Civil Combustion - Comments

  • This is nothing like I've seen on this site before. Maybe because I've mainly read more typical stories. This was a interesting and short read, both great for times like this when I was just looking for something new.
    I used to be very interested in the Civil War, blame my younger self and her unbelievable love for National Treasure and other historical adventure movies. I would have adored this a few years back.
    I'll repeat the comment below, add a layout, it really brings life to a story and it's text.
    January 6th, 2015 at 12:31pm
  • I think this a different and unique approach to something like this. I love the title of this because you're talking about moments not necessarily in order they happened in The Civil War, but just moments and putting them together. I like what you have going on here, it's reads like a story, but then again it doesn't and that's what I like.

    The Civil War era is just interesting to me and it's a critical part of American history today. The first part of this is raw only because it is true and people really thought like that about African Americans back then. Reading this like it's a mini history lesson and I commend you for doing this because most writers on this site would have not done so.

    The lengths of the chapters are perfect - short and sweet and when talking about history you never want to overwhelm a reader, but you didn't and that was great. I read every chapter and you have something special here. Good job, the only thing I would change would be to make a layout, I think it might add more emotion to your words.
    July 2nd, 2012 at 10:52pm