Monster Inside Me - Comments

  • obscene.

    obscene. (510)

    Russian Federation
    Hello, thank you for entering my contest! It is really appreciated.

    The character you chose was lovely. I enjoyed how your character was a nurse. Logically, she would know why and how to stay away from the eating disorder, but it happens to her anyone. It’s a nice spin on the typical eating disorder characters I usually see. You accurately described the worries that go through your head when you’re suffering from an eating disorder and how sometimes you just get so sick of having it but how easy it is to fall back into it. I enjoyed how your character came to their realization.

    I wasn’t too keen on the layout. It doesn’t disrupt the story, but it’s not that pleasing to the eye. But it was a good story after all. I’m sorry this comment isn’t longer; your piece was short, so unfortunately the comment is a tad shorter. Thank you again for entering!
    June 19th, 2012 at 09:27pm