The Sorcerer's Shadow - Comments

  • notweirdbutunique

    notweirdbutunique (750)

    I decided to give this a read as I'm a fan of one-shots (I have a pretty short attention span).

    I wouldn't lie to you that your description is a little overwhelming and I have to agree with Winter Storm's commentary below. I have to look up the dictionary for some of the words as I didn't understand them. Your vocabulary knowledge is extensive. No, it's not a bad thing; that means I need to brush up on the English Language and be able to write beautiful stories like yours (which I doubt so XD).

    Your story made me entranced with it's vivid description and fluid writing, while your grammar is perfect. You're a brilliant writer and I envy writers who can do detailed descriptions as I suck at it. Wonderfully written and recommended.
    October 2nd, 2012 at 09:12am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    @ Greegon
    Thanks very much for the thorough comment! I seriously appreciate your feedback and the fact that you took the time not only to read but to write something so lengthy (especially for this story, which seems to get skipped over by readers). You've made my morning.
    September 29th, 2012 at 03:11am
  • Winter Storm

    Winter Storm (100)

    United States
    A very impressive and meaningful story. It had the meaning of a folk tale, yet it had the setting and tone of an epic. It's a very cool combination. There was also something really cool that I liked. There didn't seem to be a reason for why the last to cross the threshold had to be taken, but it was almost like it was better that way; like you didn't need an answer. It kept it mysterious.

    The only thing that I can find to comment on about this is that there is a little too much description. Usually you'd think that all the description in the world is best, but when there's so much that it drowns out the words that tell the story, there can be confusion. There aren't enough events to coincide with the vast description. The description is important, but there should be a balance between it and the story. But, then again, this is coming from a guy who can't write description for the life of him. You write description impressively well, there just seems to be a lot more of it than necessary.

    Altogether, an impressive story. I can see that there's a massive attention to detail in this, and that really works in your favor.
    September 29th, 2012 at 03:07am