Rooftops and Seashell Painted Walls - Comments

  • XSoulXLoverX

    XSoulXLoverX (350)

    First off, I want to extend my greatest apologies for taking forever to judge, but don't think I forgot about this contest because I haven't! It is way overdue! But that's okay, better late than never right?

    I think the layout of this drabble is simply fantastic! I thought that the picture you used was quite awesome. I also think that it's highly readable as well. I also do enjoy original layouts so that was a plus.

    I thought the use of the italics and those thoughts was genius. I thought that it added another layer and depth to the overall plot. It helped direct the plot and made it more and more building. I thought that it also gave it a game like feeling and I enjoy it a whole lot. I liked that element to the drabble.

    I liked that you really told a full story in not all that many words. It was complete and very powerful and had a lot of emotions packed into it and I thought that was really strong. I liked the flow of the drabble.

    I think the topic that was covered was great, and I feel as though the way you wrote it, each person can relate to it in a different way, and I thought that was quite clever to do.

    I thought the sentence "Minutes Pass" was smart to put where you put it, but it almost felt like hours passed. I liked that you specififed the time frame in which the ending was about to happen, but it felt like an eterinty and I like that. I found the use of saying "minutes passed" almost added a sense of irony and I think that's a wonderful use of that particular device.

    I really enjoyed your piece!

    Best Of luck in the contest!
    January 8th, 2013 at 09:56pm