The Man and The Monster - Comments

  • WeasleyWizardWheezes

    WeasleyWizardWheezes (105)

    United States
    Comment swap!

    I really enjoyed this, considering I love the movie, but it was super well written and had great descriptions. This is a type of story that I just want to keep reading. Also, from what I could see, there were pretty much no mistakes, punctual, grammar, etc, so I applaud you for that as well. Another thing, is your layout is very pleasing to the eye, but it doesn't distract from the story, which is perfect!

    All in all, I'm excited to see where this story takes us, well done!
    August 7th, 2012 at 07:57am
  • Amelia Riversong

    Amelia Riversong (100)

    United States
    I have to admit, I was dubious prior to reading this story - I've never really read a Disney spawned fan fiction. But your writing makes it very easy to fall into. I am not entirely familiar on the Hunchback of Notre Dame, but your story definitely brought back some childhood memories.

    Your writing style is very easy to read, but may I suggest you break up some of the large monster paragraphs into smaller ones? It makes it easier on the eyes and more reader friendly.

    I also applaud your grammar and word usage. It may seem like a small thing to comment on but I feel these are the skeletons that support a good author. I can't stand stories with spelling or usage errors and yours was completely flawless!

    Keep writing and developing and I think you will flourish as a writer! :)
    August 7th, 2012 at 06:33am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Comment swap?

    Wow! This story is very put together! Im not usually into Disney Stories, and im not sure ive ever read The hunchback of Notre Dame, so its fresh. You have developed the characters very well, Even if Clopin is iiritating at times. I actually quite enjoyed this, the banner/layout is quite amzaing and cought my attention quickly, are you the artist? Even if not i loved this and i hope you keep writing :D
    August 7th, 2012 at 04:56am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Comment swap?

    Wow! This story is very put together! Im not usually into Disney Stories, and im not sure ive ever read The hunchback of Notre Dame, so its fresh. You have developed the characters very well, Even if Clopin is iiritating at times. I actually quite enjoyed this, the banner/layout is quite amzaing and cought my attention quickly, are you the artist? Even if not i loved this and i hope you keep writing :D
    August 7th, 2012 at 04:56am
  • PrincesssofDarknesss

    PrincesssofDarknesss (100)

    United States
    I don't think there is ever going to be a understanding with Clopin. Great story! Hunchback of Notre Dame fascinated me as a child I was Esmerelda 3 Halloween's in a row as a child!
    August 7th, 2012 at 01:59am
  • the maine.

    the maine. (100)

    United States
    I'm going to be honest and say that I was very worried about having to read this for the comment swap. Mostly because The Hunchback of Notre Dame was one of my least favorite movies as a kid, and I haven't watched it since.

    But you completely surprised me with your talented writing. Your descriptions of the town and how your characters felt walking through a foreign place were beautifully executed. I also thought that the use of "Mademoiselle" was a nice touch to help with setting the scene. It's the little details that always make a good writer a great writer.

    Also, I really love her name! It's so cute and there are about a dozen nicknames for it, too. Name choice is always a difficult choice when starting a new story - at least, for me it is.

    Overall, from what I've read (I apologize that it wasn't much), I think this story is fantastic. It's going to go far and I think that your writing talents are really great, too. (:
    August 7th, 2012 at 01:42am
  • paper planes;

    paper planes; (100)

    It's been so long since I watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Regardless, I really enjoyed this story. I loce the character's name; Genevieve, it's beautiful. So nice choice, aha. I enjoyed the details and descriptions you had plus Clopin's character. He's not so infuriating to me, actually sounds like a comic relief. So far I really like this and from what I've read on Mibba, there aren't a lot of Disney stories, especially ones of this movie so kudos! (:

    Overall this is a fantastic story and I'm excited to see where it's heading! c:
    August 7th, 2012 at 12:43am
  • marsflor

    marsflor (105)

    United States
    This story is very well written! :3 I have enjoyed reading it so far, and hope to read more. I haven't come across very many Disney stories on here so far, and I'm glad I've discovered this one. Hehe. I also like the main character quite a lot. She seems very well developed which is very hard for many Mibba users to do these days. Fantastic story. I do have to note that I came across that at certain parts in the dialogue you used a period at the end when you should use a comma, but nevertheless you have a great story here so far. ♡
    August 6th, 2012 at 11:17pm
  • S a m .

    S a m . (100)

    United States
    Comment swap.

    I've never watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame, or if I have I don't remember it, so these characters are all new to me. That being said I really liket this. I like how irritating Clopin is, but I don't really understand why she was so rude to him when she happily talked to people that threatened her and such, just confused me. I do understand having someone getting on your nerves constantly.

    There were very few mistakes in this and I was happy about that. If I ever read a Disney story is usually so poorly written I can't even get past the chapter.

    And! I love your layout/banner thing. Please keep updating.
    August 6th, 2012 at 11:13pm
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    Oh my goodness a Disney story! It's the first one I've come across on this website and I'm automatically recommending because it just happens to be worth time to actually read! I love you for writing this, eek! I love Hunchback of Notre Dame. Bravo, just bravo.

    I love how you can make this such an amazing story and make this character your own. It's real hard to do, but you've accomplished it.
    August 6th, 2012 at 04:08pm
  • Dean Winchester;

    Dean Winchester; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aww, yay! She met Quasimodo!
    I don't think that people should outcast him like that, he's only human and has just the same rights as everyone else. Big bullies the whole lot of them.

    I agree with Genevieve, Clopin is going to be very annoying...but, he has a good heart so she should try to get along with him at least!

    Can't wait to read more of this, it's awesome!
    August 6th, 2012 at 04:03pm
  • Dean Winchester;

    Dean Winchester; (100)

    United Kingdom
    This is like the fourth time that I'm reading this, and what can I say? I still love this!

    You are an amazing writer, I'm not lying as not many people can take a Disney Character and make them their own person.

    This is awesome, you should keep it up!
    August 5th, 2012 at 06:44pm