The Fire Under His Skin - Comments

  • Hello! I am Astro Angel and I came from comment swap. I'm not super sure if you're going to see this, but here it is nonetheless.
    Let me just start by saying: I am so glad they gave me this story. It. Is. Amazing.
    Although I'm quite sad that you are not going to update it anymore, I have really enjoyed what all you have written. I adore Billie Joe Armstrong and you have such a nice writing style. Everything is vivid and extremely well written. I've also enjoyed getting to know Scout over the course of the story.
    April 7th, 2017 at 07:46pm
  • Not sure if my comment went through but I came from comment swap and oh my gosh I loved this story! It was beautifully written and I love the chemistry between her and Billie Joe, not to mention it was a really great concept. I'm sad you're not updating but I totally understand where you're coming from. Your happiness is far more important and I'm really glad you've found a good place in your life :) best wishes and lovely story xo
    May 9th, 2016 at 04:39am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Hello, there! My name is Blake and I'm from Comment Swap. I read a little bit and I liked it! Your writing style is amazing, oh my gosh! Like, when I read your writing it's like watching a movie inside my mind. I like the layout, too! It really captivates the reader. Anyway, loved the story and I'm going to read a few more chapters and maybe I'll subscribe!
    Blake xx
    January 19th, 2015 at 03:22am
  • Your descriptions are extremely vivid and so on point! I truly enjoy that! Not to mention, the intensity with which you write is brilliant! With each chapter, I'm finding myself more and more immersed into the story and into this whole world you've created with the characters and whatnot! I really hope you update soon because I'm hanging on by the edge! I don't have much constructive criticism to give to be honest, I don't think there's anything you really need to work on! Just by your writing style and the chapters, I can tell you must put great effort into writing and then even more effort into editing. So please update soon, yeah? Thanks for an awesome story!
    September 22nd, 2014 at 09:25am
  • This story is really great! I love the intensity with which you right and I've always loved stories written in first person. I'm a big fan of Green Day so I loved reading this. I thought it was a great story and could stand on it's own without the fan fic element. It really is such a shame that decided to stop writing this but I understand your reasons. Good luck with all your writing in the future :)
    August 14th, 2014 at 02:07am
  • This story is really great! I love the intensity with which you write and I've always loved stories written in first person. I'm a big fan of Green Day so I loved reading this. I thought it was a great story and could stand on it's own without the fan fic element. It really is such a shame that decided to stop writing this but I understand your reasons. Good luck with all your writing in the future :)
    August 14th, 2014 at 02:06am
  • Comment Swap;
    I've really enjoyed reading what you have, it's extremely descriptive and intense. Not many people ca keep that up for an extended period of time as you have done. I've enjoyed how you written from bot of perspectives so the reader can a have a real feel for the characters. Though I don't know much about Green Day you made me really enjoy wanting to learn more about the people behind the band. Good luck with your other endeavors!!
    May 7th, 2014 at 09:45pm
  • Comment Swap:
    Disappointed you aren't writing for this story but I understand why you chose not to. I am a pretty big Green Day fan so it was awesome reading things in Billie's perspective as well. I loved how you could see clearly into each of their minds and thoughts. I hope you continue writing though - was well worth the read! I wish I could write with that much description in my stories!
    November 10th, 2013 at 04:33am
  • Well, this was for the comment swap and I'm really sorry that you've decided to end this story. I'm not much of a Green Day fan so I don't know much about Billie. However, the layout was great and easy to read. Your writing is great, especially the details and the tone of the story. Even if you don't want to continue this story anymore, I hope you do come up with some more great writing that fits your new and better position in life right now. Good luck! :)
    August 25th, 2013 at 04:52am
  • I read the final author's note before reading the prologue and I'm sorry that you're not going to continue writing this because, from only reading the prologue, it's amazing. I understand not wanting to be sucked back into a dark vicious circle that you have finally escaped from. I'm writing about my own negativity and I find that it helps me, but everyone is different. I hope that you continue to write, even if you write about something entirely different, because you have a unique way of describing things that makes the reader really feel things.
    August 20th, 2013 at 06:52am
  • Yay from comment swap being stupid and sending me back here again. But I don;t mind, I love Billie Joe, and I love your story too, so I'll just comment again. This plot seriously just keeps getting better and better. Your descriptions are so good, It makes you feel like you're there, you're in the story yourself, which not many authors are able to do. So y'know kudos on that. Good job, love.
    July 26th, 2013 at 02:17pm
    I'm about to fall over and pass out.
    Never mind.
    I'll go read your link!
    July 24th, 2013 at 01:52am
    July 24th, 2013 at 01:51am
  • Please update this again! You left off at such a nerve racking point *cough* cockblock *cough*

    Also, I have just read both of your blog entries and though I'm not usually a big fan of those, I really loved yours! Very rare to have someone write so openly and honestly. Makes me like you and your stories ten times more :)
    July 22nd, 2013 at 11:02pm
  • This was so good. Even better than I expected! But then again, I never know what to expect.
    I hope you update soon. I need more of this story in my life!
    June 22nd, 2013 at 01:52pm