Fallout of a Bet - Comments

  • Oh I just couldn't stop laughing! It was too funny!

    Brian in a Cowboy outfit... Oh yeah, I can definitely see that.

    And he liked it, secretly. Oh those boys are never gonna let him live that show down! Hahahaha!
    August 9th, 2013 at 07:03am
  • hahahaha oh my god the images going around in my brain right now should be illegal :p

    mmmmm Brian in a leopard print thong - gahhh I think I'm drooling on my keyboard lol

    “Show us Junior!” Matt yelled, still laughing uncontrollably. Hahaha I wonder if he does call it Junior???
    December 7th, 2012 at 11:51am
  • Here we go: commenting and reading!!! hahahaha. It's started again and I'm already excited just seeing the damn banner!

    “I can’t. You know the rules, no alcohol ‘til you get off the stage,” he replied, shaking his head and folding his arms.
    “Who made up that stupid fucking rule?” Brian asked, sitting down on a nearby chair and bouncing his knee in a nervous fashion.
    “You did,” Zack replied, rolling his eyes at his friends’ lack of smarts. Brian didn’t say anything, just sighed heavily and dropped his head into his hands, dreading his performance that was due to start in less than five minutes.

    All I have to say to that is that was a bad idea on his part. I know what's comming (from the banner anyway) and he should've allowed himself to drink. I can't imagine the nerves he must be feeling by having to have a go at this sober. haha

    Oh, and of course Jimmy would know some people... if anyone would know some people for this kind of thing, it would be Jimmy fucking Sullivan. =]

    “Who’s got the camera?” Jimmy asked, a huge grin spreading across his face.
    “I thought you weren’t allowed to take photos…” Johnny asked, looking away from the stage and over at the other men.
    “Pfft. Like we’re gonna listen to him,” Jimmy rolled his eyes, shoving the shorter man’s shoulder roughly.

    Jimmy's my new favorite... disregarding the rules to document Brian's humiliation. =]

    HAHA, I knew it would be something as cheesy as Right Said Fred for his stripper's song! Part of me wishes it was something like "Pour Some Sugar on Me" but imagining Brian strutting his stuff on the stage with the lyrics "I do a little dance on the catwalk baby" is just too hilarious. I seriously couldn't stop laughing at that mental imagery.

    “The cowboy outfit was a nice touch,” Zack grinned, giving Matt an approving high five.

    Mmm... a cowboy outfit... with chaps... oh the thoughts... ahahah... leopard print thong and a cowboy hat!!!! Yes!!! This is just like that movie, "Magic Mike" only BETTER!!!! =]

    “Get the camera ready!” Jimmy yelled, waving frantically at Zack who held up the camera and pointed it at the stage. Brian smirked and began to pull them down slowly to his thighs, then wiggled out of them.
    “Show us Junior!” Matt yelled, still laughing uncontrollably.
    Brian shrugged and started to turn around, but at the last second he grabbed his hat from his head and placed it over his crotch, blocking the view.

    NOOOOOO!!!! Such a tease!!!! How unfair is that?!!!!! Ugh, I thought he would seriously flash some peen at them, you know, just to stick it to them and show that he's got the balls (no pun intended) to be naked without shame. hahaha. Oh well, I still like the thought of him in nothing but a cowboy hat covering the goods. That's just so sexy. =]

    HAHA, I loved this. It was very good for a short piece (which I have to say, is qutie rare for you). Now considering that I'm paying no attention to the date (and that I'm too damn lazy to check when it was posted), was this inspired by "Magic Mike" or what? haha. Just the thought of Brian up on the stage as a stripper is hilarious since he looks so mean. haha. I can't picture him having a good time up there unless he sees everyone in the audience enjoying his little dance. hahaha. This was awesome. I'm so glad you brought this into existance. =]
    September 17th, 2012 at 07:57am