Untitled - Comments

  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    I found the first chapter - the part in the long summary of the story - a little confusing. I felt like there wasn't enough information available on your characters (I couldn't even figure out which fandom it was or who the characters were).

    What I could figure out, though, was that it was a teacher/student relationship kind of fic, which can always be interesting. The thing that stuck out to me the most was that there wasn't really any way to differentiate between the student and the teacher. As a teacher, Kaye really lacked authority. Even though she was saying the words - asking the student about her grades and whatnot - she didn't have that teacher-like feel to her. She seemed too timid and unsure of her position.

    I also thought the set up was a bit questionable - a teacher deciding to tutor their student in home without any approval from her parents or the school's principal/dean. It seems really inappropriate - I mean, obviously their relationship will end up being really appropriate anyway, but I think the way they get their - to the relationship - should be a little more realistic.
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    Spelling, grammar, and formatting

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    Having a title

    Naming a story can be pretty hard but since it's really the first thing readers see of your story, it's important to make sure you have one. Even if it's just temporary - you can always change it later - it's good to have a real title on your story when you post it. It also helps readers find your story later, if they'd like to come back to it.

    Don't forget to add tags

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    October 5th, 2012 at 02:36am