The Familiar Taste of Poison - Comments

  • Oh the title! I knew I would love the story due to such a title. There is something so bittersweet about it... Thankfully, after reading a few chapters I wasn't disappointed. You writing is very interesting and the story is original despite being based on Loki. I enjoyed it so much due to your description of the characters and the subtle pace of the story (not too fast or too slow). Keep up with the good work!!!
    June 26th, 2012 at 02:09am
  • OOh, I do love a good Loki story ;) haha, just read through the first chapter and your style of writing is very easy to follow and very descriptive so I have no negative comments there - however with the layout I think it would be easier to read if the text section was wider as it helps to differentiate between the sentences
    Good luck with your writing ++ I shall be subscribing :)
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:55pm
  • OOh, I do love a good Loki story ;) haha, just read through the first chapter and your style of writing is very easy to follow and very descriptive so I have no negative comments there - however with the layout I think it would be easier to read if the text section was wider as it helps to differentiate between the sentences
    Good luck with your writing ++ I shall be subscribing :)
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:55pm
  • Comment swap!

    The first thing I noticed when I opened this story was the extremely awesome picture of Loki on the layout. Very cool. The thing I would change about the layout is the skinny line of text- that bugs me a little bit. But I understand that the awesome pic of Loki needs to be shown to the whole world, so you're forgiven :P

    The second thing I noticed was you use adjectives VERY well. For example when you said the phantom-like blue glow, that's exactly what I pictured when I thought back to the movie. I've only seen it once, though. IT WAS AMAZING. 'Nuff said.

    The third thing I noticed was how well you describe Agent Garett's emotions (or I think that's whose POV it's in- you might want to make that a little clearer). Especially when you talk about him falling onto the glass and how the pain was nothing compared to Loki's spear thingy. I liked that.

    I think you should keep this going, it's really good :)
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:14pm
  • Comment swapper!! Like the previous commenter, I don't know about/haven't seen the Avengers, but this is very well written. Your imagery is wonderfully put (despite Loki's actions being not so nice). But regardless, it's well done. :)
    June 25th, 2012 at 04:18pm
  • Ahoy! I have arrived via comment swap.

    First off, I just want to say that I have never seen the Avengers nor do I know anything about them, so I'm going into this kinda blind haha.

    Okay so, to start, I really like the layout. The colors all mesh together nicely which is always a good thing.

    So for the story I noticed you pay a lot of attention to detail and describing the surroundings which is an excellent quality for a writer to have. But like, the way you describe everything from the way she's feeling to the room and building she's in and whatever that Loki character did to her, it was just extremely descriptive and I know I was able to make a visual in my head of what everything looked like (even though I've never seen the Avengers, like I said haha).

    On another note, this Loki person seems quite scary if I do say so myself. I do agree though when he says "Humanity is not united and have a foolish idea of freedom..." Mainly because I am quite the cynic and not too fond of the human race, to be frank lol.

    Anywho, you're an amazing writer and you should definitely keep up the good work! :)
    June 25th, 2012 at 10:35am
  • OKAY that last comment wasn't supposed to post but it did anyways. So, I guess I'll reiterate. This story... IS EPIC. Beyond epic. Epic isn't a good enough word. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Samuel L Jackson read the summery to me with a british accent... so I pretend and get results. Point being, you know how to get people to visualize XD. Once again, good job.
    June 25th, 2012 at 09:08am
  • This showed up in my comment swap again XD
    June 25th, 2012 at 09:05am
  • This is really wonderful writing. I don't know a lot about the Avengers, though I have seen the movie once, but I'm actually really interested in this story. It helps that Loki just makes for a really wonderful villain. I like your narration a lot, and your wording is really nice. The chapter is a good length and I honestly can't think of anything constructive to say about the content at this point.

    The one thing I will point out is that it is a little confusing for someone who's not really familiar with this universe, so maybe a little clarification might be in order. :D
    June 25th, 2012 at 08:42am
  • Before I even started reading an actual chapter, I must say I convulsed on the floor in happiness. I started reading the summary, and I was like 'OH MY GOD- AVENGERS! AVENGERS! NOM NOM LOKI!' Literally._. Hehe(: As I started reading, I noticed you pay A LOT of attention to detail, (me likey) but if you haven't seen Avengers, then you might be a wee bit confused.
    Still, this story is epic and you need to write more. You have a gorgeous writing style and I love this layout. Loki is just all like 'Screw Logic I'm Loki.' Or at least, that's what I get from that picture...(:

    Wonderous job. Cookie for you!

    (And believe me, I don't usually hand out cookies :o)
    June 25th, 2012 at 08:30am
  • I'm only a few paragraphs in, but damn. This is probably one of the most descriptive stories I've ever read on Mibba, or probably ever for that matterr. I can actually picture what's going on in my mind, and what is probably going through the characters mind and that captivates me. I'm definitely subscribed to this now, and I will be looking forward to updates from you.
    I haven't seen the Avengers yet, so it kind of left me a little confused. But I'm sure I'll catch up when I actually see the movie. I'll probably come back and reread everything so I can have different mind set.
    But keep working hard, it sure is paying off!!!!
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:57am
  • I quite like this story. The summary was captivating. And the story line itself is good. You provide just enough detail so that it entices the reader to read more. I'm sure you'll have these characters developed well as the story progresses. Good job doll :)
    June 23rd, 2012 at 08:48pm
  • -from comment swap.
    this is descriptive without detracting from the story, which can be hard to pull off for some people - good stuff! the title is so good. i'd maybe change the layout, though, i really tend to turn away from such narrow text boxes and such busy, fussy backgrounds. a simpler dark green would be preferrable, i think, and definitely a wider text box! all in all though this is very well-written and enjoyable. good luck with this.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 07:59pm
  • Thank God. Finally someone knows how to use emotive/descriptive language without it sounding like you're using every word in your vocabulary.

    I don't usually enjoy first-person stories, but... It's the Avengers :P I really like your Loki. Not many people characterise him well without him sounding like a scolded three year old or the figment of a teenagers imagination.

    June 23rd, 2012 at 07:56pm
  • I've never seen the Avengers and know nothing about them...
    But anyway, it is really good writing, it really drew me in and the characterisation on your original character is also very good. Maybe mention that it is an Avengers fanfiction in the summary though, as I wasn't sure what was going on at first, but that's only because I haven't seen the films, and it did confuse me a little.
    June 23rd, 2012 at 07:02pm
  • First of all, the title caught my attention. For some reason it is just dragging me in. So enticing, haha.
    I love the Avengers so much and so I am quite enjoying this already. I think that it's an interesting idea to use Loki for the main Avengers character. I really like it, it's different.
    You have a real knack for writing so keep it up :)
    I'll be subscribing and looking forward to your next post :)
    Wishing you all the best,
    June 23rd, 2012 at 06:56pm
  • I’m guilty of liking Loki. I think he’s my all time favorite villain. In truth I love this story! Your descriptions and visuals are very believable and easy to imagine, I really enjoyed reading this fic. I also love the layout, it’s easy on the eyes! Great job, keep it up!
    June 23rd, 2012 at 06:39am
  • I'm not a fan of Loki (even though Tom Hiddelson is fucking shmexy), but I am a fan of the Avengers, so THANK YOU COMMENT SWAP!!
    This is very well written and I can't wait for moooore!!! I love how your character is already developing. You're very talented in that department, I feel as if I already know Agent Garett even though it's only two chapters in.
    I'll be subscribing as I'm anxious to see how this goes :D
    Good luck!
    June 23rd, 2012 at 04:08am
  • I've never seen the Avengers sadly :S I don'tt really know much about them either so... XD But I like your writing style it's very clear and I didn't feel like it mattered that I'd never seen the film. I really like the background as well! :D Good luck with the story
    June 21st, 2012 at 06:27pm
  • I haven't seen the avengers but i really want too! Loki's really cute and i see alot about him on tumblr, anywho. I really like this.. The theme is also very cool with the green, at first it reminded me of kim possible lol. Anways, him sedating her was a bit unexpected too!
    June 21st, 2012 at 01:32pm