Live Again, Love Again - Comments

  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    Ugh as if the first chapter was beautifully sad, this one was just the perfect touch of sad with some hope. I liked how you managed to make it so depressing yet hopeful, but still have that sad undertone the entire time. And can I just say I love Frank's character in this story? I feel like it takes A LOT of love to tell your partner to move on with someone, especially someone they had a thing with before. And I love the fact that Frank was smiling while Gerard and Lindsay got closer; no jealousy, no spite, just pure love and happiness for Gerard. And gah just beautifully done, love <3
    November 1st, 2012 at 04:46am
  • firearnok

    firearnok (100)

    So, I cried. As in, really cried.
    I was literally sobbing, making a river out of tears in my room.
    I wasn't planning on crying, I was like, yeah ok, he'll die. BUT GERARD'S THOUGHTS JUST GOT TO ME ALRIGHT.

    This is purely beautiful. I had myself thought about a story where Frank would die and then talk Gerard out of suicide as a spirit, but I wouldn't be able to do any better so I'm just going to drop my idea. yeah.

    AnywayyyyyyyyYYyYyYyyy (what is this), I love it and cannot wait for the next update :)
    September 19th, 2012 at 09:44pm
  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, the only thing I regret about this is how long it took me to actually read it! It's so beautiful and just wow...perfection. I was crying, and it usually takes me awhile to cry in stories because I have to be really attached to the characters, but you wrote those so amazingly, I was already getting emotionally choked up. I cannot wait until you update the rest <3
    September 16th, 2012 at 08:05am
  • wayd0wn

    wayd0wn (100)

    United Kingdom
    Right this is crazy because before I read this I was talking to my friend about souls and spirits and I was like "hmm I should write a Frerard about it" and then BOOM I read this beauty.

    You have a real way with words. I just love how you describe everything and how it all flows. Girl you have a gift!

    It's beautiful, I love it, you're beautiful, I love you. Can't wait to read the rest!

    August 24th, 2012 at 02:10am
  • DustyBullet

    DustyBullet (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You're a really great writer; you managed to seriously lock in the sort of atmosphere, you know? Maybe it's because of what it was inspired by as well, it being personal.

    A family I distantly know around here have had two of their boys taken by meningitis, so I thought it was a very poignant illness to use, especially since it really can come on that quickly - one of the boys I just mentioned didn't even feel ill until a few hours beforehand, and then he just thought it was a headache/beginning of a hangover. So yeah, I thought that was a very credible way of writing it.

    On a side note: hate the doctor haha. "Give us a call, you know, when you're ready for us to collect him." Omg, blunt much.

    The surrogate child was a nice touch - very sweet :')

    Also, randomly, one of the things I like the most about this is the description on the chapter page. I don't know why, but it really sort of caught me.

    So, um yep, subscribing and can't wait til the next part :)
    (P.S. Very sight typo - missed the 'h' on "threw is legs over the edge of the bed')
    August 14th, 2012 at 12:44am