Expectations. - Comments

  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Title and Layout
    The title was short and simple, which I liked. The layout was also super pretty. I really loved the border as well, and it was nice that it was the only patterned thing in the layout.

    I liked how you made the quote so big and added character pictures as well.

    Story Itself
    Alright, first thing I'm gonna say is that you should separate your paragraphs into actual paragraphs, or else it looks like a big wall of text and it makes it hard to read. You have to double space everything or Mibba just puts it all together.

    I liked how you set this up. It seemed a little cliche, with the guy staring at the girl and then getting paired up with her in class, but a little bit of a cliche never hurt anyone! I liked Minnie's personality too, how she knew she was attractive and smart and was like "yeah, I love this", aha.

    I think you could have used a few more descriptions, though. I felt like there was a lot of dialogue in your story, and you didn't really describe much of what was happening. The story would have held my attention a little more if you described what was going on with the characters in addition to the dialogue.

    Overall, well done and thanks for the entry! (:
    October 8th, 2012 at 01:59am