NYXIS - Comments

  • Katlight Sparkle

    Katlight Sparkle (100)

    United States
    All right, I was brought here by comment swap, and I have to plead ignorance to Korean anything, so I have to admit that there were several things that didn’t make any sense to me. Maybe a little bit of background information for people who aren’t familiar with the particulars at all? I think the best part is when he’s in his room preparing for the audition. The constant stream of anxious questions and babbling is so relatable to being excited and worried about an opportunity. The rest of the chapter is interesting, but feel a little rushed. Rushing to school, rushing back home to find his mother has died, which is quickly brushed aside for the next day and auditions. I think slowing it down a little, considering the character’s feelings and thoughts for the moment, would make things even better.
    August 26th, 2012 at 12:51am
  • tiffagold

    tiffagold (100)

    United States
    I liked it but I can admit it wasn't your best writing! I know you will make up for it in chapter 3! Lol I can't wait for the group to meet each other! :)
    August 3rd, 2012 at 10:13pm
  • miss crysta

    miss crysta (100)

    United States
    I agree with electrovoid when I read the summary i was like, eh, I don't want to really read this. But when I did I was so impressed by the idea.

    I loved Yun's character he was an absolute wonder to read and those bully's, made him so relatable.

    The part with his mother was sad, but it didn't really trip my trigger. It was like 'okay she died...what next' so I was a little disappointed that there was more emotion. It is early in the story though, so it would have been pretty hard to nail that kind of emotion when the reader typically doesn't know much about the mother.

    When the judges are described at the end of his song I think Simon Cowell lol, I hope that isn't insulting, but he just popped into my head. WIth that look he gets on his face when he is impressed by a performance.

    Anyways I truly did enjoy this story, keep up the good work.
    July 30th, 2012 at 08:01am
  • electrovoid

    electrovoid (100)

    United States
    Woah. I'll admit to not being too excited when I read the summary; this story definitely appeared to not be my thing. But, boy, did that not matter! First of all, really interesting subject matter! This definitely is an original story.

    I really enjoyed the first chapter. I could literally feel Mae Yun's excitement, and it even weakened after his mom's concern for him. Then his doubts for himself are so easy to relate to - how many of us have wanted something so badly but felt like we're not good enough to achieve it?

    With the bullying, I thought Mae Yun dealt with it really well; I cheered for him when he got his notes back! I hope he gets his due when he becomes famous, haha, and show the bullies and that awful teacher to not pick on people.

    Okay. This is the one place I was a bit unsure. I didn't really feel anything when his mother dies. I know that death scenes are really hard to write, though. However, when Mae Yun breaks down in the audition, that really made up for any lack of emotion I may have felt as the reader earlier. It's truly heart-breaking. At first it seemed that he had moved on too quickly, but then it became clear that he hadn't healed yet at all. Also, the song lyrics are great!

    Final note, I'm curious about the last line... he's going home to tell his mother? Perhaps to her spirit or grave? I guess I'll find out! Overall, great job! I did enjoy this despite my first impression. You're doing a great job!
    July 30th, 2012 at 06:37am
  • Embery

    Embery (100)

    Loved this, I just loved reading it. It was just forming a movie in my head which doesn't happen very often, I could see everything so clear. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
    July 29th, 2012 at 11:58pm
  • tiffagold

    tiffagold (100)

    United States
    This story is AWESOME!!!! Your so smart! *hugs tightly*

    I was confused on whether you meant tight or not in this sentence:but her lips are taught.

    I don't like the Kim brothers!!! -.- I'll beat them up! (I'm doing this comment as I read btw)

    So I finished the first chapter and I looked around the room to wonder why it's so cold but it's not your story just gave me goosenumps, that doesn't happen when I'm reading stories on here (just saying). This story was filled with so much emotion that actually felt REAL that I broke down in tears when I read about his mother being dead. I actually figured she would be but I hoped she wasn't. I love the present tense used, it seems to fit this story well so please don't change it! And I sy that because reading this in present tense, especailly because it's in first person, I felt like I was experiencing everything Yun was, and that's SUPPOSED to happen. :) You are a very descriptive writer and of course you know I honor that! ^_^ And there aren't enough words in the world to describe this properly! And if you don't update soon.... *evil laugh*

    I love you! Oh and about it being forced! It didn't feel like it to me and you may think my opinion is biased but I promise I am being truthful!!!

    I also envy how there were no spelling errors... (I only hope to acquire that trait lol)

    Update!!!! SOON!!! O.O I'm watching you! ^_^ *hugs*
    July 29th, 2012 at 10:01pm