other and you just don't know what to do.
    I feel like every chapter I read I want to give an award to Gerard more. He has helped Frank so fucking much and he changed him for the best.
    They still have to figure shit out, though. About Frank's dependency towards work, alcohol and Gerard himself. I hope it gets better (it will i know).
    Oh Holly. Thank you so much (again) for writting this story, it is so beautiful and the way you wrote it is so spectacularand BRILLIANT, just brilliant.
    I love you and your stories.
    Keep the fantasticness and the amazingness. ♥♥
    June 18th, 2013 at 11:19pm
  • wrotted

    wrotted (100)

    United States
    happy aniversery! this is one of my absolute favourite frerards! ily ok omg
    June 18th, 2013 at 09:22pm
  • Fandoms_Bandoms

    Fandoms_Bandoms (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aaaahhhh this is perfect :0000000 <3 so how many more chapters left? Lots I hope ^-^ xxx
    June 18th, 2013 at 06:15pm
  • Jazzrockedthestage

    Jazzrockedthestage (100)

    United States
    I don't even know where to begin. You make me want to cry laugh and scream, all at once.ATGHEBTDHYEQBVTDSGEVSHBVSRGVB But for now I will stick to crying. This chapter broke my heart!! For all those times Frank almost cried in front of Gerard, When he abused him, When he told him about his past, when Gerard compared him to Blake, all of those times and more, he didn't let his tears fall. But, one meeting with his parents and breaks down. Just like I did. Man, my mother just came in and asked me what was wrong. Imagine her face when I said Frank xD It was priceless. Anyway, I really don't like Frank's dad. . . Im trying to feel guilty that I don't like him, but I don't. Oh well. When Frank was ranting at his mother, I thought for a second there he was going to mention Kevin. *shudders* I was waiting for it. But then his dad stepped in and made me not like him. Overall this was an amazing chapter that had me in tears.
    I can't believe this story is almost over!!!! I would love for it to continue, but when I think about it, everything has come together. Frank has helped Gerard deal with his past. Gerard has helped Frank deal with his past. Frank has admitted his feelings to Gerard. Blake and Kevin are jerks. . . you know all that good stuff. You should feel entirely proud of yourself that you have managed to create such a beautiful masterpiece in a little over a year. I know your 300+ subscribers are :)
    I'm so sorry you didn't meet Gerard dear!! But that ok, as you said. There will be more opportunities to see this man(and when you do, PICTURES WOuLD BE NICE) Hahaha I'm a little emotional over your chapter still, forgive me. But all in all, I loved this story beyond words, so thank you.

    June 18th, 2013 at 04:59pm
  • deeg83

    deeg83 (100)

    Oh btw when Gerard says "I dont need to be thanked for that" takes me back to that scene in Talk to Me after the revenge when Gerard says to Linda "you can thank me for anything but not for that" *sigh* (again)
    June 18th, 2013 at 04:14pm
  • sarahcoslol

    sarahcoslol (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh the tears! this story will be the death of me!
    June 18th, 2013 at 03:10pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Oh my god Frank should have swung at his father, but I'm glad at least now his mother is attempting at making an effort with him. So I'm not confused anymore- I despise Frank Sr and think his mother is spineless but is at least trying.
    And he and Gerard were so sweet this chapter even if there wasn't a whole lot of them time. But that wasn't what this chapter was about so what we got with them was just enough.
    And holy cripes, only two more chapters? I just felt a little (okayHUGE) piece of my heart and soul break off. I love this too much, just keep it going please! It's like the only well written frerard I have left! D: I'm so proud of this story for you hahaha you're very talented and it's gonna physically hurt me to see this end. Like it is literally the only story I will throw my phone across the room in excitement when I get an update- and this thing is EXPENSIVE I shouldn't be throwing it anywhere. (:
    You'll definitely get another chance to meet Gerard. I have a feeling he'll be doing a whole lot with his art coming up and going to a lot of Cons and other delightful things, so he'll be around. No losing faith yet!
    June 18th, 2013 at 02:56pm