Out of the Way - Comments

  • Thingtastic

    Thingtastic (360)

    United States
    That was a very..Interesting story. I have to say that i was not expecting the 'murdering mom' thing. :) The stepfather and stepdaughter relationship is a bit worn, for originality, but killing the mother was great. However, if you were going to make the main character an emotionless killer than you shouldn't have had Kevin ask so many questions about the deceased wife, in my opinion. Because he changed his point of view really quick and it didn't take them long to move on, so it seemed as if they had no conscience. But overall the story was great.

    You have a few misplaced tenses in the beginning, and at one point you said the girl was wearing a dress but later on she took off her shirt.

    Anyway please check the contest topic on Oct. 8th to see if you won. :D
    October 6th, 2012 at 05:32pm