Broken Wings - Comments

  • {Comment Swap}
    Great job. A few spelling errors, but none so big it will destroy the world if you don't fix them. Well written, only maybe have a new line when every character speaks as it's a bit confusing. Great storyline. Keep it up!
    February 14th, 2017 at 02:32am
  • Hello. Comment swap led me here. It is off to a good start but you need to start a new line when a new character speaks. It makes it a lot easier to follow and looks a lot neater. But other than that and a few small spelling errors this is well written and I hope you continue.
    August 18th, 2012 at 03:28am
  • Well first off good job. There were a few spelling mistakes like the word confidence or whatever but that's only small things. I would suggest separating your characters dialogue onto different lines because it can get a bit confusing sometimes. But yeah, I really liked it. The storyline is an interesting idea and I like where it's going. This is the first Jonas Brothers fan fic I've read and it left a lasting impression. You should keep it up. :) Well done.
    August 14th, 2012 at 03:08pm
  • Well first off good job. There were a few spelling mistakes like the word confidence or whatever but that's only small things. I would suggest separating your characters dialogue onto different lines because it can get a bit confusing sometimes. But yeah, I really liked it. The storyline is an interesting idea and I like where it's going. You should keep it up. :) Well done.
    July 21st, 2012 at 02:56pm