To Die For - Comments

  • xMidnightxVampx

    xMidnightxVampx (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you are enjoying it. Sorry about the drug content, from personal experience and where I grew up it was no big deal when you were at a party to indulge, but I can understand that it's not the same for everyone. I'll try to be tasteful about it.

    As soon as I finish the next chapter I will post it.
    August 25th, 2012 at 10:12pm
  • xLxOxVxEx

    xLxOxVxEx (150)

    United States
    Comment swap brought me to this wonderful story! I like the story so far and am greedy to read more. :) I'm not to big on the weed part but hey, that's just me. Overall, the story is written really well and I enjoy it. Noel is pretty spunky. Same with Emily and I think that is what else make the story pretty fascinating. :) I cannot wait for the next update and i definitely, for sure, hope that it is so very, very, VERY soon! :) Keep up the wonderful work!!
    August 25th, 2012 at 07:17am
  • xMidnightxVampx

    xMidnightxVampx (100)

    United States
    Thank you all for the comments and I am sorry that you did not know who Noel Fielding is. He is a English surrealist comedian and painter. He is one part of the BBC's The Mighty Boosh, which is a very strange and colorful T.V show. If you don't like surreal British comedy, it may not be your cup of tea. But you can't deny that Noel is a very creative and charming person.
    August 24th, 2012 at 08:38am
  • slytherinbyatch

    slytherinbyatch (150)

    United Kingdom
    *Here from comment swap* :)

    So again, like the lovely people below me, I have no idea who these characters are. I think maybe you should include a little background in the summary so we know whats going on here. :P For this reason, I can't really comment on your story, but I can say that I loved your writing style, you kept it interesting and in general, well written.

    Good luck with the rest of your writing. <3
    August 23rd, 2012 at 04:51pm
  • l0stinNeverland

    l0stinNeverland (100)

    United Kingdom
    So I'm sent here from the lovely Comment Swap

    I agree with the Comment below and I too have no idea who the hell this is on about, and I too think that your story has so much potential. The theme is very nice as well!

    Keep writing and good luck
    August 23rd, 2012 at 02:59pm
  • Katlight Sparkle

    Katlight Sparkle (100)

    United States
    I’m here via comment swap, and I must admit to being more than a little lost. So, here I have a fanfiction but no idea the fandom or who it’s supposed to include so I’m just trying to read it as original fiction.
    Your dialogue separation is a bit off, so that threw me for a lip. For example, you have:
    The three boys laughed after looking to one another and the tallest one with a stupid hair cut spoke, puffing out his chest
    “Hey don’t I know you, Puff? You’re that little bummer who dresses like a woman!” Noel cursed himself.
    Which at first glance makes it seem like Noel is yelling at himself, which would be a bit surreal—and probably not the intended effect anyway. You should move up the dialogue to right next to the person who’s speaking and then start a new paragraph. The same goes for internal dialogue. They don’t need their own paragraph. Like the above would be better if it went

    The three boys laughed after looking to one another and the tallest one with a stupid hair cut spoke, puffing out his chest “Hey don’t I know you, Puff? You’re that little bummer who dresses like a woman!”
    Noel cursed himself. *Great now they recognize you . . . and I don’t dress like a woman!*
    It’s much easier to follow that way.

    I think the best thingyou did was build up a rapport between the characters so that two outsiders finding each other and developing feelings for one another. It seemed natural, right in character for two loser high school kids, and it was unexpectedly sweet and funny in parts. I hope you keep up the good work.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 02:22pm
  • shattered soul;

    shattered soul; (100)

    United States
    I'm from the comment swap...
    Like the first person, I don't know who Noel is. This is obviously a fan fiction. This is well written and I'm guessing that this is a Pretty Little Liars fanfic. Am I right?
    August 23rd, 2012 at 01:58pm
  • femme fatale.

    femme fatale. (350)

    United States
    howdy, i'm from comment swap, here to give my honest opinion.

    so first off, i have no idea who this noel character is, and this is evidently a fan fiction, so you might want to mention why i should know the name of said character. is he from a band ? a show? one direction? i have no fucking clue.

    two, his thoughts are realistic, but don't quite capture the thoughts of a person completely. i like it, regardless.

    the events are nice, good to lead up to whatever you have planned. i look forward to reading more of this. good luck and happy writing.
    August 23rd, 2012 at 09:41am