Sea Salt - Comments

  • Good lord, I think I'm in love with this story!
    There were such perfect meshes between lines that made me think of only the most perfect couple. God, the way you wrote this must have been effortless! I had to read this over and over, not only because of the cute and fluffy ending, but because your way with words was priceless. Not many authors can write mystery characters very well in a story and still make it cute without revealing identities... like me lol. Well, I hope you keep on writing, because I'm on the watch for your works, now.
    September 11th, 2012 at 06:43am
  • This is gorgeous. I didn't really quite understand the lines as I read them until I was on the next line after, but for some reason, I loved that. I'm really not too artsy with my words. but you are. I envy that. It flows amazingly.

    I loved it!
    August 23rd, 2012 at 07:09am
  • I enjoyed this piece a lot. Your words seemed to flow effortlessly and there was an even mix of both interesting dialogue and description that just worked. I like how you’ve connected both the song and the picture you’ve chosen, that was also done well. Particularly, I enjoyed the ending the most when the narrator states that they don’t mind the ocean, I thought it was a cute ending. Thanks for entering!
    August 16th, 2012 at 11:11am