Begin Again - Comments

  • Leticia isn't exactly a lucky girl is she? Poor soul.
    Oh the irony... Freddie lives next to a loving couple.
    Ah sometimes I get so pissed at other women ahah asking the most stupid questions...
    Sober Freddie is just the complete opposite. I firmly believe that he's as sweet as a lamb when he's alright, ahhh my feelings again.
    September 30th, 2012 at 11:56pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    Yeah, she seemed to be pretty nice and sweet, so to deal with a broken Freddie isn't easy at all.
    September 30th, 2012 at 11:43pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    She did and she doesn't know how to handle something like that so she is fumbling through it when she sees him again. You're welcome. :D
    September 30th, 2012 at 11:18pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    Uhhh, that's nice :D
    Poor Fredie...
    Exactly, she let herself go and got into a bit of a rough situation.
    BTW, thank you sooo much for mentioning me in your story. You're so awesome :3
    September 30th, 2012 at 11:00pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    You'll learn more about Leticia and why she is able to speak English.
    With war haunting his memories as well as Hester it's hard to just move on from everything even with the clean break he had from her. He still thinks that he might have done something to have made her feel whole and happy again when in reality there was nothing he could have done.
    He was brute and drunk so there was not really enough time for common sense to kick in. It wasn't rape, but it wasn't something Leticia expected from him.
    Thank you! I liked to keep him in his misery for this story since it'll probably be hard to move on from something like that. I mean, Hester did try to kill herself and with him being a veteran it probably brought back horrible memories
    September 30th, 2012 at 10:03pm
  • @ teenagedream91
    Oh exactly, specially in the 50's.
    Yes, I could tell. He's still in pain for Hesther so alcohol is a companion.
    Exactly! And Leticia was his victim, I mean the sex scene kind of made me flinch. He was a brute with the girl.
    If he remembers, he'll feel horrible.
    Ohhh I love that perspective :D
    September 30th, 2012 at 08:15pm
  • @ BlueDreams
    It's a great change. Never been to either place, but it must be drastic with the changes and not even speaking their language would be hard enough.
    He always take it out on alcohol I have seen, he is going to be drinking a lot in this story if you can't tell.
    Thank you! I really tried to remember what he was like and I know he can be soft and then BAM in your face yelling and screaming for something you probably never did or confess something he always thought about.
    No it never is and if Freddie remembers is the key too. This story really took a different direction than I anticipated, but it's better than I expected hehe
    September 30th, 2012 at 08:08pm
  • I actually can imagine Freddie being completely lost in Rio. Back then, it must have been really different and confusing for someone who came from Britain.
    Freddie is heartbroken *hugs him* And throwing his frustrations into alcohol... oh no.
    Ah great depiction of drunk and angry Freddie, love! Spot on!
    Oh my... Freddie, drunk sex is not the answer my dear. And it's usually never good, now I feel bad for Leticia.
    September 30th, 2012 at 01:55pm