The Mountain and the Valley - Comments

  • The Authoress

    The Authoress (100)

    Looking good, I'm going to assume Rupert is the surrogate father. I hope we can get a good look at Willow's background, and why she's travelling and where she comes from. :)

    Good luck on the rest of the story!
    August 6th, 2012 at 04:25am
  • the maine.

    the maine. (100)

    United States
    I like it.

    I really enjoyed that you called people like her and Rupert "spiders." I don't know why, but it was a nice touch. Also, this is unlike anything that I've ever read before so I'm very excited to see where it will go! I only ask that you will actually FINISH THIS STORY ANNIE BECAUSE GOD IF YOU DELETE IT LATER I WILL KILL U.

    Anyway! I liked the first chapter and I'm excited to meet the mystery man you described in the summary~ as well as learn more about Willow. She seems like a very interesting main character and I can't wait to hear about her back story. From how she responded to that guy on the boat, she does seem quite sassy and blunt. But I like that! She cuts right to the main point and doesn't beat around the bush at all.

    I hope you get lots of readers and love and will finish this story! (:
    August 6th, 2012 at 03:57am