Mess You Made - Comments

  • and we're still waiting for an update :(
    October 12th, 2015 at 02:32am
  • Update this please please please
    April 27th, 2015 at 05:06pm
  • I'm so sad that you haven't updated this :'(
    April 16th, 2015 at 01:32am
  • please updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    December 11th, 2014 at 03:08am
  • please update xx
    June 22nd, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • please update xx
    June 22nd, 2014 at 09:46pm
  • WHY?
    This is what I'm asking myself. WHY. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.
    First of all, I would like to point out I'm currently working off of four hours of sleep. So if this comment has a lot of typos or is just downright kooky(I'm not even sure if that's the right spelling of kooky at the moment; it looks so off), that partially can explain why. The other reasoning, well, I'll think you'll be able to tell in the rest of my comment.
    I would also love to add that I am sleep-deprived because of your story. Yes. You did this to me. But take that as a compliment.
    Okay, so, let's start at the beginning, shall we? I noticed a good friend of mine on here, who also happens to write Alex Gaskarth fan fiction, recommended a story of yours (I am actually reading that story of yours as well but have yet to comment on it because, oh my, I'm actually sort of embarrassed to be reading it. You can probably take a wild guess at what story that is. Hint hint, she recommended the one-shot beginning and its sequel). Anyway, so I saw she did and she's one of those people I can trust recommends good stories, especially Alex ones which makes her a saint since I have the hardest time finding any good ones for him on here that don't involve Jalex, but just an OC... so I was like, hey! Someone I have not stumbled across! Even though I really shouldn't be starting another story, what the hey? It's spring break and I got time.
    Little did I know, you not only have that one going, but also, a handful of other ones. Including this one.
    (This is good for you and bad for me. Stick with me.)
    So anyway, I was like, 'Oh, hey... I think I'll go ahead and check another one out too!' In all honesty, I was looking for one that isn't as... graphic as the other one, more so loving and, idk, just sticking to the cute romance. Not like, the intense romance. Not that there's a problem with it but I just was kind of like, yeah, I needed something cute to balance out your other story I'm reading. XD
    But anyway, ergo, why I'm here... typing this comment, after managing to read this whole damn story, prequel and all, within the course of THREE DAYS. I don't know about you but for me this took some serious dedication, because while I may not have a social life to bother with, I can't even remember the last time I read an actual work of fiction. Like, the whole thing, published or not. The prequel to this was equivalent to me reading a fucking book, pretty much. I'm still trying to comprehend how I did it in all honesty.
    And not to mention, I got these 14 chapters of the sequel knocked out too.
    But anyway, yes, going back to the beginning of my comment: WHY. I tell myself I will not read any more stories and what the hell happens? I do and the proof is this comment.
    Moving on to the story, HA, I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO MY THOUGHTS ON THAT YET. I hope you're entertained while reading this.
    My God though...
    I think I'm going to start with the fact that this is the first story in a very long time that actually made me cry. Sincerely, especially with the prequel, which by the way, this review will all be wrapped into one.
    And on that note... this is the first story I have ever read that made me cry without realizing it. With every other story/book I've read, I've felt the water-works coming, but with this... I all of a sudden reach up to wipe my eyes, to feel FUCKING TEARS. When people say that in stories, ha ha, you even said it a good multitude of times in this story... I'm always like, how is that even possible? How do you not know you're crying before you reach up to wipe at your eyes?! But for the first time ever, IT HAPPENED TO ME. :'(( I can see it now and in a way I thank you because it will be easier for me to visualize if any writer I read from in the future uses that...
    But anyway, like, this shit is legit. Your writing is fucking flawless and even though I kept finding grammatical errors, it still kept me hooked. A little bit of criticism to go with the complimenting. ;)
    And oh, yeah, I had to stop reading at a couple of different points to just take a break from the emotional stuff. This story really got to me deep, like so deep that it just kept putting me in this fucking depression. I think it's because what I wanted to happen wasn't happening, and in life when that happens that generally depresses me too. But like what the fuckkkkk...
    So yeah, I had to take a break and listen to music to calm me down a few times. No bueno for me but total props to you and your writing.
    Um, and so yeah, going back to lack of sleep, you caused that because just before I went to bed last night, I finished the prequel to this and that was a horrible fucking idea, obviously. Like, you can probably see why, you know how you ended it... but my God that ending had me so fucking worried and stressed. Like WHY DID SHE DO THAT? My God, the fucking emotions... and then I was just worried because I knew it was going to skip ahead due to reading the summary of this part and I was just like, OH NO. WHAT IF ALEX MOVES ON AGAIN? Thank God he didn't though; my heart would not have been able to take it. The beginning of this sequel emotionally for me was enough.
    But long story short, I couldn't sleep well last night because I was dying to know what would happen. And now I've read all fourteen chapters of this today and I am fucking exhausted. I am so done reading for the day. XD
    In case it was not obvious, team Alex all the way!! ;) Jack scares me in this sequel. I think he just needs to chill the fuck out... I'm worried because the therapy probably would have helped him but now he's leaning more toward becoming a basket case. Like, I can understand being angry but damn. He channels all of his emotions toward Sadie through his anger. It'd be less tense if in fact he let some of it out through sadness like Alex does. Which, now that I think about it, may be another critique... granted that you never know how someone may act in this type of situation, the Jack in this story acts differently than I think the one in real life would. But that's just my thought. This one seems very intense... but who knows, maybe the real Jack would react that way. I guess you can't really blame him, in this story or if it happened in real life. Healing is a process.
    Ugh, and then Sadie... she is so frustrating. I love her character but it's just so frustrating how she won't accept things. Like the fact that Alex loves her. And that no one hates her like she thinks they do.
    Did I cover all I wanted to say? Probably not, but I think you get the gist.
    You're seriously an amazing writer. Like, thank God too because there's so little of those when it comes to Alex fan fics. I plan on checking out most, if not all, of your other Alex stories when I find the time. I just had the time now for this one because it's SPRAAAANG BREAAAAK for me, but coming Monday I head back into the college life.
    So plan on me checking out a few more eventually. :) Maybe even a comment on the one I'm embarrassed to be reading. XD We will see, though.
    Keep up your writing and I'm maybe, sorta hoping this long comment inspires you to update? It's been a while girl, c'mon now (all the while understanding how hectic school can be, so I can understand the delay).
    Oh, as a P.S: ;))))
    I love that you have Cassadee in this, OMG. As such a loving character too. :') I'm seeing her live next Saturday, OMG. :O :DD
    Hope you're having a lovely day. My God I think this is my longest comment ever. That says a lot considering my fucking comments lately. XD OMG.
    On a final note, I TYPED THIS ALL WHILE I HAVE A BROKEN WRIST, CAST AND ALL. BE IMPRESSED. I sure am. Damn. XD Kind of regretting it now though since it's starting to hurt. :/
    But lovely, lovely, lovely... can't wait for more deary. <3
    March 21st, 2014 at 05:26am
  • Update please?! Sad
    March 15th, 2014 at 09:02pm
  • PLeasseeeeee UPdateeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
    October 12th, 2013 at 05:00am
    Alex and Sadie ugh <3
    August 7th, 2013 at 04:06am
  • please update please update pleeease update please please please update this

    you have no idea how bad i want Sadie and Alex together. seriously, you have no idea. and to be honest, i kind of want Rein and Sadie to become friends. like Rein just, yano, get over it. it's kind of unrealistic of me to wish because that'd be like me trying to be friends with someone my boyfriend cheated on me with when i was wickedly in love with him (yeah, i don't see that happening) so tooootally unrealistic but one can wish. I JUST WANT SADIE AND ALEX TOGETHER badly more than i have ever wanted two characters to be together before. honestly, i'm really hoping that seeing Sadie again and maybe even talking to her will bring Jack closure so he can move on and maybe (?) even be with Rein because it seems like Rein is the only mature one about this right now which i like. i didn't like her when she was with Alex FOR REALLY OBVIOUS REASONS OF COURSE and i think maybe her and Jack would be good together. i'm really sad that Sadie left and Alex is so heartbroken but i really think it just goes to show how much they need each other and i think Jack needs to stop confusing the love he has for Sadie as still being in love with her because i don't think he is anymore. just like i love my ex, but i'm not in love with her anymore. like i'll always care about her because she once meant the world to me but i've moved on. i think that's where Jack is right now but he never had a chance to talk to Sadie so he never got closure so he's confused because she really broke his heart and angry with Alex when it's a little childish of him but i think Jack deserves closure, even if i ship Sadie and Alex hardcore.

    like, i totally just analyzed your characters (and story) like i'm a very passionate reader goddamn therapist so i'm going to shut up.

    please please please let Sadie and Alex be together without drama and consequences and heartbreak and a lot of happiness and please please please update this very soon.
    August 6th, 2013 at 04:51pm
  • I love this fic so much, seriously it's brilliant. I think jack, alex, rein and sadie need to have that awkward moment of being stuck in a lift together and having to talk it out haha! Keep writing xxx
    July 18th, 2013 at 11:38am
  • sadie really surprised me omg! this is so intense I freaking love it!!
    July 17th, 2013 at 08:15pm
  • You should update soon, this fic is making me anxious to know what happens next!
    July 17th, 2013 at 02:08pm
  • I love this story sooooo muchhhhh!!!!
    Please update soon you amazing writer!! <3 xoxo
    July 16th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • OHMYLANTA! I'm shocked, excited and everything in between! I seriously NEED you to update RIGHT NOW. I love this story so much!
    July 5th, 2013 at 05:52pm
  • OH NONONONONO!!! my gooood! this is getting intense
    July 3rd, 2013 at 07:11am
  • OH NONONONONO!!! my gooood! this is getting intense
    July 3rd, 2013 at 07:11am
    July 3rd, 2013 at 01:28am
  • oh no
    I feel like jack is going to kill her
    I was hoping she would run into him though
    July 2nd, 2013 at 10:53pm