7 Days of Sex - Comments

  • But you cat meet sone one you have Brian
    November 14th, 2012 at 01:26am
  • I loved it! Can't wait to see who the guy is. I feel bad for Brian though :(
    November 11th, 2012 at 03:25pm
  • Love the update and can't wait to find out more on who the new guy is and how Brian is going to handle it!
    November 5th, 2012 at 04:19am
  • Wahhhh what a horrible cliffhanger! I want to read more, like, right now. Please please please update soon!
    November 3rd, 2012 at 08:03am
  • UH OH IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL!!!!!!! Loved the chapter and I'm glad up hear that you're safe from the hurricane...living in Michigan we caught the backhand and it was pretty bad.

    Anywho....hope your wifi is up soon cause I know no one can live without it :)
    November 3rd, 2012 at 12:16am
  • Daaang. What a great chapter! I love how she has him stuttering like crazy st dinner! I can't believe she's saying she met someone though, I mean COME ON!! I cant wait to see what happens next!!!!!
    November 2nd, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • SHE HAS TO BE KIDDING !!! she can't met some dude while having sex with brian !! oh wait.. while she's STARTING to have feelings for brian! can'r wait to see how he will react about what she's saying. UPDATE SOON !!! :D
    November 2nd, 2012 at 09:33pm
  • (I was really bored one day and the article title '45 New Sex Moves' got my attention, okay?)

    Bahahaha! I love how he felt the need to explain exactly why he was reading Cosmo... even though he's far from the first or last man to do that. What better way to learn tricks and insights into women? I actually think more guys should, they'd learn a lot. Wink

    I love how butt hurt he is that she kicked him out of her bed... it's so endearing. It's quite refreshing to see a male actually feel a little used and cast aside, especially a male such as Brian. He has an ego the size of the sea and is not afraid to boast about it, so reading how it actually bothered him that she didn't want to cuddle and fall asleep in his arms was kind of amusing. I can understand why he'd want to, since it's perfectly natural to want closeness after sex, but I suppose that's one thing he'll have to get used to... at least until she finds herself craving it too Wink

    Hell, even my father asked if I was ever going to make a move. Not a chance.

    *cough*... ah, you did, Brian. Maybe not in a emotional sense, but you're having sex with her.... so they're not completely wrong. Hahaha.

    She could try to knock down my ego all she wanted with her words - but her actions spoke otherwise.

    Goddammit! So much for bruising that ego of his... see? Big as the sea. I suppose it's almost impossible to dent it.. butthead. Hahaha.

    Call me crazy, but I'm finding this particular scene quite the polar opposite of what they wanted... I mean, it's supposed to be just sex, not intimacy attached... yet, they seem pretty intimate right now, cuddling on the couch and he's brushing her hair out of her face and stroking her hand. Yeah, they're friends... but there's few friends who would act this way... so my opinion is that things are shifting without them even having a clue. Hmmm.

    "Hey, Ash. How was your day today? Oh, by the way, I found your vibrator. Good to know you pleasure yourself when I'm not around."

    BAHAHAHAHA! Very Happy Oh my, that was hilarious! I seriously wish he had have said that.. just for the fact that she probably would've fainted from embarrassment!

    Phew! That scene in front of the TV on the couch was sure hot and heavy! I'm not normally overly impressed with sexual scenes in stories (often finding them way over done or just completely unnecessary to the story) but that scene was one that I thought was written perfectly. It was different, not just the same old shit... so well done Wink

    There was something...but I couldn't place what. Whatever it was, it was a bizarre feeling.

    You'll soon figure it out, grasshopper. Love is a sneaky lil devil... hits you when you least expect it Wink

    The shower scene was cute. I like how confused they both seemed to become, even though it's clear to me that there's more to this arrangement than they bargained for, it's cute to see them struggling with figuring out what's going inside themselves. I liked how she tried to shift the mood with the joke, yet the action of wrapping him in a towel and wiping him off just seemed even more intimate. So cute.

    Haha, well, that's brazen of her to disappear under the table. Personally, I would never do that.. simply because I'd be guranteed to be caught and probably have the whole restaurant see. I'm far too clumsy. Hahaha. But she pulled it off well, so kudos to her. Haha.

    Well, I highly doubt this is going to sit well with Mr. Gates... he doesn't strike me as the type of guy that likes to share, stringless sex or not. Of course, I don't really believe he has a lot to worry about... she seems to be feeling emotion shifts as he is, so as long as he keeps her occupied with himself, I'd say he'll persuade her to forget about the other guy. Then again, unless he's willing to step up and take things further than a fuck buddy deal, then he should just back off and let her go... she deserves more than just sex. As does he.

    Anyways, fantastic update and I apologise for the ridiculous length of this comment! Hahaha.
    November 2nd, 2012 at 08:31pm
    noo ;-; I just....TEAM HANER! NO ONE ELSE. ugh the feels. you left us in a cliff hanger.....

    glad you're okay with the whole hurricane though!

    Excellent chapter c: can't wait for the next update! <3
    November 2nd, 2012 at 03:54am
  • LOLOLOL. OMFG. “My arms were getting tired.” MY SIDES. Whew. Well, that was sex filled, now wasn’t it? It’s cute that Brian is looking as Ashley more than just muff.

    So, you mean to tell me you’re only four chapters in and you’ve mange dot get 106 recommendations and 112 comments? I’m pretty sure every active A7X fan on this site is reading you story.

    I sort of thought this was like a 7 shot short story. I don’t know anymore. Is it a short story or a full time story?

    Hopefully Brian can managed to have her fallen into her arms. She seems more like the stereotypical man in this relationship thing with the “no intimacy” talk tehe not that it’s a bad thing. I like the OC’s that way.

    Excellent job as usual!
    November 2nd, 2012 at 02:42am
  • Definitely did not expect that ending. Loved how it was in Brian's POV. Make the next one that too! I wanna read his reaction! They need to be together so I kind of hope this other someone is like a douche. I know bad, but Brian and Ash are like perfect for each other. Looking forward to the next update soon. :)
    November 2nd, 2012 at 12:54am
  • ..... Uh-oh. Is Brian starting to have feeling for her? And she met someone! Ugh! Update again soon!!
    November 1st, 2012 at 10:58pm
  • awesome awesome awesome!
    the end - NOOOOO! whyyyy? :C
    November 1st, 2012 at 09:51pm
  • Awwwh! Brian's jealous, there was no way this whole agreement was gonna stay strictly about sex, I just knew. Eep! I heard about that Hurricane, glad you're okay!!!!
    November 1st, 2012 at 09:17pm
  • No!!! Ash why?!?!
    November 1st, 2012 at 09:01pm
  • No, Ash! bad ash! you and Brian belong together oh shit!
    Well having this chapter in Brian's POV was definetly something new and awesome! Great update and that sex underneath the tablecloth was awesome. hahaha and the alley!? OH SWEET JESUS! xD
    great great great *claps!*
    November 1st, 2012 at 07:34pm
  • I liked seeing it in Brian's POV for a change.
    I feel kinda bad for him when she said that she met someone. It seems as though he's starting to kind of have feelings for her. I love this story and I can't wait to read more
    November 1st, 2012 at 07:13pm
  • Wow, great chapter! I loved that it was in Brians POV. I think someone is getting in over his head! He really sounds like he is starting to feel more than he should, im not surprised, sex between friends usually ends up way more complicated than just casual. I loved all the sexy bits, especially the restaurant bit, that was comical. My fav was the livingroom scene at the beginning though, that was sexy, kudos to her for actually having the nerve to use her toy while sitting on him....I cant wait for more!
    I felt kinda sad at the end when she said she met someone, but im curious to see how it all plays out and how the rest of their week of sex goes..More soon please:)
    November 1st, 2012 at 07:08pm
  • Oh my gosh! That was definitely awesome! I can't believe how attached he's getting but then again I can. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to her meeting someone!
    November 1st, 2012 at 05:48pm
  • Loved that this was in Brian's POV. I was dying to know what was going on in his head. And the little line about him reading Cosmo had me giggling like mad. XD But at least he's somehwat aware of the fact that their relationship is changing, even if he doesn't know what he's feeling (or more like he won't admit he knows what he's feeling. I'm fully convinced he knows but is afraid to admit it to even himself because he doesn't want to screw up their friendship.) The little scene in the shower was sweet. ^.^ Even if things got awkward afterwards, I still thought it was sweet and that it's proof they would work together. Plus that sex was hot. A little shocked Ashley was so open to the idea just because she seemed like the type that would find it uncomfortable, but her trust in Brian is making her more open to things which is good. Just the part in the restaurant shocked me mostly, but I'll admit it was hilarious when he was talking to the waiter. But I'm a little worried about her saying she met someone. Brian's definitely not going to like that, and I'm worried it'll really make things awkward. Loved this so much! :D
    November 1st, 2012 at 05:38pm