Pass the World - Comments

  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Title and Layout
    I really like the title, and the layout was simple but really easyto read so that was lovely.
    The song in the summary was gorgeous. I was listening to it while I read the story and it really helped set the mood, I guess you could say.
    Story Itself
    I think you picked a really interesting way to use the quote in your story. I was expecting something more cliche, but this wasn't at all and I loved that! I really liked the opening sentence too, it just captured the whole story and quote in one little sentence and that was awesome.

    I loved the story up until the very end, which was still good but something felt a bit off about it. I felt like you almost didn't know how to end it, which I have a problem with all the time. The last two paragraphs felt a bit awkward though.

    Overall, well done and thanks for entering! (:
    October 7th, 2012 at 08:46pm