Love's Spiral - Comments

  • Poor Stiles getting ignored. She should tell him. She'd probably feel much better.
    September 29th, 2015 at 07:05pm
  • It. Must. Be. Derek.!!!!!! -.-
    September 21st, 2015 at 05:37pm
  • Ooh, does Derek think he is losing his girl?!

    Can't wait to see what you write next! :)
    September 21st, 2015 at 02:57pm
  • Loved it!! I feel bad for Isaac why can't he be endgame I feel like they're a better match as much as I love Derek I'll always have a bigger soft spot for Isaac.
    September 17th, 2015 at 06:58am
  • Ugh werewolf drama! I hated in the show how Derek pushed away Issac to protect him and I like that you didn't exclude Spencer from his well-meaning but not very logical plans lol.
    September 14th, 2015 at 04:45am
  • Ugh werewolf drama! I hated in the show how Derek pushed away Issac to protect him and I like that you didn't exclude Spencer from his well-meaning but not very logical plans lol.
    September 14th, 2015 at 04:45am
  • Sometimes I think Spencer deserves someone better than Derek with how he is at times. However, I love them together. A part of me kind of wants her to be taken by the Alphas just so Derek saves her.
    September 4th, 2015 at 02:14am
  • As much as I hate it.... I love when Derek pushes her away. Because I love seeing how he gets her back. And eeekkk!!!! Things are about to get real!!!!!
    September 3rd, 2015 at 05:34am
  • First off, I want to say that I like reading two or more chapters at a time instead of just one, because it takes me time to get back in to the swing of the story so that's kinda why I don't comment every time you release a new chapter.

    Secondly, I'm gonna reply to what you said.
    I'm glad you like long comments ('cause that's all I ever seem to write Mr. Green ).

    Spencer has to be my favourite oc I have come across on mibba. I can tell you've put so much work into her, and yet she doesn't feel forced. Like, she grows along with the story, she acts like a normal person - she's not cartoonish, she feels real (if you get what I mean).

    Yay! I'm glad you ship them too, I kinda felt like I was the only one that did. And I agree absolutely, you should always feel butterflies around someone you truly like.

    I do like Malia, the only thing that I don't like about her is the fact the she and Stiles were just forced together... I feel like Spencer might be slightly jealous to begin with of Stalia and wary of her but then, she and Malia would gradually build a very strong friendship, and they'd have each other's back. That's how I see it anyway.

    Whatever you decide about Jennifer, I'm sure it will be good Wink

    Next, the latest chapters...

    I absolutely loved these last two! I'm so glad Spencer and Derek have finally bought that loft (I bloody love that loft, I wanna live there) and the scene with the seller was funny and cute.

    Speaking of funny and cute, the bit where Isaac was cockblocking Derek was hilarious. And the scene where he comforted Spencer sitting by the tree just filled me up with so much joy but then also pity, because Isaac can't have her...

    I'm also glad that Stiles, Scott and Spencer are on good terms, and the lacrosse practice scene was nice Smile

    Lastly, I kinda want to talk about the actual series.

    I am super disappointed in Scott for not letting Stiles even explain himself, and I'm kinda pissed at Stiles for not really pushing his side of the story more. And I just feel so bad for them.
    I feel bad for everyone though because the whole pack has just turned to shit, no one's really there for anyone.

    I don't know how many times I cried watching the finale though, it was sooo intense.

    Also, what do you think of Parrish? I absolutely adore him! Like, him, Isaac and Stiles are my babies <3

    Okay I'm going to shut up now because I'll end up writing a bloody book :'D
    August 28th, 2015 at 03:50pm
  • I feel like Isaac is there for Spencer more than Derek is at times. Poor Spencer though and her nightmares. That must really suck.
    August 24th, 2015 at 04:31pm
  • Drama wolf!!!! Hahaha. Gah!! I'm interested in seeing how the alphas interact with Spence.
    August 20th, 2015 at 01:07pm
  • Have I every told you how much I love the humor you put in the story? I know some is from the show, but the lines for/with Spencer are great.

    As for last nights episode, I was kind of disappointed. Especially with Scott/Stiles. Why didn't Scott listen to what he had to say? If they all could get along they wouldn't be having these problems!

    I also can't wait for Peter to return and more on Malia's mom. Of course I still want to know who the Dread Doctors are and what exactly they are doing.
    August 18th, 2015 at 07:44pm
  • I've just finished reading it all and I am already craving the next chapter !

    I think Spencer is an amazing strong-willed character, but I also like the fact that she shows her weakness too. I love how she's gradually bringing out the best in Derek. She's so good for him..

    Although I say that, I secretly ship Spencer and Isaac... I know you said that's not going to happen but I just find Isaac so adorable especially when he gets shy/nervous around her. I knda wish there would be more scenes like that kiss or the dance at the rave between them. I was kinda peeved at Derek for not getting angry about Isaac kissing her, but then again II looooove drama Mr. Green

    I also love Stiles, and I can't wait to see how Spencer is going to react to Stalia (personally I'm team Stydia all the way). Malia and Spencer have simialar traits, but I have a feeling they aren't going to get along very well...

    I also can't wait to see how you're going to fit Jennifer into the mix, especially her relationship with Derek.

    Sorry for the extremely long comment but I am so excited about the story I'm gushing. Really looking forward to the rest.
    August 10th, 2015 at 01:40am
  • Lol Peter! Even though he sucks as a person his personality is undeniably endearing because you just can't help but laugh. I'm excited for season three! :)
    August 4th, 2015 at 05:17pm
  • That went way more smooth than I thought. ~lol~ And Peter.... Lmao.
    August 4th, 2015 at 02:00pm
  • That went way more smooth than I thought. ~lol~ And Peter.... Lmao.
    August 4th, 2015 at 02:00pm
  • aawe ya know I kinda think that it sucks that we really didn't get to see werewolf jackson.. that he was just gone...

    Derek really took that Isaac kiss good! yay! haha.. though he's so.... he really doesn't think that he deserves to be happy.. Sad
    heh, them two be naughty and then comes creeper-wolf.. to wake up after that rollin' around in the sheets to see Peter staring at ya.. Shocked and then totally cockblocking them.. lmfao
    oh how I love to hate Peter..... Cute

    eek! the alpha pack!!
    August 4th, 2015 at 09:20am
  • Haha I love Peter and him being a cockblock.
    August 4th, 2015 at 06:00am
  • I started laughing when Derek asked what was wrong with Isaac. Hahahaha.
    July 31st, 2015 at 05:13pm
  • yeah, i miss both peter and derek.. sourwolf and crazywolf.. XD

    the fight scenes are good, i'd never in my life try and write them though.... Cute
    eek, that black shit is so nasty but it's funny at the same time.. haha..
    aawe gosh i love all of those sweet little private moments that spencer and derek have.. hah, and she's going to tell him about the kiss?? Mr. Green
    July 27th, 2015 at 08:12pm