Confessions Of A Twin - Comments

  • done in love.

    done in love. (200)

    United States
    Comment Swap
    So I'll be honest; this isn't really my type of story. I'm not big on high school girly drama, mainly because I hate dramatic girls. But, I'm going to put that all aside and try to give you a helpful comment :p

    This is set up really well, which is of course nice. It was a little confusing though. Some things weren't explained too well - like why Lily was changing schools. I think it'd be helpful to say why she got expelled; it would add some nice depth to the story.

    I think as of now, it's a bit cliche. I do think that once you start getting into the whole president thing, it'll be more original. But right now it's just kind of like, "oh, another I hate my twin because he/she overshadows me and gets all the attention and I'm so plain and he/she is so much better looking and popular and blah blah blah kind of story". Like I said though, I think that might fade out a bit once the presidential race starts up.

    I noticed a couple grammar mistakes throughout, but none of them really hurt the understanding of the story, so it's not that huge of a deal. The descriptions of things and people were really nice too. I think the only things against this are the cliche-factor and the lack of back-story. I mean, the background isn't totally missing, but more of it would really make this story great.

    I definitely think you're on the right track. It has the potential to turn into a really great story. Good luck with everything! :D
    June 17th, 2012 at 11:38pm
  • Gjhgs

    Gjhgs (110)

    United States
    Ohhhhh, twin drama! Haha, I like this concept you got twin is normal and the other is better or somewhat. Personally, Lily just seems like a brat I mean stealing a girl's no sister's crush !! That's a big No No!! Anyways, like the simple writing style and the way this story is going! I'm rootinf for Lucy on this story! ;D You go, Lucy!! Ha, good story :)
    June 17th, 2012 at 05:18pm