Maybe Someday. - Comments

  • Comment Swap
    I've read the first three chapters and I have to say the writing style is good and it flows, I've seen much worse so that is nice for a change. It also looks like you put a lot of work and thought in your characters. It's just simply not my type of story, too “every day life” to really keep my attention (which is basically non existent I've adhd after all)
    but if dan was a jerk it's good for her to be over him and i'm glad she's sorting things out with her family
    December 10th, 2014 at 10:36pm
  • Comment Swap
    The story seems to be developing along nicely. I like the development of the characters and ho- you’re slowly introducing us to everything. The relationship between Allie and Dan is also really interesting to learn more and more about. Dan just seems to be an interesting character by himself. Ben seems to be in the normal “teenage rebellion” years. The ones -here you think you know everything and you’re so full of yourself. [I know, I used to be there. :P] Except for a few minor punctuation errors, I don’t see much wrong with your story. I like your writing style. Keep up the great work.
    March 5th, 2014 at 04:46am
  • So far so good. I've read a few chapters, it's not my reading style, but I did enjoy it. I thought you wrote it quite well, I didn't notice any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. You seem to be easing into the plot which is good, you want to give a thorough explanation to the characters. The characters seemed a bit cliche, as in you usually see these types within teenage romantic stories, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It works for this story. All in all, I enjoyed your story, keep it up!
    March 5th, 2013 at 05:34am
  • ~_*_~COMMENT SWAP~_*_~
    WOW. I was reading this and like what even

    this is a lot better than i expected it to be

    and the layout
    its so awesome i just

    its so adorable and i really just like it and omg

    the summary like grabbed me and forced me to read it because its so amazing omg omg im hypervenilating because i liked this so much O.o

    i try to leave people on comment swap constructive criticism but i never can

    comment swap needs to stop giving me such amazing stories
    February 23rd, 2013 at 09:04pm
  • Comment Swap :D

    haha I really liked this so far! I can kind of relate to the situation between Dan and Allie so that may be why.

    It may also have something to do with how awesome its written ;D

    I cant wait for more to come! It truly is a great story :)
    February 20th, 2013 at 10:45pm
  • It starts off good, it eases into the story and delivers a good character development, all of them seem to be well thought out. I like t because it has a realistic touch and it sort o connects and brings the story to life and that's also a good quality. I like the direction you're going with it because everything is easy to picture and read. So keep up the great writing.
    January 30th, 2013 at 10:34am
  • Can I just say that the layout is cute? Okay...

    Well, this is interesting. I like the idea of it. The fact that you took your time building up to things was great. And you didn't just throw stuff at my face. haha. I like this. Keep it up. :D
    December 31st, 2012 at 07:25am
  • From the comment swap.
    As far as I can tell, I didn't find any grammatical mistakes, so it's all good there. This sounds like a very realistic story, and the descriptions flow with the story perfectly.
    Great job.
    December 27th, 2012 at 02:11am
  • Alright, strange... It still didn't. Err... I'll try one more time. So, uh,'s some more feedback:

    The layout was pretty and eye-catching, which I like.

    Your choice of words were poetic, however, some more description would be nice. There's a little bit too much dialogue, also. Take some time to describe the scene.
    November 14th, 2012 at 05:06pm
  • (My previous feedback didn't register on the comment swap, for some reason. Sorry for the random comment.)
    November 14th, 2012 at 04:59pm
  • HI! c: Comment swap here! So, this story is nice, neat, organised, and VAGUE, which is good, because sometimes authors have this thing where they just throw a bunch of information at you randomly and then the reader (like myself, for example) loses interest and then it just all goes downhill. But thankfully, that's not your case! The first chapter has me really interested and I'm wondering where it's going because it seems pretty ~~mysterious~~ and such. The characters seem relatable and like they're not generic, which is another plus. There seems to be an actual plot, which most stories on here seem to be missing. I'm definitely recommending and subscribing to it! All in all, this story seems pretty cool and I'm looking forward to reading more of it! Keep up the good work, darling!
    September 8th, 2012 at 04:42pm
  • I have to preface this comment by saying my high school dorky as can be American Government teacher was named Dan Bailey, so this weird to read because I kept picturing him xD What are the odds?
    You dialog flowed very smoothly in this story, especially considering you've got a whole camps worth of characters involved. This is probably a weird compliment, but you pick really good names. Adam, Allie, Regan, Dan... none of them stick out as being weird or too out of the box.

    I read up til chapter three, and I'll have to be honest and say I don't usually read teen plot stories like this because it seems nothing original happens and everything is expected, so I hope you have a twist planned, or a detail to set your story apart =]
    September 4th, 2012 at 01:37am
  • I must say that comment swap brought me to this story. I do have to admit that these aren't usually the type of stories I read and I lost interest half way in. But it looks like you have something planned for this story. I suggest you keep up with what you are doing, I see by the comments that a lot users love your story. Don't be discouraged by one person not being interested. I do love your layout and I can't seem to find any spelling mistakes, which is good. Good luck in all of your writing. :)
    August 26th, 2012 at 12:16am
  • Comment swap was the one who brought me to this wonderfully written story. :) As far as I ca see, there are no grammatical errors and it is very well written. Dan is a real jerk, though. :/ I really enjoyed reading about the parts with her family, though. It reminds me of my own and i really enjoy it. :) I cannot wait for the next update. I hope that it's soon! :)
    August 25th, 2012 at 11:13pm
  • i'm from comment swap:)
    aha, i really love your writing style. the description is beautiful and it flows perfectly. the overall storyline is really nice and i can kind of relate to Allie!
    reading this has actually kind of inspired me, too:)
    cant wait to read more, its hard to stop reading cause it sucks you in:p
    update again soon!
    August 25th, 2012 at 09:53pm
  • i'm from comment swap:)
    aha, i really love your writing style. the description is beautiful and it flows perfectly.
    update again soon!
    August 25th, 2012 at 09:21pm
  • **comment swap**
    Tears. I honestly think you're wrting my life story. My (guy) best friend and I have been fighting for a long time and my parents hate it. This story is awesome and you're a fantastic author. I'm defintely reccomending and subscrbing. I really didn't notice any spelling or grammar mistakes. The overall story is flawless. The layout is perfect, the characters relatable, and the plot is awesome. Keep it up!!
    August 25th, 2012 at 03:05pm
  • This was lovely. I love your layout, and word flow. The layout attacked my attention, while your words drew me in. Very good job!

    August 25th, 2012 at 07:50am
  • I'm from comment swap and I have to say this story is absolutely amazing :) keep up the great work!
    August 25th, 2012 at 07:36am
  • Awww your layout is really cute. :3 Claire sounds like the pain in the ass that I'd be to my friends, haha. I don't see any mistakes, which is amazing. You should definitely keep up with this story because it's great.
    August 25th, 2012 at 05:13am