Rich - Comments

  • PinkMartini

    PinkMartini (100)

    United States
    Comment for A Thousand Little Kisses Contest:

    Title: Simple, could be intriguing or not.

    Layout: It's simple again, though readable, which is lovely.

    The Story: Well, given the layout, I was a little hesitant to read at first because sometimes those things can hint at less developed writing. However, I was pleasantly surprised. :) Your writing has a very easy, casual, contemporary feel that makes reading sort of effortless, which I dig. Uhm, though you only have two chapters, I really like the characters. I'm getting a "Taming of the Shrew" sort of vibe from it. If you chose to continue, I would indeed read more. :)

    Extra Notes: Because this is probably intended to be a longer story, I that with a more elegant layout, more attention could be brought to the story. Simple layouts kind of deter people from reading for long. But I think you've got something here.

    Also, perhaps add more depth to your writing. It's very concrete at the moment, which isn't bad, it just means that your descriptions are limited and everything is very simplistic, which I can appreciate if that is a purposeful stylistic choice. However, I think that with this, you could boost the vocabulary and create a more immersive setting for the story.

    That's all! Thanks for entering and good luck!
    October 17th, 2012 at 05:50am