You Left Me in the Dark - Comments

  • This is incredibly powerful. I wish there was more of it. I especially loved these lines:
    "...and cradled that bottle like you should've been cradling me."
    "But I guess it's really just my room these days."
    September 21st, 2012 at 03:45pm
  • Wow! even though it is a drabble... I still feel inspired just from reading this. I love the element of the song you took and used into this story, it made me smile. The concept of the nararator never leaving their loved one because they are afraid that no one else will ever love them just as much is something I haven't seen around much. It is a very unique concept and I hope to see more of that in storylines. It is very clever... and the part where narrator "snuck" a sip of the alcohol just made me frown a bit.... he/she is a bit miserable and needs a bit of their own relief. They are the savior of their loved ones but who is the savor for them?
    September 1st, 2012 at 09:23pm