I Missed the Robins - Comments

  • Wow, this is definitely a really cool read. I love the weird twist you've put on a typical high school story, where everyone still kind of acts like a teenager, but there's still an air of mystery about things. Also, I love the reference to Donnie Darko, what a fantastic movie. The eeriness of your writing actually kind of reminds me of it!
    November 2nd, 2012 at 05:47am
  • The summary of your story was unique! Kind of sad that the character is waiting for someone to pull all the pain away. Never fall to despair young robin, after difficulty comes ease!

    The build up is interesting and really exciting. Although the paperballs in the back of the head are kind of random and clcihe at the same time, and same with the main character ignoring every class they went to, school isn't that boring.

    Oh...my...god....that dude has a gun. o.o

    Wow, that girl has a lot of things to say! She's kind of confusing though. It's live and die for her o.o...her character sounds interesting though.

    Good luck writing you sure have a lot of surprises in store for the readers! :)
    July 23rd, 2012 at 12:08pm