Desolate Truths - Comments

  • No offense needed. Writing is all in good fun. Thanks for reading and commenting.
    August 16th, 2012 at 08:40pm
  • This seemed interesting at first. I Don't quite get the dog layout you've got for it but maybe that'll come into play later. Admittedly the picture makes the last paragraph or two a bit difficult to read once you run out of scrolling room.

    One thing about this that bugs me is how you accentuate their southern accents, it just comes off as a bit stereotypical (and honestly a little bit offensive to some people who do live in the south, as a matter of personal opinion). As someone born and raised (not to mention still living) in the deep south I can tell you now, most people don't say "ya" instead of you. It's just weird that you think they say things all out like "expecting" instead of "expectin'" but you think they always say "ya". I'm not being rude, but they really don't. Simply saying that they spoke with a southern drawl would work. It's just... a bit irritating reading something like this when I was raised in the area for which the accent was based. Some people do talk like that, but it's generally not an entire town. Yes, most people do have a slight accent or twang, but it's not as heavy and over the top as I feel it's portrayed here. I just... I'm sorry. Southern accents and dialects are one of my pet peeves. I didn't mean this to be rude, just to express an opinion. Now, something like "y'all" I could see though. Most people here DO say y'all.

    Admittedly, the concept does sound interesting on the story as a whole, and aside from my inset irritation about southern accent (I get irritated with most stories I read of the south when it comes to the portrayal of southern dialect, it's never as bad as anyone makes it out to be) this was rather good. All in all, I sincerely wish you the best of luck with this!!
    August 16th, 2012 at 05:39am
  • Oh wow! I really enjoyed reading does gem of a story. I loved the original idea of this story and I cant wait to see where you go with this. Personally I really like the detectives character. He's so nice and respective hehe. Anyway, please upsate soon and you just earned a new subscriber. :)
    August 16th, 2012 at 04:42am