Hell - Comments

  • Wave-Lengths

    Wave-Lengths (100)

    It's good, but I feel there are things that could improve it like lengthen the chapters a bit or have a more simplistic lay out or you could change the summary so it describes the chapters a little more and I say this because I was under the impression that the story was set in hell and had like characters and a developing plot. I don't really know where I'm going with this but it was good although I was a bit confused.
    September 29th, 2012 at 11:54pm
  • Isadora Pierce

    Isadora Pierce (125)

    United States
    I actually like this, despite the layout, which is really busy and overdone....sorry, it just really hurts my eyes. Besides a few grammar mistakes and misplaced punctuation, you've got something good here. I like insightful shit.
    September 7th, 2012 at 01:13am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    This is interesting, very dark and almost cynical. I like the shortness of the chapters, but they seem to hold so much more than just what the narrator is saying. It really makes you think about things and evaluate yourself. At least it did me. I yearn to know so much more about the narrator, though. I want to get to know him / her and know why they're feeling this way, why they're telling this story. I can't help but also get the impression that Hell isn't literally the Hell most people think of as in fire and brimstone, Satan, etc. But it's life itself, that life is hell and we can't escape it unless we go to extreme measures.

    This is truly brilliant, it's made me think and study and question so much just within the simple 181 words that this incredible story has so far. I'm definitely subscribing and recommending. I cannot wait for you to add onto this.
    September 6th, 2012 at 05:15pm