Fragile Hearts - Comments

  • HanerJoy

    HanerJoy (100)

    Puerto Rico
    Ilove this story :D I can't wait to see what happens next :)
    November 13th, 2012 at 11:49am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    It was nice that the girls invited her out to lunch (or dinner?). Although I totally understood her little internal freakout after she left about what they'd think/say if they knew she was a hired girlfriend. Although she shouldn't assume they'd freak out that badly, I mean, she's not a hooker... she's a girl that is helping out a guy who's had his heart broken. Hopefully when they find out, they can see it that way and don't judge her.

    Looking forward to the next chapter, when Brian has gotten over the sting of the dinner and contacts her again. Fair enough that he's hurting, but it doesn't excuse his behaviour. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that.. especially since he doesn't appear to still be paying her.
    November 2nd, 2012 at 12:44pm
  • DarRex

    DarRex (100)

    United States
    I love this story so far :) I can't wait to read more. Its very interesting.
    October 31st, 2012 at 07:28pm
  • imdancingalone

    imdancingalone (100)

    United States
    Love this story :) Can't wait for more!!
    October 30th, 2012 at 07:18am
  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    love this update soon
    October 30th, 2012 at 06:57am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    haha, I feel her pain, I too try not to stare at only Brian during the 'afterlife' video, its useless though with his growly face and the working his guitar like a master bit..its ridiculous. Anywho, I feel for her and the awkward situation she is in with the girls. On one hand its sweet that she is trying to help him out, but if it all comes out in the open that he hired her she is the one that is going to look like the bad person, even though she hasnt really done anything wrong..I dunno, its all a web, and the longer it goes on the larger the web gets and more people get dragged into it...Brian needs to get with it already, I mean she is hanging out with the females of his group, making friends. I think he should miraculously get over Michelle and date this girl already for real!...more please soon. I really like your writing:)
    October 30th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    So next chapter you say? Wondering what that will be.. Also I think this was a pretty good chapter. But that might just be me.. Even though I don't think so.. Oh well.. Smile
    October 29th, 2012 at 09:18pm
  • MarMarJones

    MarMarJones (100)

    United States
    Can't wait to read more!
    October 29th, 2012 at 06:10pm
  • candice

    candice (100)

    Excited for the next chapter... When is brian gonna get smart?
    October 29th, 2012 at 04:34pm
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    Well that was a mood killer for sure.. Damn... I wonder how this will effect things from here and so on.. This evening seems murdered, so I'm thinking what's next? Good chapter. Smile
    October 13th, 2012 at 04:59pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I can't say I blame Brian for dreading the dinner with his ex-wife and her new boyfriend. It's certainly not something anyone would wanna take part in. Especially since he's not even close to being over her, so watching her interact with another man would definitely be a kick to the stomach. He's a strong guy just for agreeing to go.

    Trust Michelle to be fashionably late... making sure she makes a grand entrance with her new guy and nobody misses it. I hope it wasn't on purpose, because if she really cared for Brian's feelings at all, she wouldn't be making such a big deal of flaunting her new relationship. It's quite cruel.

    Well, the evening didn't turn out quite as they planned, but it was fair that he couldn't handle it and had to leave. I can't say I blamed him. Although his snappy remark calling Kasey Dr. Phil was a bit uncalled for.. she was only trying to offer some sort of comfort, in a way. Because she was right, it's not the new guys fault, it's not his fault, it's not even Michelle's fault. But honestly, it seems that maybe she'll just have to keep her distance for the time being and let him have time to get over it. It's the only way he'll heal.

    Looking forward to more again soon Smile
    October 13th, 2012 at 02:28pm
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    Ha. Bojangles.... Yeah I cracked up at that too. I feel so sad for Brian. I hope that he can move past this soon. I'm sad there won't be an update sooner than later, but I understand. I still can't wait for the next installment though! This story is golden:)
    October 12th, 2012 at 05:17am
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    and so this weird friendship or whatever is developing slowly.. hmm.. wondering how this will turn out for the both of them.. hmm.. good chapter(s). Smile
    October 11th, 2012 at 08:06pm
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    Oh boy..I smell complications!...Will be interesting to see how this pans out...I get that Brian is still hung up on Michelle, but I feel bad for Kasey for being asked to pretend with him, I guess her side job bothers me a bit, I just see her getting more Jaded the longer she does it. Hopefully Brian starts to move on sooner than later. More soon, I really like this:)
    October 1st, 2012 at 12:04am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    New reader here and I'm gonna catch up on all chapters and comment as I read, since it's my favourite thing to do Smile

    I feel bad for Brian being "dumped" via a sentence note... very harsh. I mean, I'm sure Michelle has her reasons for wanting to separate, but the least she could've done was tell him face to face. Especially since they're married, it surely means that the ending of the relationship deserved a bit more respect than what she's shown Sad

    Kasey's job sounds very interesting. I honestly can't say it's a profession I'd heard of before, but it seems like a completely plausible one. It also makes for a very unique spin on a story, so kudos for that!

    Whilst I understand Brian's frustration that Matt has been harboring his wife for two weeks and didn't tell him about it, I can also understand why he did it. I'm sure Val probably requested it of him and he was probably torn between loyalty to his best friend and his vow to his wife. Quite the tough situation to be in, so hopefully once Brian has cooled down, he can forgive him for his choice to withhold the information from him.

    Her reason for leaving him doesn't instill any sympathy for her... I mean, if it wasn't bad enough how she handled leaving him in the first place, the reason behind it isn't any better. I suppose she gets points for not cheating on Brian, but I'm sure it'd be hard for him believe that. And the woman you love telling you she loves someone else... what a punch to the guts. Poor guy. Sad

    I like that it was Jimmy's suggestion to call Kasey, that's funny. And plausible, since he's the one likely to be looking out for Brian and trying to help him win Michelle back... if that's what he's attempting to do, of course. Although I must admit that I found it a little strange that he sat on Brian's lap when they were talking about it... hahaha.

    I can't say I blame her for giving into Brian... I mean, it's one thing to reject him on the phone, but when he's standing in front of you, begging to pay you to be his date for the night and he looks as handsome as he does (even in that terrible choice of an outfit), who could knock him back? Hahaha.

    At this point, I'm not sure how I feel about Tess. I mean, she seems a little whiny and demanding of Kasey, the fact that she doesn't allow her friend to sleep in on her days off being an example of that. Not to mention she's quite pushy that Kasey give up her part-time job and is quite judgmental of the fact that she took on another job... But I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and hope that she's just looking out for her friends best interests and backs off a bit soon.

    Not sure I'd mind riding on a bike with Brian.. but I think I'd prefer to be behind, so I could hold onto him. Hahaha. Although I understand her hesitation, since getting on a bike with anyone could be daunting... especially in a $120 dress.

    Her reception at the BBQ is awkward, to say the least. I love that Jimmy was the only one to be straight up warm and welcoming to her, but I suppose since he has insider info, he would be that way with her. Although I must admit that I would've thought the other guys might have been a bit more welcoming, since it's not like Brian dumped Michelle... she dumped him, so they should be applauding his attempt at moving on. But I suppose that might take a bit of time.. their wariness is, I guess, out of love for the friend.

    Tisk tisk... now she was worried about Brian getting attached, she never stopped to think about lecturing herself before she got caught up on the date. Hahaha. But it was nice of her to decline payment from Brian, it will make things a lot less weird if they were to try dating for real anytime soon. I feel bad for Brian that he's still quite hurt and stuck on Michelle, but that's more than to be expected. I mean, he was married to the woman, not like he could get over her in just a few weeks. So well done in making that plausible and realistic, as most other writers don't Smile

    Bahahaha! I just love how casually Leana informs her that she's in the porn industry... that's so funny. I have to admit that I'd react the same way as Kasey, since it's not often you meet a person in that particular industry... and you certainly wouldn't expect they'd be so blase about it, either. I mean, good on her for not caring what others think, but still... ballsy! Hahaha.

    Okay, so I'm understanding more of why Tess is kind of clingy and whinny when Kasey is busy and doesn't have time for her. I mean, she's obviously still got issues in regards to her ex-fiance, so she would need her friend as distraction and to keep her spirits up. Even if it was some time ago, it's not something someone just gets over without much issue. She's not as bad as I thought, I'm warming up to her.

    Well, Michelle's call out of the blue didn't seem like a positive one to me, too bad Brian didn't feel the same way. He wouldn't have set himself up for more heartbreak when they met up. I honestly thought she might've dropped a bomb on him that she wanted to marry this Mr. Mechanic, but I suppose it's far too soon for that. At least I hope so. Although to be completely honest, I don't really understand why he's forced to sit through any gathering with her at all... I mean, you'd think his friends would be thoughtful enough to give him a break from get togethers with her for quite a while. After all, they're kind of his friends first... her only claim to them is Val. And surely she could see her separately, couldn't she? I dunno... just a thought. Hahaha.

    It's nice of her to agree to continue being his "girlfriend" for the time being, while Brian gets used to the idea of his wife dating someone else. It's also a bonus that they get along so well and everything seems comfortable, so that's good. It's easy to see that feelings will definitely develop between these two, but it's not so easy to see how that will pan out for them. After all, it's a very sticky situation they're in... so who knows where it will go from here. Except for you, you know of course. Hahaha.

    Okay, sorry for the very long rambling comment, but I'm all caught up now and I'm looking forward to your next update!
    September 30th, 2012 at 07:56pm
  • SaraHorlyk

    SaraHorlyk (100)

    I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
    You mentioned Danish pastries, it may not be any big and special but trust me it is, especially when you are from/-and live in Denmark.
    Lol but yeah, I loved this update! :)
    Please update soon again.
    September 30th, 2012 at 09:19am
  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    update love this
    September 30th, 2012 at 08:06am
  • Indiana_Casablanca

    Indiana_Casablanca (100)

    United Kingdom
    Michelle... smh that was just unnecessarily COLD!
    September 21st, 2012 at 10:37pm
  • I feel insane

    I feel insane (110)

    Wow...that was really a bitch move. Way to get his hopes up Michelle -_-
    September 21st, 2012 at 03:28pm
  • JustThinking

    JustThinking (100)

    Brian's poor fragile heart.. I wonder what he'll do about all of this.. Hmm... Good chapter. Smile
    September 21st, 2012 at 12:51pm