Heavily Broken - Comments

  • CivilAnimosity

    CivilAnimosity (100)

    United States
    -Comment Swap-
    Layout The layout was really soft on the eyes, and made your story really easy to read, which is always soooooo nice. And your background blended well (seamless), which I always look for. (Just a little OCD I guess...)
    Intro D: Woah. It was written well, and and I was NOT expecting her father punch her in the face D:
    Chapter One Okay wow, another surprise: it was a dream. Only not? Her father is abusive, but him punching her was a dream or not? I'm just a little confused? It was a little sad... "I wasn't hated at school. I just became invisible." Being invisible is..not fun at all. I understand that :\

    Good story so far, just needs some mapping out. :)
    June 30th, 2012 at 01:09am
  • morshu101

    morshu101 (150)

    United States
    Oh first to comment how nice. I think that the summary was a great way to start. I think that your writing style is very neat. It wasn't all over the place, and I thought that was nice. The characters are very interesting, and I thought they seemed very real. YOu put a lot of detail into this, and it seemed to be very well thought out. I think that a bit of patching up would do some good. Other than that, keep up the great work.
    June 29th, 2012 at 08:59pm