Rooftop Infinity - Comments

  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Title and Layout
    I really liked your title, it made me wonder what your story was going to be all about, and I adored your layout, the backgrounds were super interesting, but the pattern behind the actual story content kind of made it hard to read a few of the words.

    I think the summary almost added to the mystery that the title provided, because you only included the quote and link (which is super awesome!).

    Story Itself
    Oh my gosh, I love Nate so much. I just about died when he started singing Sound of Music. Aha, your writing style is very unique. I loved how you made everything feel like it was happening to me, in a way. It felt incredibly realistic which I loved.

    The dialogue between Nate and Lucy was awesome. It's like they just constantly tease each other, but in a loving way. It reminds me a lot of how my best friend and I talk to each other, aha.

    There was only one thing I found:
    he asks and gets this frustrated/embarrassed/innocent look on his face
    I liked the sentence, but the slashes between the words kind of put me off a little bit, I guess.

    Overall, lovely job and thanks for entering! (:
    October 12th, 2012 at 02:34am
  • arye.tyler

    arye.tyler (100)

    United States
    Loved it~! I'll admit that I have a soft-spot for cute little stories like this, but this one more than most others for one reason: I absolutely adore the relationship between Lucy and Nate. I think it was more realistic and true to actual relationships. Lucy wasn't overly shy; Nate wasn't Prince Charming. The little personality quirks that shone through made this story charming.
    October 7th, 2012 at 03:04pm