The Mind Of An Addict. - Comments

  • gunsandguitars

    gunsandguitars (100)

    United Kingdom
    this is incredibly effective in part, your description of the depression and all the drug could do to open the shot at the beginning was a punch, but i felt toward the end this slipped slightly. i think, maybe if you did this as a few chapters, took your time and dragged it out more it could pack a lot more punch, as it were. for instance, the part about the little time spent with her child, and the emotional upheaval that would hold felt... rushed slightly, as in, there could be more depth to it, to capture the emotion. maybe bring it back to the point that her child had left like the ex, and maybe this was not purposefully or intended, but i feel that if you drew those two points together much more could be felt by the reader. however, the way you ended this expressed a true depression and loss, where little is felt by the character. well done, as a whole, this worked quite well. :) good luck.
    October 3rd, 2012 at 04:44pm