The Loyalty Complex - Comments

  • coyle;

    coyle; (100)

    United States
    This was written extremely well and I loved this story. But I felt like punching her dad in the face when he caught Rick kissing her in the ending. I felt bad for Erin because everyone seems to like her sister and does everything for her. Enjoyed reading this!
    April 28th, 2013 at 06:07pm
  • the-vampiress-angel

    the-vampiress-angel (100)

    What a great story and what a great character. I loved Erin in the story, probably one of my favourite characters I've read recently. My heart really goes out to her, she seems to be second best to her younger sister . No matter how hard she tries or how honest she is, she's still alone per say in the world. I love how she is finally able to realise that she deserves better in life no matter what anyone else thinks of her. I really enjoyed this, well done :)
    April 28th, 2013 at 04:53pm
  • holli.sullivan.sykes

    holli.sullivan.sykes (150)

    United States
    This was extremely well-written, and a very original plot! It was very long, but I don't think that's a bad thing; I love to read long one-shots. You're a fantastic writer and should be published! Your characters were very well-rounded.

    Although I would've loved to have seen more drama at the wedding, after her father found them kissing, I still adored this. It was beautiful!
    April 28th, 2013 at 06:37am
  • deciding

    deciding (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty sure I'd rather just read your writing all day instead of editing my own. I was so happy when I logged onto the site and saw this lengthy piece to distract me. :)

    I love how you were able to make your narrator so complex, and how well I feel like I know her by the end, even if this was just a one-shot. As I was reading along, Erin got me on her side, but throughout the story I was also questioning who I should really be cheering for. I'm so appreciative of stories where the lines are blurred and nothing is clear cut. I was so glad to see that at after everything, she chose herself above all else. Not a typical or predictable ending, but even better!

    This is such a beautiful story. I am so looking forward to whatever you write next.
    April 26th, 2013 at 08:53am
  • Dallas.

    Dallas. (100)

    United States
    Thank you!! It was worth every bit of the wait!

    At first, you want to hate Erin, but once you begin to understand the reasons behind her personality, you can't help but like and admire her. I cannot imagine being treated like that by your own family, and then to fall in love only to have it all ripped away by lies.

    I asked for a Nash story because he was the first hockey player I ever loved when I got into this crazy sport years ago....and, well, there are just so few well-written stories about him. I love that you were able to write him into it without it being your typical 'boy meets girl' story. He isn't the focus of the story, but plays a vital part in Erin making the decision to make a change in her life.

    I will admit, though, that a part of me started thinking about how it might play out if Erin got herself settled into life in New York and Rick showed up as a Ranger. haha
    April 26th, 2013 at 06:16am