Lost, Yet Found - Comments

  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    I love that Barton suggested Wii. That's hilarious. I could see it. But I have to say, if you're not supposed to talk about something, I suppose what else are you going to do? lol. Tony teasing Rogers was very realistic. I can see it. lol. Poor Steve. Always getting teased for being such a good guy. I can't say that I wouldn't have done it if I was Tony. But still. You can't help but feel bad for him. He's in a world he really doesn't understand with the morals of a man from way back when and Tony is constantly pointing out how he doesn't understand things. I wouldn't get half the shit Tony says either. I don't blame Steve for not wanting to tell Tasha they have no idea how to get her home. It would be like someone telling Tony they didn't know how to get him home, and I'm sure it wouldn't go over well with Tony. Shit. Poor Tasha. I just feel bad for all of these poor characters. lol. I'm curious about her relationship with Captain America in her world, if you will. Any way, great updates, I love them, even though I don't get on and read them right away, I adore them. And update soon. XP
    August 19th, 2012 at 08:50pm
  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    Alright, I know, I'm a bit late, but I'm reading now. :). That's got to count for something, right? lol. You know I love your writing, and anything you write I will read. lol. I've got to say, I can't blame Tony for focusing on anger. It's an easy emotion to deal with, compared to all of the other's that one feels. I love the conversations between Tony and Tasha. It's kind of like Tony's having a conversation with himself, which I guess he kind of is. lol. But still. I love it. I have to say that Thor attacking a 'Frost Giant' made me laugh uncontrollably. I could so see it. lol. I was actually really confused by Tasha at first, but I have to say you have a wonderful way of explaining things that are very complex. Bravo. I loved Chapter Three, and now I'm off to read Chapter Four. :)
    August 19th, 2012 at 08:32pm
  • hidans_hoe

    hidans_hoe (150)

    United States
    THIS IS PERFECTION. You have all the characters down so perfectly. You truly are an Avengers expert! Thor just adds great comic relief. Is it weird that I read his voice as the Thor on The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes? Awesome. Update soon!

    Oh, you're scratch-the-maven. I'm s0mewhat-damaged from Tumblr. :)
    August 1st, 2012 at 05:56am
  • Cali.B.Diamond

    Cali.B.Diamond (100)

    United States
    I have to admit, it took a few moments to get used to the explanations of how the universe/dimension thing worked, but you had the others explain it in a way that wasn't so confusing that I didn't understand it at all. So, bonus points for teaching me something new, lol.

    Most of them (Clint) were fairly ‘trigger happy'

    Love that. xD Clint does seem like he'd be the trigger happiest out of the group.

    Also, I'm actually not surprised that Steve would 'lie' to Tasha about the news. (Considering how many times he falsified information to try and get enlisted kind of lays it out there that he's not above lying if it's for the right cause) And I love the mother-henning trait. It... just seems to fit him.

    I still say I ship Tasha/Steve. There's just something about the way she speaks to him that kind of makes me wonder about what sort of relationship she has with the Steve back in her dimension.

    Loved it! And I'm sorry it took so long to get a review up. You really ought to just prod me next time xD Can't wait for the next chapter.

    xoxo - Cali
    July 29th, 2012 at 06:18am
  • winter soldier

    winter soldier (100)

    United States
    “—Seems plausible to me,” Barton cut in, wearing a taunting grin. “I mean, look at you. You have an excess of everything.”

    “I will take your own arrows and shove them up your—”

    “—So it’s basically a ‘too much of a good thing’ issue?” Steve asked.

    Steve gets a gold star just for breaking up that fight.

    “Well, hopefully she isn’t the anti-me, because if I accidentally bump shoulders with her we both vanish,” Tony said with a scoff.

    “Why don’t you ask her to shake your hand and find out?” Barton asked with a laugh. Tony just glared at him.

    I enjoy in Clint being a smart ass to me. I mean Tony.

    I like how Steve has decided that they're going to do this, regardless of what anyone else wants. Because it's Steve. And Steve can make anyone do anything. But also because it's Steve and Steve is Steve. (Well, if that made sense at all then good for you.) I feel bad for Steve though that they lump all this on him. It's not fair to him.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 04:57am
  • Cali.B.Diamond

    Cali.B.Diamond (100)

    United States
    Maybe he should move back to California, it was nice there and warm and didn’t snow as much, and by ‘as much’ he thinks not at all unless you lived in the mountains, which maybe nobody does unless they’re a mountain goat – and do they even have those in California?
    Pointing this part out because, according to Tony Stark, I am a mountain goat. Which, I'm not actually sure if we have, to be honest. Mountain lions, yes. Goats. Uh. I'll get back to you on that xP
    I'm loving the interactions between Tony and Tasha, by the way. Poor Tony must be feeling so strange having to argue with someone who is, essentially, him. It's like a literal case of arguing with yourself, talking to yourself and, well, interacting with yourself. I feel as though he needs this sort of view on things, though, regardless of whether this alter of his is female or not. It's kind of a smack to the face when you get to see yourself the way everyone else does, personality and habits wise.
    The Blue Man Group thing killed me. I can totally see Thor freaking out over something like that.
    I'll be honest, I'm veeeeeeeeeeeery interested in how Tasha's interactions with Steve will go.
    Oh. And might I add that I might already be shipping Steve/Tasha? And Tony/Tasha, if I'm going to be honest. Because, nothing is better than Self Love. Any psychiatrist will tell you that.

    xoxo - Cali
    July 14th, 2012 at 09:24pm
  • winter soldier

    winter soldier (100)

    United States
    Well, if that's not a big pile of fuck shit then I don't know what is. If I was a good person, I'd probably click the links you left in the ask box but I think they're going to hurt my brain. So I'm not going to click them.

    I don't like Lady!Stark. Which is equivalent to not liking Tony but she's not Tony. (And this is like the time where I almost had a crisis over Extremis!Tony not being Tony.) But that's also just me being weird. And I am entitled to being weird.

    If she's the female Tony then does that mean her lying low is pretty much going to fail? Because it's like physically impossible for Tony to lay low. And she's just as hotheaded, and pigheaded, as Tony is.

    Eye of the Hawk. LOL. A+ Thor, A+.

    If you haven't noticed, my comments are entirely comprised of pointing out things and giving scattered thoughts and or opinions on them.
    July 14th, 2012 at 06:47pm
  • Cali.B.Diamond

    Cali.B.Diamond (100)

    United States
    This is fantastic so far! (sorry it took forever to get to, but you know me. I take a while to do things because I suck.) From what I can tell so far, you've captured everyone's voices and personalities perfectly (bit jealous of that, I might add).
    There are far too many favorite bits to name them all, but "Exactly. That's 40's for bullshit, right? Never mind, don't answer that, of course it is." definitely had me giggling loud enough to wake people.
    Can't wait for an update! (but take your time, as always.)

    xoxo - Cali
    July 8th, 2012 at 04:26pm
  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    Haha, I loved it. It was amazing. Can I just say that I loved when Tony said "Are you crazy?” Tony barked. “I would abuse a shared identity!” At least he's honest...? I would too, I think.. lol. I'm pretty sure I say this in every single comment that I've ever left you, but I can't get over the fact that you have the characters down so fucking well. I'm jealous. But any who, I'll quit rambling on and say that it was amazing, and i'm impatiently waiting for the next one. XP.
    July 8th, 2012 at 05:31am
  • hellheartless

    hellheartless (100)

    United States
    Stabbing things... Beautiful. lol. Brilliant start. I love how you have this way of putting things to make you think that you can actually smell the smoke, and the thickness to the air. I can totally see Tony freaking. Boys and their toys, and all. If one things for sure, you can always count on Steve to take control. Handy, ain't he? lol. It was very good, and I'm going to read the second one now. XP
    July 8th, 2012 at 05:18am
  • winter soldier

    winter soldier (100)

    United States
    “Yes, I suppose you could say that it exploded,” Thor nodded.

    “You suppose?” Tony asked, making a face. “That thing left a crater on the landing level of my tower.”

    I just enjoy how Thor is so calm about this. Like explosions that lash out in violent manners are common occurrences for him at Stark Tower.

    Barton leaned over slightly to try to get a glance of what was on the paper, but Tony quickly put the paper to his chest and shot the other a venomous glare.

    Don't be such an ass, Tony. And yes, I called myself an ass. I also do this if someone tries to do that to me.

    “I would abuse a shared identity!”


    Uhm, anyways. This seems like a big pile of fuck shit that's not going to be fun for Tony. WHY ARE YOU SUCH A JERK TO MY ALTER EGO AND MYSELF?! HUH? I'M NICE TO YOUR ALTER EGO. I mean what. I want to see Natasha and Tony talk. Stark Natasha that is.
    July 7th, 2012 at 07:17am
  • winter soldier

    winter soldier (100)

    United States
    Stabbing is bad for your health. Just saying. Also, interesting. Highly interesting. More. Now. Or I'll come find you.
    July 5th, 2012 at 05:01pm