A Touch of Feeling - Comments

  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    Sooooooo Comment swap brought me here!

    I think that when I saw it was about Justin Bieber, I was kind of like, oh no, this is not my thing. I personally am not a fan of Justin, so I was a little reluctant to start reading, just being honest, but then when I started reading I was completely blown away. I almost forgot that it was about him, which was nice. I think that you truly are an incredible writer.

    Your use of diction is truly spectacular! “Before one another stood the exact replica of themselves. Every detail, from the green speck in their eyes to the small mole on their right cheek, was the same.” This a really remarkable passage because you really made me visualize this aspect and that made me feel really good while reading it. I thought you used a great amount of words. “One of the twins reached out his hand to see if the other really wasn’t a fragment of his imagination[...],” my oh my, you really have a strong sense of diction and I like that a whole lot. It really makes the story stronger.

    I thought the connection they had was amazing, your descriptions are so precise, and I truly can picture everything. You have such a maturity and quality of your writing and I felt completely amazed. I loved how you made each of them have the emotions that the others didn't. I thought that Jason was so developed and so powerful and I just felt his anger, his pain and everything in that nature, and I was seriously blown away!
    December 18th, 2013 at 04:47pm
  • briecheese

    briecheese (150)

    United States
    I gotta say, you're very good at describing how they are feeling. The details are excellent. Seriously. It's true because for some reason this line
    "content that he may have just brought some sadness to someone else’s day, because that’s what Jason McCann did."

    Is my favorite, I absolutely love his personality and who he is.

    I feel like this is wasted on JB, it has so much potential that it could be published. I love the whole setting, how different they are and how someone is trying to fix them. I feel like it's going to be a huge emotional journey and with the people who aren't JB's fan will look over this. I wouldn't too if not for the comment swap. But I glad I read this. I love it and I'm subbing (despite not being a fan. It's the story I'm here for).
    July 4th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • Sore Winner

    Sore Winner (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I dslike Beiber. But i really like the whole personality thing
    its an interesting concept, and i probably would read more. i wouldnt have picked this originally, but im glad Comment Swap sent it me! (:
    oh, and your username tells me you must have some kind of taste in music ;)
    June 22nd, 2012 at 09:27pm
  • heyyitskee

    heyyitskee (100)

    United States
    Okay I'll start off by saying I'm not a JB fan in away shape or form, so when comment swap sent me i got some what iritated, but I always say dont knock it till you try it. So i tried it. This is actually really good. I'm always for twins seperated at birth stories, you always hope that in the end they will love each other no matter what they've been through. I hope that Jason and Justin come together well. My looks on Justin still won't change though, but keep going!
    June 22nd, 2012 at 08:22pm
  • Nathan Sykes.

    Nathan Sykes. (100)

    I swear comment swap hates me for sending me to read Justin Bieber fan fictions. Ironic that I was reading your other one just yesterday though haha. I like this story line better as it has more originality. The detail starts out good so far. I'm curious to read more. Good job doll :)
    June 21st, 2012 at 10:11pm