School Daze - Comments

  • Comment swapping hola,
    I am so glad I got this story because it is actually something that I like. I appreciate your character choice, except for 7x, I don't like them lol. I like your story, your characters have a nice style to them. Your writing style is nice. I love all fics with Andy in them, he is the best. If you really want people to notice this story then advertise about it on tumblr. I wish you good luck with this story :)
    September 9th, 2012 at 10:12pm
  • hello,i found your story through comment swap,but am glad I did. Im a huge You Me At Six fan,but can't ever seem to find a good story about them. I liked almost all the bands you said would be in this,so I went in with really high expectations.
    That being said I really like your story. It flowed really nicely,and right away I was pulled in and interested in your story,and really enjoyed it. I really like that you took time to describe the person,so if people weren't a fan of the band,or anything,they could stay make someone up without any effort. I really liked your story and subscribed,I cant wait to read more. :)
    September 4th, 2012 at 11:22pm