Ghost Hunting for Dummies - Comments

  • Hallo I'm just here to remind you that this is in my subs and you can't get rid of me and I will forever annoy you about this story. Weird
    December 14th, 2016 at 08:04pm
    June 1st, 2016 at 02:27pm
  • this story is perfect, & the layout it perfect.
    October 30th, 2013 at 02:55am
  • Here for the contest. Dance Dance And holy bejesus your layout is fine, gurl. Also... I get How to be Scene for Dummies by Hollywood Undead in my head every time I see the title (totally irrelevant and idek if you know the song but it's really amusing). Anyway, onto the actual story critique now.

    (are those dancing ghosts evil or something because they keep dancing and smiling at me like Weird)

    I loved the first chapter -- especially the way that it was structured. I've never seen a story begin like that, and I thought it was really neat how you even added in tiny things such as references to make it seem more realistic. I'm really interested in this whole 'Ghostsight' thing. Because even though this story was obviously going to be about ghosts (unless you're one of those authors that like to trick people) it's really intriguing to learn that not all people can see them.

    After reading the next few chapters, I've decided that structure is definitely something that you're good at. I love the way you set things up -- with the emails first and then with the location leading each paragraph. I like the way you introduced your characters, I like the subtle, realistic humour you've threaded into your paragraphs and I love how I'm already becoming used to each character's persona. Your writing is flawless... really. Either you edit a lot or you're a genius. tehe

    I don't really have any criticism to give you at all. I couldn't find any mistakes, any loose ends, any character inconsistencies or just anything bad in general. It's intriguing, it's exciting and it's addicting. I love this story to pieces.

    OH AND I TOTALLY SHIP ANDREW AND CARIS AS WELL. I even though it before I saw your Author's Note. Yep.
    October 16th, 2013 at 10:04am
    October 7th, 2013 at 12:05am
  • Moment of silence to appreciate your layout skills. Oh, that sound? It isn't a ghost, only me sobbing out of jealousy. Okay, moving on.

    I love the way you did the first chapter especially, with the formatting and whatnot. You're also super descriptive and I can pretty much play the story out in my mind as I'm reading. The entire idea is just interesting, and I love a good ghost-hunter story, so I'm really excited to see where you take this. Definitely subscribing. Cute
    August 22nd, 2013 at 04:31am
  • Omg, what is this life? I freaking LOVE your layout.
    And the summary section was cool. Sorry to describe with such a lame adjective, but it really was cool.
    This format looks so professional and I totally forget that I'm reading a story off the internet.
    August 11th, 2013 at 01:44am
  • That layout, is seriously amazing. I really want to know how you did it, but I guess a magician never reveals! God I didn't mean to compare you to a magician Facepalm
    I really like the way you've written this, it's different from what I've seen, I really liked it, it was a refreshing way to tell a story. You use description very well, you make things interesting to read, and you've managed to get the balance between humor and seriousness just right, in my opinion anyway. I'm really looking forward to reading more from you. Well done here, great job!
    August 7th, 2013 at 08:18pm
  • How did you do this layout because I'm being serious, it looks absolutely smashing! I'm so jealous, even just clicking into this story made me want to read it just because of the layout.

    Reading on, the story is about as amazing as the layout. I love the entire idea of there being an international ghost-fighting organisation. The email format that you've used is really interesting as well, it makes the whole thing seem so much more real. I don’t even know why, just having those little snippets there is really unusual, I’ve not seen it before but it does give off this professional impression of the entire organisation. Your description is really smooth and lovely, and you've balanced it out perfectly. Everything seems to be set up really well in terms of sentence structure as well, this is really easy to read, everything flows really well.

    I'm really interested to find out how Elijah will deal with having a new roommate, and how Italy is going to link into all of this. You've left a lot of questions unanswered so far and I'm dying to find out more! I'll definitely be subscribing!
    August 7th, 2013 at 04:47pm
  • I love this. Thank you.
    August 6th, 2013 at 07:56pm
  • I love this. Thank you.
    August 6th, 2013 at 07:56pm
    omg Sogo is the ilysm Sogo
    August 6th, 2013 at 02:52am
  • First of all, I LOVE this layout.
    The story is brilliant as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing he the characters develop. And, of course, what happens when Holly and Elijah interact properly.
    August 6th, 2013 at 02:46am
  • Normally I just ignore the layout and go straight for commenting on the story, but your stories have the most gorgeous layouts and I can't stop staring at them.

    Now to the story: this is perfect and flawless. I cannot even tell you how much I love this. It's so professional, but extremely witty and adorable. I seriously wish you could make this into a real novel so I can put it on my Kindle or something.

    I'm so intrigued on where this is going to go. This story really blew me away and it's so brilliant and ughhh, I love it. Well done. :)
    August 5th, 2013 at 05:04pm
  • this is smashing oh my goodness
    I'm dying a little bit inside
    and your layouts are incredible oh gosh
    August 3rd, 2013 at 08:19am
  • Oh. My. God. This is fantastic.First off, I love stories that are knock-offs of "The Hitchhikers' Guide to . . ." or ". . .For Dummies."
    And you wrote it so well! I definitely look forward to seeing more. That's it. I'm subscribing to the awesome story. Yes.
    July 25th, 2013 at 05:44am
  • Mmkay so in some forum you said you wanted this read so here goes.

    First off the layout is fucking awesome. Like better than any I've ever seen before.

    Next, so much love of the very business-like layout and format of the prologue and the first chapter. I mean jesus. I've never seen the use of "to hear this, press 9" as in an operator's message in a story. That's very different and I really like it and I should probably take note of it. lolol. Also the email format of the chapter one. Everything about this is so businesslike and professional-sounding and it's just really awesome. (Plus it's about ghosts so even better lol.) I really liked reading this because of how awesomely formatted it is.

    Definite subscription and recommendation!

    July 23rd, 2013 at 08:25pm
  • -would have commented sooner but chrome crashed and my tabs weren't saved and forgot which stories I needed to catch up on whoops-

    (This actually seems a lot like the original to me - but Ashleigh's done a number of rewrites and I never picked up on the changes then (and apparently there were lots Think) so um no offense if it's completely different.)

    (Although I vaguely remember having snippets of information on a whole whack-a-doodle of people, but I honestly can't remember which chapter that might have been in.)


    -end crappy comment-
    July 23rd, 2013 at 02:27am
  • ijustlovethisstorysomuch.

    Everything is so professional and the writing is absolutely marvelous and basically, I'm excited all over again.
    July 17th, 2013 at 08:32am
  • Wow. First of all, the layout blew me away. How can you make that? It's so awesome! Second, your summary is just so interesting. The gif under it made me laugh so kudos for you for making a great summary. It's the type of summary I see in books.

    The prologue just looks so professional and absolutely looks like a research paper. I saw a few of grammatical mistakes (I'm not even sure if there are mistakes) and that's about it. I don't know what to think about it yet seeing as it's only the prologue. But I'll subscribe and recommend this because it just looks so amazing (especially the content of the story). I'm just so interested to how this will turn out.

    You also missed Filipino tehe
    July 14th, 2013 at 06:12am