Lost! - Comments

  • Here From Comment Swap.
    First things first, I like the layout. It's simple yet pretty, and easy to read which is really all that I need. I like how you've kept the summary short and sweet. It draws the reader in and entices them to wanting to read the story, but still it doens't give too much away at first. I like your descriptions throughout the story, they're strong and not overbearing. I like the way you've made Peter all mannerly and like areal gentleman. I liked that. Good job overall dear.
    November 10th, 2013 at 06:17pm
  • Your description is really lovely throughout this. Simple, but paints the picture perfectly. Usually, when I read stories about holidays it's all happy-go-lucky and great fun, so it's really refreshing to see a change from that. I don't think I could have hated anyone as much as I hated Jordan and Krista at that moment in time. You don't just leave someone stranded in a foreign country on their own, that really is just a (excuse the French) shitty thing to do! I was quite glad when Sophie was offered a place to stay, even if it was just a hostel. I genuinely felt so bad for her when she thought she would have nowhere to go. The positive is that she met Peter, who totally seems like my kind of guy! He's cute, has manners and he just seems so sweet. The ending was so adorable, I'm definitely not one for romance but that is just too adorable. I'd like to read more about Sophie and Peter in the future!

    I'll be announcing the winners of the contest later on tonight, so good luck! Cute
    August 3rd, 2013 at 06:30pm
  • I like the way you flow from one phase in the story to the next. Some authors have difficulties transitioning from place to place and time to time but you're story/writing has none of that. That fact makes it a very nice and clear to read.
    The way you introduced us to the story and the problem was very nice and drew me in. Your attention to detail and choice of words made it fun to read.
    I enjoyed reading Lost! keep it up :)
    July 12th, 2012 at 07:55am
  • Ahhhh! This is so cute. Peter is so fantastic. I am slightly in love with him. The layout is simple and easy on the eyes, and the story is just adorable. Je l'adore!! I didn't notice any grammatical or spelling errors, which was refreshing, and your story line was sweet and uncluttered, also refreshing. Keep up the excellent work!
    June 28th, 2012 at 12:23am
  • I'm a sucker for cheesy endings and seeing how I completely believe in everything happening for a reason, I really enjoyed reading this. It was sweet, romantic and not too long. It was perfect. Fantastic job.
    June 26th, 2012 at 04:19am
  • Alright, well I'll start by saying I'm sorry for being late on this. Warped was brutal, so I just did what I wanted these last few days. I really liked the layout, it's simple, and all the different pictures & colours fit together nicely.

    There was nothing that really stood out to me in the first chapter, in the way that it needs work, I mean. It was very well written & interesting. I like how you've developed the characters.

    Reading about Marseilles was cool for me, because I love reading about places I know about. I especially loved the French that was thrown in. Lovely writing. Not to mention the fact that I'm falling in love with Peter & Sophie. I only have one complaint. It doesn't seem that they've been around each other that long, yet she confesses that she loves him. I just found that really odd. The cheesy ending was cool, I mean, it was all really rushed, but your writing was effective. Keep it up (:
    June 25th, 2012 at 10:07pm
  • I. Loved. This. I normally hate cheesy endings but this was like mozzarella sticks (get it? ha-ha.) It was so funny and cute and romantic at the same time! You deserve the first prize and don't you dare consider it a default win! I'm so happy they got to be together! And I loved the Yasmina and Sasha's reactions to being called Russian/Ukrainian!
    June 25th, 2012 at 08:50pm
  • Awwwh that is so sweet! I love cheesey endings and I just really do love it and I can't believe I didn't get the email for the second update, but I did get it for the third! I really liked this and you have grown as a writer, I can tell you that
    June 25th, 2012 at 07:44pm
  • Loved the fluidity of the relationship of Sophie and Peter, and how it was a stark contrast to that of her and Hugo, as well as the other awkward girls. I just thought it was subtle, but still powerful touch in highlighting the contrasts.
    Keep it up!
    June 25th, 2012 at 05:09am
  • Wow this is really good. You have really good description and this seems to be going really well.

    The layout is really pretty. The lightness of it goes perfectly with the story.

    I think you could have developed your characters a little bit more, but other than that, it's really good.
    June 24th, 2012 at 11:05pm
  • Well I like it and it seems to be going good so far! I can't wait to read more of this. Ugh I hate Sophie's friends too! And I can't wait to see what is going to happen to her throughout this! :)! More soon, subbed and recommended!
    June 21st, 2012 at 07:08pm
  • This story is really good! I think you really captured the idea of the contest. I hope you do as well with the next three parts and I can't wait to see what else happens to Sophie. I hope she ends up having a good time in France since she doesn't have to deal with Krista and Jordan anymore! She seems like such a sweet girl and I really think you captured her kindness and personality. Great job!
    June 21st, 2012 at 05:11am
  • I love it, there is room to develop the character more and add more depth becuase at the moment Sophie seems a bit flat. but i love it so far, keep going i cant wait for updates and good luck in the competition :-)
    June 21st, 2012 at 01:50am
  • I really like this and you’re an extremely good writer (: I do hope you expand more on this story as I wish to see where Sophie ends up. I love how you’ve already created strong emotional ties with the characters. I cannot stand Jordan and Krista and I like how you were able to convey their selfish natures very strongly. Well done! I am excited to see more! <3
    June 21st, 2012 at 01:48am
  • Oh my gosh! I loved this story, and I seriously hate Jordan and Krista! I like Sophie's character and I hope you update this soon!
    The story was extremely well written and I liked the layout. (It may be me, but it looked a little blurry though) I am going to subscribe right now!
    June 20th, 2012 at 08:51pm
  • Loved it, yet I only had one issue. Sophie feels a little flat, kind sticking to a theme of depression and melodrama. You should definitely develop her more and more in the next chapters, making her a very dynamic character. Other than that, I've got no serious issues. A solid start. I'm definitely excited for the next chapter c: Good luck in the competition!
    June 20th, 2012 at 08:05pm