Drifter - Comments

  • Ririe

    Ririe (100)

    United States
    Though this is not my typical read, i can say i enjoyed it. To be honest the end surprised me. I thought that the character would end up finding a significant other just like he/she. It would have liked to see more about the experiences when soul swapping however. Otherwise, it was a good read. thanks.
    February 12th, 2015 at 12:47pm
  • Laobows!

    Laobows! (100)

    United States
    Comment Swap user!
    I'm not gonna lie and saw I fully understood this tory because to be honest I didn't. That doesn't mean that you didn't write it well, because you defiantly did! I'm just not really interested in this sort of content and i've never really enjoyed stories like these. But I would like to say that your writing style is superb and you did an awesome job writing the story! Keep up the great work on the rest of your stories and maybe i'll be interested in this topic one day. But I will recommend your story for others to read :)
    February 11th, 2013 at 08:05pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Dear author, I have to say that was different and not what I was expecting but thank to comment swap which brought me here, I enjoyed this piece of literature. Brownie points for the simple but interesting title of the story (which made me think the story would be about drift race but whatever) and the summary which was deep. I liked the plot and if you turned it to a full length story, it would be a masterpiece plus you have great writing skills and there were no writing mistakes. Good job. ~Marian.
    January 19th, 2013 at 02:50pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Dear author, I have to say that was different and not what I was expecting but thank to comment swap which brought me here, I enjoyed this piece of literature. Brownie points for the simple but interesting title of the story (which made me think the story would be about drift race but whatever) and the summary which was deep. I liked the plot and if you turned it to a full length story, it would be a masterpiece plus you have great writing skills and there were no writing mistakes. Good job. ~Marian.
    January 19th, 2013 at 02:50pm
  • River Song

    River Song (100)

    United States
    This really reminded me of Scientology. How souls are sent down to this world and are inserted into the bodies of babies, stuff like that.

    I think this is the perfect oneshot. It has the perfect amount of mystery and plot, without over or underdoing it. Not to mention I didn't see any grammatical errors. So keep up the good work!
    December 16th, 2012 at 11:32pm
  • Bob de Ninja

    Bob de Ninja (100)

    United Kingdom
    I LOVE this one shot. It's just awesome- full stop. Although it's really short, the reader learns so much about the soul. I loved the part about her joining souls with a cat, simply because I love cats :) There were no spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes which I could see which is also a big bonus. However, you should make it longer or try to start a new story based off this as the concept is brilliant. Good work :)
    December 16th, 2012 at 10:45pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    You already know I love this story so much okay, there should be an anime based on this shit. Seriously. Forever love.
    I've been a soldier, I've been a high-school girl, I've been a business man, I've been a boy struggling to find himself. But I've never been me. Is there even a 'me?'
    I heart that line so much. I just love how different all those things are and how none of them fit the soul. I also loved the part about joining with a cat because hell yes cats, that sounds brilliant.
    The forgetting the purpose bit kind of reminds me of the death god's in Death Note, I don't know why xD

    Also the ending makes me feel like there should be more to this, like the girl the soul tried to join with should meet the soul in it's (his? hers?) new body, ya know?

    But anyway, this was awesome, your writing is seriously just getting better every time. you need to write more one-shots and drabbles, fo reals <3
    October 13th, 2012 at 09:09pm