Back to December. - Comments

  • I may ship Gabe and Ari more than I originally thought...
    GREAT chapter.
    And thanks :'D it's widely used on all of my social media.
    June 21st, 2015 at 02:12pm
  • Oh, and by the way, I'm currently watching one of my favorite movies, She's All That. XD
    Totally not relevant with this story but I just thought I'd share. XD :)
    June 21st, 2015 at 02:22am
  • Great job with the update! :D
    Aww... her heart still skipped with Alex I am ashiadosidfjrwgro over that. XD
    I'm kind of confused with how he's feeling, hmm... like one minute he's talking about the divorce with her and the next he's pissed at the PDA with her and Gabe.
    Which, BY THE WAY, OH MY GOD I CANNOT BELIEVE HE CALLED HER SLOPPY SECONDS. Good for Ari for standing up for herself! I can't believe he said that. OH MY GOD.
    How fucking rude.
    Like that was truly the shocking moment of the chapter.
    And yay, I'm glad Zebrine's there to perhaps... keep her updated with what's going on in the ATL bus. That is funny she's stuck with MaryBeth though, aha. I laughed.
    Can't wait for more! :)
    Oh, and aha, that's funny, I wasn't expecting you to say it was your favorite movie. XD Too ironic there. But that's awesome! :D
    June 21st, 2015 at 02:20am
  • Awesomeness, I love her a Gabe so much together but Alex arrrrr I'm so glad I'm not her I wouldn't be able to handle myself if two sexy guys were after me although I'd probably just attach myself to Mr Barakat XD great update as usual I can't wait to read more and see how everything progresses! Update soon please!
    June 20th, 2015 at 10:34am
  • Great job with the updates! Sorry for the delay in commenting I guess your quick updating is even a lot for me to keep up with. Aha.
    Awww.... so her and Gabe are officially together! This is cute. :) Although I am still forging for Alex, don't get me wrong. XD
    But yay, I knew he wouldn't mind her still being married. :)
    And oh my God, so MaryBeth proposed to Alex? That's definitely... different. In a way, good for her for changing cliche sex standards with marriage proposals. What I don't understand is if Alex truly loves Ari, is why he is still with MaryBeth. Again I understand the feeling bad initially, but if he truly didn't want to be with her, wouldn't he have called it off by now? But I guess now he'll seek comfort in that, now that Ari's moving on. Geeze.
    But I do enjoy the fact he threw a fit when MaryBeth tried to call the lawyers to make the divorce a thing. :) So I guess that means something, hugely. This is kind of reminding me of Sweet Home Alabama, although obviously somewhat different with the time gaps and plot. Did you draw inspiration from that maybe? Although it could be a coincidence.
    And I'm really glad to see how Gabe and Ari have opened up so much to each other already. That's a pretty big deal and a positive thing, I think. Just getting all of the baggage out of the way. :)
    Can't wait for more! :) Even though I'm enjoying the Gabe and Ari time I'm starting to feel bad for Alex now for some reason... meh. Is this normal? XD
    Oh, and as for long updates, I love them! Or any updates really. But I just love this story, so whatever you post is fine. :) I actually think the longer the better. :)
    June 19th, 2015 at 06:02pm
  • YAY my ship got together! I so happy for them they are too cute :3 I sorta feel bad for Alex but at the end of the day he was the dick who ruined everything. And don't worry about the chapters being too long the longer the better in my opinion, it just means I get more story! Next update please! :D
    June 18th, 2015 at 12:46pm
  • Gah! I just love this so much!
    I love Ari and Gabes relationship, but I will forever ship Ari and Alex.
    June 18th, 2015 at 08:13am
  • First of all, I am just laughing at the fact that MaryBeth thinks she is planning a wedding. Regardless of whether Alex actually proposed to her or not, him and Ari are still married! Does she not know? XD And if he actually did, why... like oh my gosh.
    Alex is so thirsty in this I love it. XDDD Like with the outfit he picked. LMAO. Someone clearly told him Ari was going to be there.
    This chapter has left me amused to say the least. And MaryBeth is like totally oblivious he only asked her to come along because Ari changed the bus living situation. XD
    I really don't know how Gabe's gonna react, I mean, he seems like a pretty laid back type of dude, I mean, Gaskarth hasn't scared him yet, while this next thing is pretty major I don't think it'll be too much for him. Especially since it seems he really likes Ari. :)
    Great job with the update, as always. :D Can't wait for more of this back and forth. lol. So amusing.
    June 18th, 2015 at 02:27am
  • Ahhhh *internal screams* the whole situation with Gabe makes me so happy I still love her and Alex together but god damn I ship those two!
    I get more excited to find out what happened the more I read on! I hope you give us another update soon!
    June 17th, 2015 at 01:00pm
  • Aha, some people... i.e. me. XD
    I'm embarrassed. XD
    But yay, great job with the update.
    Oooh la la... a motorcycle. XD Aha, definitely different. Does the real Gabe actually drive one? If so, interesting, because I didn't know that... although I do love the band's music, lol.
    And while I am still team Alex I am enjoying this flirting going on between her and Gabe, aha. I mean Alex kind of had this coming anyhow. :P So this is very cute at the moment because I'm glad Ari is finally happy and not moping. :)
    Can't wait for more! :D
    June 17th, 2015 at 05:24am
  • I love the new update, I actually really find the whole thing with gabe so cute :3 and I have a feeling Alex is gonna be proper jealous! I just can't wait for the next update! I want to know whats gonna happen so bad!
    June 16th, 2015 at 08:36pm
  • Okay, so quick inquiry because I'm having trouble remembering if this was mentioned...
    First of all, Alex and Ari got married right? Or did that never happen? I'm not sure if I'm confusing this with another story or not. XD I've been reading so many stories lately, lmao. So like plot lines are starting to blur a bit.
    I ask this because... are they still married? Or like did they divorce? I don't remember this ever being mentioned... maybe the marriage was annulled? I was gonna go look but I figured it would be quicker to just ask. I take it they either got divorced, since she's using her original last name, or I'm just imagining they married because it happened in another story I read. Again, I've been reading so much lately... like, it's a good thing but at the same time not seeing as I'm starting to mix up plot lines. Oh my.
    But yeah, I remember they were supposed to, but for some reason I can't remember when they actually did, if they did, get married. I feel like a horrible reader I'm sorry. XD Some clarification would be helpful. Because if they did I'm still kind of wondering how/when it was officially over? Because I don't remember that aspect... maybe it was just supposed to be assumed.
    But as for the update! lol. (I promise I do love this story it's just, yeah, my constant reading that's starting to make me confuse things XD) Great job with it! :D Aha OMG Gabe though... *smirky face emoji* XD
    Now I really can't wait for the next chapter, where it all goes down. Whoop.
    Oh well Alex should feel jealous I mean I understand why he felt bad but to just leave Ari... ugh. How sad. :(
    Can't wait for more! :D And thanks ahead of time for dealing with my confusion, I seriously... yeah. XD
    June 15th, 2015 at 10:23pm
  • Bahaha... aha. :D
    I am so excited for this. Funny how Alex can't let gooo... I admire Ari for trying. Poor girl.
    I really need that smirk-y face emoji though for this situation lmao but I'm on my laptop so...
    I am so excited like please update this soon. Like I can't wait to see what happens next. :P
    She should make Alex jealous by hanging out with the guys in Cobra Starship aha. :P
    I keep thinking of that part in the song Bang Bang where Nicki Minaj says about Ari but while that's for Ariana Grande, I picture it for the Ari in this story too because like the person below says... she is a boss ass bitch. XD
    Lol such an accurate comment kudos gaskankerella if you are reading this...
    But anyway, great job with the update! :D Again, really can't wait to see what happens next. :)
    June 13th, 2015 at 06:26am
  • She's got this!! Ari is a boss ass bitch.
    June 11th, 2015 at 08:56am
  • This last update most definitely brought tears. *slow clap*
    Even though I completely forgot about Mibba until I got an email saying this was updated. <3 <3
    May 31st, 2015 at 04:23pm
  • This last update most definitely brought tears. *slow clap*
    Even though I completely forgot about Mibba until I got an email saying this was updated. <3 <3
    May 31st, 2015 at 04:22pm
  • Omg I forgot about this story, I hope you update soon I can't wait to see what happens!!!
    May 30th, 2015 at 10:11pm
  • Yay, OMG, an update! :D
    This made me happy because usually if stories haven't been updated for a while they never continue but I'm so glad you're continuing this. :)
    Sad one, though. Poor Ari. Aw. :(
    Alexxxx... ugh, what to do with that boy. XD While I can understand why he feels bad for Mary Beth he could still be there without having to be in a relationship with her, no? Like he could just say he thinks they're better off as friends and she could... maybe be accepting of that? Is that expecting too much though? Probably. XD
    Ugh I'm sorry I just ship him and Ari too much. :P
    But great job with the update! So happy you're writing again and I really hope it continues. :)
    And aww aww I'm going to take it that I was the sweet commenter? :)) Aha, you're welcome. Hopefully I was the one you were referring to otherwise just ignore this last part. XD
    May 30th, 2015 at 02:30am
  • Hmm... look at that! I read yet another story. XD
    As I said before, you are an amazing writer. This story is no exception. I just can't get enough of it. :D
    Again, I will be here if you choose to continue. I can understand if you don't. But I would really love to see an ending to this. Will Ari and Alex end up together? :O I need to know!
    Just so you know I literally read most of this stuff within a day. Like that's how obsessed I am. Maybe the first installment of the one completed series took longer, but that's only because it was during the week when I was also dealing with college stuff. I've literally read everything within the past few days though, crazy! That's saying something because lately it has taken me a lot longer with stories. But not with yours. :)
    So yes, I will be here if you continue. :)
    May 10th, 2015 at 10:25am
  • Love this so far! cx but where did Liam go???
    January 22nd, 2014 at 06:19pm