Details in the Fabric - Comments

  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    As always, you write beautifully. Simply, but beautifully :)
    I really loved the glimpses into their lives and how you talk about the Hollywood world with complete honesty. Love, love, love it.
    Flawless grammar and spelling, as always File
    But anyways, the story. You used the song in a really, really subtle way, and I love it. I love subtlety. I can sort of pick out little bits, and that's wonderful.
    The only thing that bothers me is the really random perspective switch from James to Audrina. Like, I understand kind of why you did it, but it caught me off guard and then I was thinking, "Dammit, I was enjoying James's thoughts" the whole time. So my only criticism is that it could have all been told from one POV, preferably Audrina's, because then we get the juicey details xD
    But other than that, I really like it :) Oh, and your layout is cool, again as usual.

    I should have results up tonight :)
    September 2nd, 2012 at 09:52pm
  • jcov

    jcov (100)

    United States
    This is totally different from your other works and I find it extremely nice! The whole "behind the walls" part is just refreshing. I never looked at reality show TV stars that way, like their private lives have been filmed too often that they can't even distinguish reality and fiction. I always thought of reality show stars the way this James did before his first shoot with Audrina.
    I also love the setting of the photoshoot because you pulled it off really really well.
    And James is so damn sweet. He really wants to get into this with her and I can just really tell. I am also very very glad that when they kissed, there was no cameras... it was just the two of them sharing their intimacy.
    August 24th, 2012 at 08:33pm
  • VanillaSkye

    VanillaSkye (100)

    United States
    You're an incredible writer; loved it!
    August 20th, 2012 at 12:43pm